Module deno_libffi::middle[][src]

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Middle layer providing a somewhat safer (but still quite unsafe) API.

The main idea of the middle layer is to wrap types ffi_cif and ffi_closure as Cif and Closure, respectively, so that their resources are managed properly. However, calling a function via a CIF or closure is still unsafe because argument types aren’t checked. See the high layer for closures with type-checked arguments.


pub use crate::low::Callback;
pub use crate::low::CallbackMut;
pub use crate::low::CodePtr;


Contains an untyped pointer to a function argument.

Provides a builder-style API for constructing CIFs and closures.

Describes the calling convention and types for calling a function.

Represents a closure callable from C.

A closure that owns needs-drop data.

Represents a single C type.



Coerces an argument reference into the Arg type.

Type Definitions

The type of callback invoked by a ClosureOnce.