Crate decon_spf[][src]

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The Spf Module is responsible for providing information about spf records that have been parsed. It provides the ability to access information about Spf mechanisms.


The ability to check what version of the Spf record was specified as:

  • v=spf1 or spf2.0/ using is_v1() or is_v2()

Check if the spf record is a redirect

  • is_redirect()

For any given mechanism we can check its Qualifier status

  • is_pass(), is_fail(), is_softfail(), is_neutral()

For IP4/6 we can access it as a IpNetwork as well as access its String representation.

See spf::mechanism::Mechanism.



This module allows you to deconstruct an exiting SPF DNS Record into its constituent parts.
It is not intended to validate the spf record.