Crate deadpool_redis

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Deadpool for Redis Latest Version Unsafe forbidden Rust 1.59+

Deadpool is a dead simple async pool for connections and objects of any type.

This crate implements a deadpool manager for redis.


FeatureDescriptionExtra dependenciesDefault
rt_tokio_1Enable support for tokio cratedeadpool/rt_tokio_1, redis/tokio-compyes
rt_async-std_1Enable support for async-std cratedeadpool/rt_async-std_1, redis/async-std-compno
serdeEnable support for serde cratedeadpool/serde, serde/deriveno


use deadpool_redis::{redis::{cmd, FromRedisValue}, Config, Runtime};

async fn main() {
    let mut cfg = Config::from_url("redis://");
    let pool = cfg.create_pool(Some(Runtime::Tokio1)).unwrap();
        let mut conn = pool.get().await.unwrap();
            .arg(&["deadpool/test_key", "42"])
            .query_async::<_, ()>(&mut conn)
        let mut conn = pool.get().await.unwrap();
        let value: String = cmd("GET")
            .query_async(&mut conn)
        assert_eq!(value, "42".to_string());

Example with config and dotenv crate

use deadpool_redis::{redis::{cmd, FromRedisValue}, Runtime};
use dotenv::dotenv;

#[derive(Debug, serde::Deserialize)]
struct Config {
    redis: deadpool_redis::Config

impl Config {
      pub fn from_env() -> Result<Self, config::ConfigError> {

async fn main() {
    let cfg = Config::from_env().unwrap();
    let pool = cfg.redis.create_pool(Some(Runtime::Tokio1)).unwrap();
        let mut conn = pool.get().await.unwrap();
            .arg(&["deadpool/test_key", "42"])
            .query_async::<_, ()>(&mut conn)
        let mut conn = pool.get().await.unwrap();
        let value: String = cmd("GET")
            .query_async(&mut conn)
        assert_eq!(value, "42".to_string());


  • How can I enable features of the redis crate?

    Make sure that you depend on the same version of redis as deadpool-redis does and enable the needed features in your own Crate.toml file:

    deadpool-redis = { version = "0.9", features = ["serde"] }
    redis = { version = "0.21", default-features = false, features = ["tls"] }


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at your option.


pub use redis;


This macro creates all the type aliases usually reexported by deadpool-* crates. Crates that implement a deadpool manager should be considered stand alone crates and users of it should not need to use deadpool directly.


Configuration object.
This is a 1:1 copy of the redis::ConnectionInfo struct. This is duplicated here in order to add support for the serde::Deserialize trait which is required for the serde support.
Manager for creating and recycling redis connections.
Statistics regarding an object returned by the pool
Pool configuration.
This is a 1:1 copy of the redis::RedisConnectionInfo struct. This is duplicated here in order to add support for the serde::Deserialize trait which is required for the serde support.
The current pool status.
Timeouts when getting Objects from a Pool.


This error is returned if the configuration contains an error
This is a 1:1 copy of the redis::ConnectionAddr enumeration. This is duplicated here in order to add support for the serde::Deserialize trait which is required for the serde support.
Enumeration for picking a runtime implementation.

Type Definitions