initSidebarItems({"enum":[["ArrayError",""],["BusType",""],["ConnectionItem","When listening for incoming events on the D-Bus, this enum will tell you what type of incoming event has happened."],["MessageItem","MessageItem - used as parameters and return values from method calls, or as data added to a signal."],["MessageType",""],["NameFlag",""],["ReleaseNameReply",""],["RequestNameReply",""]],"mod":[["obj","Contains functionality for the \"server\" of a D-Bus object. A remote application can introspect this object and call methods on it."]],"struct":[["Connection","A D-Bus connection. Start here if you want to get on the D-Bus!"],["ConnectionItems","ConnectionItem iterator"],["Error","D-Bus Error wrapper"],["Message","A D-Bus message. A message contains some headers (e g sender and destination address) and a list of MessageItems."],["OwnedFd","An RAII wrapper around Fd to ensure that file descriptor is closed when the scope ends."],["PropHandler","Wrapper around Props that keeps a map of fetched properties."],["Props","Client side properties - get and set properties on a remote application."]],"type":[["TypeSig","A TypeSig describes the type of a MessageItem."]]});