dargo 0.0.3

Some useful third-party tools for Cargo
dargo-0.0.3 is not a library.


release dependency status LOC

Some useful third-party tools based Cargo.


Latest released: cargo install -f dargo

Latest branched: cargo install -f dargo --git https://github.com/DCjanus/dargo.git


dargo upgrade

Upgrade version requirements in Cargo.toml to latest, more usage: dargo upgrade -h.

Version requirements like 1.2.3, 0.1.2, always updated to the latest version. Version requirements like ^1.2.3, ~2.0.1, =0.3.0, 1.2, 1.*, updated when latest version does not meet current constraints.

PS: Which means, >, >=, * will never be updated.

dargo add

Add dependencies to your Cargo.toml, more usage: dargo add -h.

Without version specified like dargo add failure libc, add latest version dependencies to Cargo.toml.

With version requirement like dargo add futures-preview@>=0.3.0-alpha.12 libc@^1.0.1, add dependencies with specified version requirement.

dargo rm

Remove dependencies from your Cargo.toml, more usage: dargo rm -h.


  • dargo upgrade and dargo add would not update local registry index, unless run with flag --update.


There are some useful CLI tools for Rust developers, for example, cargo-edit, cargo-outdated.

They are fabulous, but for some reason, some designs are not suitable for my needs, for example: for compile speed, cargo-edit doesn't rely on cargo, and query latest version of crate via HTTP API, which is so slow in China. So I have to write dargo for myself and query latest version from local registry index.


dargo outdated

Check dependencies in Cargo.lock