Module dactyl::traits[][src]

Dactyl: Saturated Unsigned Integer Conversion

The SaturatingFrom trait allows large primitives to be downcast into smaller types with values capped at the smaller type’s ::MAX value, avoiding any possible overflow or wrapping issues. It’s a clamp, basically, except all uints share the same bottom.

It is implemented for u8, u16, u32, and u64 for all types larger than said type, up to u128.

The usize type, being variable, works a little differently. It implements SaturatingFrom on u32, u64, and u128 regardless of the machine’s bit size, but its ceiling will vary based on the machine’s bit size (it could be as low as u16::MAX or as high as u64::MAX).


pub use dactyl::traits::SaturatingFrom;

assert_eq!(u8::saturating_from(1026_u16), 255_u8);
assert_eq!(u8::saturating_from(99_u16), 99_u8);



Saturating From.