d3-components 0.1.0

A framework for server development -- the component layer

Rust Component Layer for D3 -- A Framework for Server Development

Build Status Test Status License Cargo Documentation Rust 1.47+

The components layer provides an organization hierarchy for machines. It is based upon a Component/Coordinator/Connector model, and while not the only possible model, it is one I like. This layer is where the network is exposed. It is an adapter wrapping Mio.


Add this to your Cargo.toml:

d3-derive = "0.1.0"
d3-core = "0.1.0"
d3-components = "0.1.0"

Example Listening on an address:port

extern crate d3_derive;

use d3_core::machine_impl::*;
use d3_core::executor;
use d3_components::network;

// A trivial Alice
pub struct Alice {}

// Implement the Machine trait for Alice
impl Machine<network::NetCmd> for Alice {
     fn receive(&self, cmd: StateTable) {

// Start the scheduler and executor and network

// create the Machine from Alice, getting back a machine and Sender<StateTable>.
let (alice, sender) = executor::connect(Alice{});

// send a command to the network asking for Alice to 
// be notified if a connection is received for
let cmd = NetCmd::BindListener("".to_string, sender);
network::get_network_sender().send(cmd).expect("send failed");

// Stop the scheduler and executor and network