
IndexedMap works like a Map but has a secondary index

IndexedSnapshotMap works like a SnapshotMap but has a secondary index

Item stores one typed item at the given key. This is an analog of Singleton. It functions just as Path but doesn’t ue a Vec and thus has a const fn constructor.

MultiIndex stores (namespace, index_name, idx_value, pk) -> b“pk_len“. Allows many values per index, and references pk. The associated primary key value is stored in the main (pk_namespace) map, which stores (namespace, pk_namespace, pk) -> value.

Item that maintains a snapshot of one or more checkpoints. We can query historical data as well as current state. What data is snapshotted depends on the Strategy.

Map that maintains a snapshots of one or more checkpoints. We can query historical data as well as current state. What data is snapshotted depends on the Strategy.

UniqueIndex stores (namespace, index_name, idx_value) -> {key, value} Allows one value per index (i.e. unique) and copies pk and data The optional PK type defines the type of Primary Key deserialization.


Bound is used to define the two ends of a range. None means that we don’t limit that side of the range at all. Inclusive means we use the given value as a limit and include anything at that exact key. Exclusive means we use the given value as a limit and exclude anything at that exact key.

RawBound is used to define the two ends of a range, more explicit than Option<u8>. None means that we don’t limit that side of the range at all. Inclusive means we use the given bytes as a limit and include anything at that exact key. Exclusive means we use the given bytes as a limit and exclude anything at that exact key. See Bound for a type safe way to build these bounds.


Our int keys are simply the big-endian representation bytes for unsigned ints, but “sign-flipped” (xored msb) big-endian bytes for signed ints.

PrimaryKey needs to be implemented for types that want to be a Map (or Map-like) key, or part of a key.
