Module curve25519_dalek::ristretto [] [src]

An implementation of Ristretto, which provides a prime-order group.

Ristretto is a modification of Mike Hamburg's Decaf cofactor-eliminating point-compression scheme to work on top of the Curve25519 group.

Below are some notes on Ristretto, which are NOT a full writeup and which may have errors.

Notes on Ristretto


The introduction of the Decaf paper, Decaf: Eliminating cofactors through point compression notes that while most cryptographic systems require a group of prime order, most concrete implementations using elliptic curve groups fall short -- they either provide a group of prime order, but with incomplete or variable-time addition formulae (for instance, most Weierstrass models), or else they provide a fast and safe implementation of a group whose order is not quite a prime \(q\), but \(hq\) for a small cofactor \(h\) (for instance, Edwards curves, which have cofactor at least \(4\)).

This abstraction mismatch requires ad-hoc protocol modifications to ensure security; these modifications require careful analysis and are a recurring source of vulnerabilities.

The Decaf suggestion is to use a quotient group, such as \(\mathcal E / \mathcal E[4]\) or \(2 \mathcal E / \mathcal E[2] \), to implement a prime-order group.

This requires only changing

  1. the function for equality checking (so that two representatives of the same coset are considered equal);
  2. the function for encoding (so that two representatives of the same coset are encoded as identical bitstrings);
  3. the function for decoding (so that only the canonical encoding of a coset is accepted).

Internally, each coset is represented by a curve point; two points may represent the same coset in the same way that two points with different \(X,Y,Z\) coordinates may represent the same point. The group operations are carried out using the fast, safe Edwards formulas.

The Decaf paper suggests implementing the compression and decompression routines using an isogeny from a Jacobi quartic; for curves of cofactor \(4\), this eliminates the cofactor, and explains the name: Decaf is named "after the procedure which divides the effect of coffee by \(4\)". However, Curve25519 has a cofactor of \(8\). To eliminate its cofactor, we tweak Decaf to restrict further. This gives the Ristretto encoding.

The Jacobi Quartic

The Jacobi quartic is parameterized by \(e, A\), and is of the form $$ \mathcal J_{e,A} : t^2 = es^4 + 2As^2 + 1, $$ with identity point \((0,1)\). For more details on the Jacobi quartic, see the Decaf paper or Jacobi Quartic Curves Revisited by Hisil, Wong, Carter, and Dawson).

When \(e = a^2\), \(\mathcal J_{e,A}\) has full \(2\)-torsion (i.e., \(\mathcal J[2] \cong \mathbb Z /2 \times \mathbb Z/2\)), and we can write the \(\mathcal J[2]\)-coset of a point \(P = (s,t)\) as $$ P + \mathcal J[2] = \left\{ (s,t), (-s,-t), (1/as, -t/as^2), (-1/as, t/as^2) \right\}. $$ Notice that replacing \(a\) by \(-a\) just swaps the last two points, so this set does not depend on the choice of \(a\). In what follows we require \(a = \pm 1\).

Encoding \(\mathcal J / \mathcal J[2]\)

To encode points on \(\mathcal J\) modulo \(\mathcal J[2]\), we need to choose a canonical representative of the above coset. To do this, it's sufficient to make two independent sign choices: the Decaf paper suggests choosing \((s,t)\) with \(s\) non-negative and finite, and \(t/s\) non-negative or infinite.

The encoding is then the (canonical byte encoding of the) \(s\)-value of the canonical representative.

The Edwards Curve

Our primary internal model for Curve25519 points are the Extended Twisted Edwards Coordinates of Hisil, Wong, Carter, and Dawson. These correspond to the affine model

$$\mathcal E_{a,d} : ax^2 + y^2 = 1 + dx^2y^2.$$

In projective coordinates, we represent a point as \((X:Y:Z:T)\) with $$XY = ZT, \quad aX^2 + Y^2 = Z^2 + dT^2.$$ (For more details on this model, see the documentation for the edwards module). The case \(a = 1\) is the untwisted case; we only consider \(a = \pm 1\), and in particular we focus on the twisted Edwards form of Curve25519, which has \(a = -1, d = -121665/121666\). When not otherwise specified, we write \(\mathcal E\) for \(\mathcal E_{-1, -121665/121666}\).

When both \(d\) and \(ad\) are nonsquare (which forces \(a\) to be square), the curve is complete. In this case the four-torsion subgroup is cyclic, and we can write it explicitly as $$ \mathcal E_{a,d}[4] = \{ (0,1),\; (1/\sqrt a, 0),\; (0, -1),\; (-1/\sqrt{a}, 0)\}. $$ These are the only points with \(xy = 0\); the points with \( y \neq 0 \) are \(2\)-torsion. The \(\mathcal E_{a,d}[4]\)-coset of \(P = (x,y)\) is then $$ P + \mathcal E_{a,d}[4] = \{ (x,y),\; (y/\sqrt a, -x\sqrt a),\; (-x, -y),\; (-y/\sqrt a, x\sqrt a)\}. $$ Notice that if \(xy \neq 0 \), then exactly two of these points have \( xy \) non-negative, and they differ by the \(2\)-torsion point \( (0,-1) \). This means that we can select a representative modulo \(\mathcal E_{a,d}[2] \) by requiring \(xy\) nonnegative and \(y \neq 0\), and we can ensure this condition by conditionally adding a \(4\)-torsion point if \(xy\) is negative or \(y = 0\).

This procedure gives a canonical lift from \(\mathcal E / \mathcal E[4]\) to \(\mathcal E / \mathcal E[2]\). Since it involves a conditional rotation, we refer to it as torquing the point.

The structure of the Curve25519 group is \( \mathcal E(\mathbb F_p) \cong \mathbb Z / 8 \times \mathbb Z / \ell\), where \( \ell = 2^{252} + \cdots \) is a large prime. Because \(\mathcal E[8] \cong \mathbb Z / 8\), we have \([2](\mathcal E[8]) = \mathcal E[4]\), \(\mathcal E[4] \cong \mathbb Z / 4 \) and \( \mathcal E[2] \cong \mathbb Z / 2\). In particular this tells us that the group $$ \frac{[2](\mathcal E)}{\mathcal E[4]} $$ is well-defined and has prime order \( (8\ell / 2) / 4 = \ell \). This is the group we will construct using Ristretto.

The Isogeny

For \(a = \pm 1\), we have a \(2\)-isogeny $$ \theta_{a,d} : \mathcal J_{a^2, -a(a+d)/(a-d)} \longrightarrow \mathcal E_{a,d} $$ (or simply \(\theta\)) defined by $$ \theta_{a,d} : (s,t) \mapsto \left( \frac{1}{\sqrt{ad-1}} \cdot \frac{2s}{t},\quad \frac{1+as^2}{1-as^2} \right). $$

XXX Its dual is ... ?

The kernel of the isogeny is \( {(0, \pm 1)} \). The image of the isogeny is \([2](\mathcal E)\). To see this, first note that because \( \theta \circ \hat{\theta} = [2] \), we know that \( [2](\mathcal E) \subseteq \theta(\mathcal J)\); then, to see that \(\theta(\mathcal J)\) is exactly \([2](\mathcal E)\), recall that isogenous elliptic curves over a finite field have the same number of points (exercise 5.4 of Silverman), so that $$ \# \theta(\mathcal J) = \frac {\# \mathcal J} {\# \ker \theta} = \frac {\# \mathcal E}{2} = \# [2](\mathcal E). $$

To determine the image \(\theta(\mathcal J[2])\) of the \(2\)-torsion, we consider the image of the coset \(\theta((s,t) + \mathcal J[2])\). Let \((x,y) = \theta(s,t)\); then \(\theta(-s,-t) = (x,y)\) and \(\theta(1/as, -t/as^2) = (-x, -y)\), so that \(\theta(\mathcal J[2]) = \mathcal E[2]\).

The Decaf paper recalls that, for a group \( G \) with normal subgroup \(G' \leq G\), a group homomorphism \( \phi : G \rightarrow H \) induces a homomorphism $$ \bar{\phi} : \frac G {G'} \longrightarrow \frac {\phi(G)}{\phi(G')} \leq \frac {H} {\phi(G')}, $$ and that the induced homomorphism \(\bar{\phi}\) is injective if \( \ker \phi \leq G' \). In our context, the kernel of \(\theta\) is \( \{(0, \pm 1)\} \leq \mathcal J[2] \), so \(\theta\) gives an isomorphism $$ \frac {\mathcal J} {\mathcal J[2]} \cong \frac {\theta(\mathcal J)} {\theta(\mathcal J[2])} \cong \frac {[2](\mathcal E)} {\mathcal E[2]}. $$

We can use the isomorphism to transfer the encoding of \(\mathcal J / \mathcal J[2] \) defined above to \([2](\mathcal E)/\mathcal E[2]\), by encoding the Edwards point \((x,y)\) using the Jacobi quartic encoding of \(\theta^{-1}(x,y)\).

Since \(\# ([2](\mathcal E) / \mathcal E[2]) = (\#\mathcal E)/4\), if \(\mathcal E\) has cofactor \(4\), we're done. Otherwise, if \(\mathcal E\) has cofactor \(8\), as in the Curve25519 case, we use the torquing procedure to lift \(\mathcal E / \mathcal E[4]\) to \(\mathcal E / \mathcal E[2]\), and then apply the encoding for \( [2](\mathcal E) / \mathcal E[2] \).

The Ristretto Encoding

We can write the above encoding/decoding procedure concretely (in affine coordinates) as follows:


On input \( (x,y) \in [2](\mathcal E)\), a representative for a coset in \( [2](\mathcal E) / \mathcal E[4] \):

  1. Check if \( xy \) is negative or \( x = 0 \); if so, torque the point by setting \( (x,y) \gets (x,y) + P_4 \), where \(P_4\) is a \(4\)-torsion point.

  2. Check if \(x\) is negative or \( y = -1 \); if so, set \( (x,y) \gets (x,y) + (0,-1) = (-x, -y) \).

  3. Compute $$ s = +\sqrt {(-a) \frac {1 - y} {1 + y} }, $$ choosing the positive square root.

The output is then the (canonical) byte-encoding of \(s\).

If \(\mathcal E\) has cofactor \(4\), we skip the first step, since our input already represents a coset in \( [2](\mathcal E) / \mathcal E[2] \).

To see that this corresponds to the encoding procedure above, notice that the first step lifts from \( \mathcal E / \mathcal E[4] \) to \(\mathcal E / \mathcal E[2]\). To understand steps 2 and 3, notice that the \(y\)-coordinate of \(\theta(s,t)\) is $$ y = \frac {1 + as^2}{1 - as^2}, $$ so that the \(s\)-coordinate of \(\theta^{-1}(x,y)\) has $$ s^2 = (-a)\frac {1-y}{1+y}. $$ Since $$ x = \frac 1 {\sqrt {ad - 1}} \frac {2s} {t}, $$ we also have $$ \frac s t = x \frac {\sqrt {ad-1}} 2, $$ so that the sign of \(s/t\) is determined by the sign of \(x\).

Recall that to choose a canonical representative of \( (s,t) + \mathcal J[2] \), it's sufficient to make two sign choices: the sign of \(s\) and the sign of \(s/t\). Step 2 determines the sign of \(s/t\), while step 3 computes \(s\) and determines its sign (by choosing the positive square root). Finally, the check that \(y \neq -1\) prevents division-by-zero when encoding the identity; it falls out of the optimized formulas below.


On input s_bytes, decoding proceeds as follows:

  1. Decode s_bytes to \(s\); reject if s_bytes is not the canonical encoding of \(s\).

  2. Check whether \(s\) is negative; if so, reject.

  3. Compute $$ y \gets \frac {1 + as^2}{1 - as^2}. $$

  4. Compute $$ x \gets +\sqrt{ \frac{4s^2} {ad(1+as^2)^2 - (1-as^2)^2}}, $$ choosing the positive square root, or reject if the square root does not exist.

  5. Check whether \(xy\) is negative or \(y = 0\); if so, reject.

Encoding in Extended Coordinates

The formulas above are given in affine coordinates, but the usual internal representation is extended twisted Edwards coordinates \( (X:Y:Z:T) \) with \( x = X/Z \), \(y = Y/Z\), \(xy = T/Z \). Selecting the distinguished representative of the coset requires the affine coordinates \( (x,y) \), and computing \( s \) requires an inverse square root. As inversions are expensive, we'd like to be able to do this whole computation with only one inverse square root, by batching together the inversion and the inverse square root.

However, it is not obvious how to do this, since the inverse square root computation depends on the affine coordinates (which select the distinguished representative).

In what follows we consider only the case \(a = -1\); a similar argument applies to the case \( a = 1\).

Since \(y = Y/Z\), in extended coordinates the formula for \(s\) becomes $$ s = \sqrt{ \frac{ 1 - Y/Z}{1+Y/Z}} = \sqrt{\frac{Z - Y}{Z+Y}} = \frac {Z - Y} {\sqrt{Z^2 - Y^2}}. $$

Here \( (X:Y:Z:T) \) are the coordinates of the distinguished representative of the coset.
Write \( (X_0 : Y_0 : Z_0 : T_0) \) for the coordinates of the initial representative. Then the torquing procedure in step 1 replaces \( (X_0 : Y_0 : Z_0 : T_0) \) by \( (iY_0 : iX_0 : Z_0 : -T_0) \). This means we want to obtain either $$ \frac {1} { \sqrt{Z_0^2 - Y_0^2}} \quad \text{or} \quad \frac {1} { \sqrt{Z_0^2 + X_0^2}}. $$

We can relate these using the identity $$ (a-d)X^2Y^2 = (Z^2 - aX^2)(Z^2 - Y^2), $$ which is valid for all curve points. To see this, recall from the curve equation that $$ -dX^2Y^2 = Z^4 - aZ^2X^2 - Z^2Y^2, $$ so that $$ (a-d)X^2Y^2 = Z^4 - aZ^2X^2 - Z^2Y^2 + aX^2Y^2 = (Z^2 - Y^2)(Z^2 + X^2). $$

The encoding procedure is as follows:

  1. \(u_1 \gets (Z_0 + Y_0)(Z_0 - Y_0) = Z_0^2 - Y_0^2 \)
  2. \(u_2 \gets X_0 Y_0 \)
  3. \(I \gets \mathrm{invsqrt}(u_1 u_2^2) = 1/\sqrt{X_0^2 Y_0^2 (Z_0^2 - Y_0^2)} \)
  4. \(D_1 \gets u_1 I = \sqrt{(Z_0^2 - Y_0^2)/(X_0^2 Y_0^2)} \)
  5. \(D_2 \gets u_2 I = \pm \sqrt{1/(Z_0^2 - Y_0^2)} \)
  6. \(Z_{inv} \gets D_1 D_2 T_0 = (u_1 u_2)/(u_1 u_2^2) T_0 = T_0 / X_0 Y_0 = 1/Z_0 \)
  7. If \( T_0 Z_{inv} = x_0 y_0 \) is negative:
    1. \( X \gets iY_0 \)
    2. \( Y \gets iX_0 \)
    3. \( D \gets D_1 / \sqrt{a-d} = 1/\sqrt{Z_0^2 + X_0^2} \)
  8. Otherwise:
    1. \( X \gets X_0 \)
    2. \( Y \gets Y_0 \)
    3. \( D \gets D_2 = \pm \sqrt{1/(Z_0^2 - Y_0^2)} \)
  9. If \( X Z_{inv} = x \) is negative, set \( Y \gets - Y\)
  10. Compute \( s \gets (Z - Y) D = (Z - Y) / \sqrt{Z^2 - Y^2} \) and return.

Decoding to Extended Coordinates

Equality Testing


The Double-Ristretto Encoding

It's possible to do batch encoding of \( [2]P \) using the dual isogeny \(\hat{\theta}\). Defer this for now.




Variable-time operations on ristretto points, useful for non-secret data.



A point serialized using Mike Hamburg's Ristretto scheme.




A RistrettoPoint represents a point in the Ristretto group for Curve25519. Ristretto, a variant of Decaf, constructs a prime-order group as a quotient group of a subgroup of (the Edwards form of) Curve25519.



Given a vector of (possibly secret) scalars and a vector of (possibly secret) points, compute c_1 P_1 + ... + c_n P_n.