initSidebarItems({"struct":[["BoxView","Wrapper around another view, with a controlled size."],["Button","Simple text label with a callback when is pressed."],["Checkbox","Checkable box."],["Dialog","Popup-like view with a main content, and optional buttons under it."],["EditView","Input box where the user can enter and edit text."],["FullView","Simple wrapper view that asks for all the space it can get."],["IdView","Wrapper view that allows to select its content with a fixed string id."],["KeyEventView","A simple wrapper view that catches some ignored event from its child."],["LinearLayout","Arranges its children linearly according to its orientation."],["ListView","Displays a scrollable list of elements."],["Panel","Draws a border around a wrapped view."],["Printer","Convenient interface to draw on a subset of the screen."],["ProgressBar","Animated bar showing a progress value."],["SelectView","View to select an item among a list."],["TextArea","Multi-lines text editor."],["TextView","A simple view showing a fixed text"]],"trait":[["Boxable","Makes a view wrappable in a [`BoxView`]."],["Identifiable","Makes a view wrappable in an [`IdView`]."],["With","Generic trait to enable chainable API"]]});