initSidebarItems({"macro":[["wrap_impl!","Convenient macro to implement the ViewWrapper trait."]],"mod":[["align","Tools to control view alignment"],["direction","Direction-related structures."],["event","User-input events and their effects."],["menu","Build menu trees."],["prelude","Commonly used imports, conveniently grouped."],["theme","Handle colors and themes in the UI."],["utils","Toolbox to make text layout easier."],["vec","Points on the 2D character grid."],["view","Base elements required to build views."],["views","Various views to use when creating the layout."]],"struct":[["Cursive","Central part of the cursive library."],["Printer","Convenient interface to draw on a subset of the screen."],["XY","A generic structure with a value for each axis."]],"trait":[["With","Generic trait to enable chainable API"]],"type":[["ScreenId","Identifies a screen in the cursive ROOT."]]});