initSidebarItems({"fn":[["ruby_command","Build a command to execute the Ruby Cucumber Server"],["start","Starts a Cucumber server and the Ruby client"],["start_with_addr","Start a Cucumber server, with an ip and port, see the [`start() method`][start]. [start]: fn.start.html"]],"macro":[["Given!","Add a Given step to a CucumberRegistrar"],["Then!","Add a Then step to a CucumberRegistrar"],["When!","Add a When step to a CucumberRegistrar"],["try_destructure!","Destructure a vector of InvokeArgument into a tuple of values, or a bad InvokeResponse, similar to normal try!"]],"mod":[["cucumber_regex","Helpers for regular expressions"],["definitions","Business logic for step registration and invoke argument destructuring"],["event","External facing interface for events"],["runner","Coordinator logic between server and state"],["server","External facing interface to other Gherkin implementations"],["state","Low level location of step functions and matcher logic"]]});