crystal-engine 0.2.0

A simple 3D engine

This is a prototype game engine, focussed on abstracting away all rendering logic and focussing purely on the game logic.


use cgmath::{Matrix4, Point3, Rad, Vector3};
use crystal_engine::{GameState, ModelHandle, Window, VirtualKeyCode};

fn main() {
    // Create a new instance of your game and run it
    let window = Window::<Game>::new(800., 600.);;

pub struct Game {
    // Your game state is stored here
    model: ModelHandle,

impl crystal_engine::Game for Game {
    fn init(state: &mut GameState) -> Self {
        // Load an object. This will automatically be rendered every frame
        // as long as the returned ModelHandle is not dropped.
        let model = state.create_model_from_obj("assets/some_object.obj");

        // You can move the model around by calling `.modify`
        model.modify(|data| {
            data.position.y = -3.0;
            data.scale = 0.3;

        // Update the camera by manipulating the state's field = Matrix4::look_at(
            Point3::new(0.3, 0.3, 1.0),
            Point3::new(0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
            Vector3::new(0.0, -1.0, 0.0),

        Self { model }

    fn keydown(&mut self, state: &mut GameState, key: VirtualKeyCode) {
        // Exit the game when the user hits escape
        if key == VirtualKeyCode::Escape {

    fn update(&mut self, state: &mut GameState) {
        self.model.modify(|data| {
            // Rotate either left or right, based on what the user has pressed
            if state.keyboard.is_pressed(VirtualKeyCode::A) {
                data.rotation.y -= Rad(0.05);
            if state.keyboard.is_pressed(VirtualKeyCode::D) {
                data.rotation.y += Rad(0.05);


Currently the following features are available:

  • format-obj: Allows loading .obj files, enabled by default.
  • format-fbx: Allows loading .fbx binary files, enabled by default.


Feel free to approach me with any feedback you might have. You can open an issue on this repo, message me on twitter @victorkoenders or on discord @Trangar#5901