crossbeam-utils 0.6.5

Utilities for concurrent programming
use core::cell::UnsafeCell;
use core::fmt;
use core::mem;
use core::ptr;
use core::slice;
use core::sync::atomic::{self, AtomicBool, AtomicUsize, Ordering};

use Backoff;

/// A thread-safe mutable memory location.
/// This type is equivalent to [`Cell`], except it can also be shared among multiple threads.
/// Operations on `AtomicCell`s use atomic instructions whenever possible, and synchronize using
/// global locks otherwise. You can call [`AtomicCell::<T>::is_lock_free()`] to check whether
/// atomic instructions or locks will be used.
/// [`Cell`]:
/// [`AtomicCell::<T>::is_lock_free()`]: struct.AtomicCell.html#method.is_lock_free
pub struct AtomicCell<T> {
    /// The inner value.
    /// If this value can be transmuted into a primitive atomic type, it will be treated as such.
    /// Otherwise, all potentially concurrent operations on this data will be protected by a global
    /// lock.
    value: UnsafeCell<T>,

unsafe impl<T: Send> Send for AtomicCell<T> {}
unsafe impl<T: Send> Sync for AtomicCell<T> {}

impl<T> AtomicCell<T> {
    /// Creates a new atomic cell initialized with `val`.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```
    /// use crossbeam_utils::atomic::AtomicCell;
    /// let a = AtomicCell::new(7);
    /// ```
    pub fn new(val: T) -> AtomicCell<T> {
        AtomicCell {
            value: UnsafeCell::new(val),

    /// Returns a mutable reference to the inner value.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```
    /// use crossbeam_utils::atomic::AtomicCell;
    /// let mut a = AtomicCell::new(7);
    /// *a.get_mut() += 1;
    /// assert_eq!(a.load(), 8);
    /// ```
    pub fn get_mut(&mut self) -> &mut T {
        unsafe { &mut *self.value.get() }

    /// Unwraps the atomic cell and returns its inner value.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```
    /// use crossbeam_utils::atomic::AtomicCell;
    /// let mut a = AtomicCell::new(7);
    /// let v = a.into_inner();
    /// assert_eq!(v, 7);
    /// ```
    pub fn into_inner(self) -> T {

    /// Returns `true` if operations on values of this type are lock-free.
    /// If the compiler or the platform doesn't support the necessary atomic instructions,
    /// `AtomicCell<T>` will use global locks for every potentially concurrent atomic operation.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```
    /// use crossbeam_utils::atomic::AtomicCell;
    /// // This type is internally represented as `AtomicUsize` so we can just use atomic
    /// // operations provided by it.
    /// assert_eq!(AtomicCell::<usize>::is_lock_free(), true);
    /// // A wrapper struct around `isize`.
    /// struct Foo {
    ///     bar: isize,
    /// }
    /// // `AtomicCell<Foo>` will be internally represented as `AtomicIsize`.
    /// assert_eq!(AtomicCell::<Foo>::is_lock_free(), true);
    /// // Operations on zero-sized types are always lock-free.
    /// assert_eq!(AtomicCell::<()>::is_lock_free(), true);
    /// // Very large types cannot be represented as any of the standard atomic types, so atomic
    /// // operations on them will have to use global locks for synchronization.
    /// assert_eq!(AtomicCell::<[u8; 1000]>::is_lock_free(), false);
    /// ```
    pub fn is_lock_free() -> bool {

    /// Stores `val` into the atomic cell.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```
    /// use crossbeam_utils::atomic::AtomicCell;
    /// let a = AtomicCell::new(7);
    /// assert_eq!(a.load(), 7);
    /// assert_eq!(a.load(), 8);
    /// ```
    pub fn store(&self, val: T) {
        if mem::needs_drop::<T>() {
        } else {
            unsafe {
                atomic_store(self.value.get(), val);

    /// Stores `val` into the atomic cell and returns the previous value.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```
    /// use crossbeam_utils::atomic::AtomicCell;
    /// let a = AtomicCell::new(7);
    /// assert_eq!(a.load(), 7);
    /// assert_eq!(a.swap(8), 7);
    /// assert_eq!(a.load(), 8);
    /// ```
    pub fn swap(&self, val: T) -> T {
        unsafe { atomic_swap(self.value.get(), val) }

impl<T: Copy> AtomicCell<T> {
    /// Loads a value.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```
    /// use crossbeam_utils::atomic::AtomicCell;
    /// let a = AtomicCell::new(7);
    /// assert_eq!(a.load(), 7);
    /// ```
    pub fn load(&self) -> T {
        unsafe { atomic_load(self.value.get()) }

impl<T: Copy + Eq> AtomicCell<T> {
    /// If the current value equals `current`, stores `new` into the atomic cell.
    /// The return value is always the previous value. If it is equal to `current`, then the value
    /// was updated.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```
    /// use crossbeam_utils::atomic::AtomicCell;
    /// let a = AtomicCell::new(1);
    /// assert_eq!(a.compare_exchange(2, 3), Err(1));
    /// assert_eq!(a.load(), 1);
    /// assert_eq!(a.compare_exchange(1, 2), Ok(1));
    /// assert_eq!(a.load(), 2);
    /// ```
    pub fn compare_and_swap(&self, current: T, new: T) -> T {
        match self.compare_exchange(current, new) {
            Ok(v) => v,
            Err(v) => v,

    /// If the current value equals `current`, stores `new` into the atomic cell.
    /// The return value is a result indicating whether the new value was written and containing
    /// the previous value. On success this value is guaranteed to be equal to `current`.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```
    /// use crossbeam_utils::atomic::AtomicCell;
    /// let a = AtomicCell::new(1);
    /// assert_eq!(a.compare_exchange(2, 3), Err(1));
    /// assert_eq!(a.load(), 1);
    /// assert_eq!(a.compare_exchange(1, 2), Ok(1));
    /// assert_eq!(a.load(), 2);
    /// ```
    pub fn compare_exchange(&self, mut current: T, new: T) -> Result<T, T> {
        loop {
            match unsafe { atomic_compare_exchange_weak(self.value.get(), current, new) } {
                Ok(_) => return Ok(current),
                Err(previous) => {
                    if previous != current {
                        return Err(previous);

                    // The compare-exchange operation has failed and didn't store `new`. The
                    // failure is either spurious, or `previous` was semantically equal to
                    // `current` but not byte-equal. Let's retry with `previous` as the new
                    // `current`.
                    current = previous;

macro_rules! impl_arithmetic {
    ($t:ty, $example:tt) => {
        impl AtomicCell<$t> {
            /// Increments the current value by `val` and returns the previous value.
            /// The addition wraps on overflow.
            /// # Examples
            /// ```
            /// use crossbeam_utils::atomic::AtomicCell;
            #[doc = $example]
            /// assert_eq!(a.fetch_add(3), 7);
            /// assert_eq!(a.load(), 10);
            /// ```
            pub fn fetch_add(&self, val: $t) -> $t {
                if can_transmute::<$t, atomic::AtomicUsize>() {
                    let a = unsafe { &*(self.value.get() as *const atomic::AtomicUsize) };
                    a.fetch_add(val as usize, Ordering::SeqCst) as $t
                } else {
                    let _guard = lock(self.value.get() as usize).write();
                    let value = unsafe { &mut *(self.value.get()) };
                    let old = *value;
                    *value = value.wrapping_add(val);

            /// Decrements the current value by `val` and returns the previous value.
            /// The subtraction wraps on overflow.
            /// # Examples
            /// ```
            /// use crossbeam_utils::atomic::AtomicCell;
            #[doc = $example]
            /// assert_eq!(a.fetch_sub(3), 7);
            /// assert_eq!(a.load(), 4);
            /// ```
            pub fn fetch_sub(&self, val: $t) -> $t {
                if can_transmute::<$t, atomic::AtomicUsize>() {
                    let a = unsafe { &*(self.value.get() as *const atomic::AtomicUsize) };
                    a.fetch_sub(val as usize, Ordering::SeqCst) as $t
                } else {
                    let _guard = lock(self.value.get() as usize).write();
                    let value = unsafe { &mut *(self.value.get()) };
                    let old = *value;
                    *value = value.wrapping_sub(val);

            /// Applies bitwise "and" to the current value and returns the previous value.
            /// # Examples
            /// ```
            /// use crossbeam_utils::atomic::AtomicCell;
            #[doc = $example]
            /// assert_eq!(a.fetch_and(3), 7);
            /// assert_eq!(a.load(), 3);
            /// ```
            pub fn fetch_and(&self, val: $t) -> $t {
                if can_transmute::<$t, atomic::AtomicUsize>() {
                    let a = unsafe { &*(self.value.get() as *const atomic::AtomicUsize) };
                    a.fetch_and(val as usize, Ordering::SeqCst) as $t
                } else {
                    let _guard = lock(self.value.get() as usize).write();
                    let value = unsafe { &mut *(self.value.get()) };
                    let old = *value;
                    *value &= val;

            /// Applies bitwise "or" to the current value and returns the previous value.
            /// # Examples
            /// ```
            /// use crossbeam_utils::atomic::AtomicCell;
            #[doc = $example]
            /// assert_eq!(a.fetch_or(16), 7);
            /// assert_eq!(a.load(), 23);
            /// ```
            pub fn fetch_or(&self, val: $t) -> $t {
                if can_transmute::<$t, atomic::AtomicUsize>() {
                    let a = unsafe { &*(self.value.get() as *const atomic::AtomicUsize) };
                    a.fetch_or(val as usize, Ordering::SeqCst) as $t
                } else {
                    let _guard = lock(self.value.get() as usize).write();
                    let value = unsafe { &mut *(self.value.get()) };
                    let old = *value;
                    *value |= val;

            /// Applies bitwise "xor" to the current value and returns the previous value.
            /// # Examples
            /// ```
            /// use crossbeam_utils::atomic::AtomicCell;
            #[doc = $example]
            /// assert_eq!(a.fetch_xor(2), 7);
            /// assert_eq!(a.load(), 5);
            /// ```
            pub fn fetch_xor(&self, val: $t) -> $t {
                if can_transmute::<$t, atomic::AtomicUsize>() {
                    let a = unsafe { &*(self.value.get() as *const atomic::AtomicUsize) };
                    a.fetch_xor(val as usize, Ordering::SeqCst) as $t
                } else {
                    let _guard = lock(self.value.get() as usize).write();
                    let value = unsafe { &mut *(self.value.get()) };
                    let old = *value;
                    *value ^= val;
    ($t:ty, $atomic:ty, $example:tt) => {
        impl AtomicCell<$t> {
            /// Increments the current value by `val` and returns the previous value.
            /// The addition wraps on overflow.
            /// # Examples
            /// ```
            /// use crossbeam_utils::atomic::AtomicCell;
            #[doc = $example]
            /// assert_eq!(a.fetch_add(3), 7);
            /// assert_eq!(a.load(), 10);
            /// ```
            pub fn fetch_add(&self, val: $t) -> $t {
                let a = unsafe { &*(self.value.get() as *const $atomic) };
                a.fetch_add(val, Ordering::SeqCst)

            /// Decrements the current value by `val` and returns the previous value.
            /// The subtraction wraps on overflow.
            /// # Examples
            /// ```
            /// use crossbeam_utils::atomic::AtomicCell;
            #[doc = $example]
            /// assert_eq!(a.fetch_sub(3), 7);
            /// assert_eq!(a.load(), 4);
            /// ```
            pub fn fetch_sub(&self, val: $t) -> $t {
                let a = unsafe { &*(self.value.get() as *const $atomic) };
                a.fetch_sub(val, Ordering::SeqCst)

            /// Applies bitwise "and" to the current value and returns the previous value.
            /// # Examples
            /// ```
            /// use crossbeam_utils::atomic::AtomicCell;
            #[doc = $example]
            /// assert_eq!(a.fetch_and(3), 7);
            /// assert_eq!(a.load(), 3);
            /// ```
            pub fn fetch_and(&self, val: $t) -> $t {
                let a = unsafe { &*(self.value.get() as *const $atomic) };
                a.fetch_and(val, Ordering::SeqCst)

            /// Applies bitwise "or" to the current value and returns the previous value.
            /// # Examples
            /// ```
            /// use crossbeam_utils::atomic::AtomicCell;
            #[doc = $example]
            /// assert_eq!(a.fetch_or(16), 7);
            /// assert_eq!(a.load(), 23);
            /// ```
            pub fn fetch_or(&self, val: $t) -> $t {
                let a = unsafe { &*(self.value.get() as *const $atomic) };
                a.fetch_or(val, Ordering::SeqCst)

            /// Applies bitwise "xor" to the current value and returns the previous value.
            /// # Examples
            /// ```
            /// use crossbeam_utils::atomic::AtomicCell;
            #[doc = $example]
            /// assert_eq!(a.fetch_xor(2), 7);
            /// assert_eq!(a.load(), 5);
            /// ```
            pub fn fetch_xor(&self, val: $t) -> $t {
                let a = unsafe { &*(self.value.get() as *const $atomic) };
                a.fetch_xor(val, Ordering::SeqCst)
    ($t:ty, $size:tt, $atomic:ty, $example:tt) => {
        #[cfg(target_has_atomic = $size)]
        impl_arithmetic!($t, $atomic, $example);

cfg_if! {
    if #[cfg(feature = "nightly")] {
        impl_arithmetic!(u8, "8", atomic::AtomicU8, "let a = AtomicCell::new(7u8);");
        impl_arithmetic!(i8, "8", atomic::AtomicI8, "let a = AtomicCell::new(7i8);");
        impl_arithmetic!(u16, "16", atomic::AtomicU16, "let a = AtomicCell::new(7u16);");
        impl_arithmetic!(i16, "16", atomic::AtomicI16, "let a = AtomicCell::new(7i16);");
        impl_arithmetic!(u32, "32", atomic::AtomicU32, "let a = AtomicCell::new(7u32);");
        impl_arithmetic!(i32, "32", atomic::AtomicI32, "let a = AtomicCell::new(7i32);");
        impl_arithmetic!(u64, "64", atomic::AtomicU64, "let a = AtomicCell::new(7u64);");
        impl_arithmetic!(i64, "64", atomic::AtomicI64, "let a = AtomicCell::new(7i64);");
        impl_arithmetic!(u128, "let a = AtomicCell::new(7u128);");
        impl_arithmetic!(i128, "let a = AtomicCell::new(7i128);");
    } else {
        impl_arithmetic!(u8, "let a = AtomicCell::new(7u8);");
        impl_arithmetic!(i8, "let a = AtomicCell::new(7i8);");
        impl_arithmetic!(u16, "let a = AtomicCell::new(7u16);");
        impl_arithmetic!(i16, "let a = AtomicCell::new(7i16);");
        impl_arithmetic!(u32, "let a = AtomicCell::new(7u32);");
        impl_arithmetic!(i32, "let a = AtomicCell::new(7i32);");
        impl_arithmetic!(u64, "let a = AtomicCell::new(7u64);");
        impl_arithmetic!(i64, "let a = AtomicCell::new(7i64);");
        impl_arithmetic!(u128, "let a = AtomicCell::new(7u128);");
        impl_arithmetic!(i128, "let a = AtomicCell::new(7i128);");

    "let a = AtomicCell::new(7usize);"
    "let a = AtomicCell::new(7isize);"

impl AtomicCell<bool> {
    /// Applies logical "and" to the current value and returns the previous value.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```
    /// use crossbeam_utils::atomic::AtomicCell;
    /// let a = AtomicCell::new(true);
    /// assert_eq!(a.fetch_and(true), true);
    /// assert_eq!(a.load(), true);
    /// assert_eq!(a.fetch_and(false), true);
    /// assert_eq!(a.load(), false);
    /// ```
    pub fn fetch_and(&self, val: bool) -> bool {
        let a = unsafe { &*(self.value.get() as *const AtomicBool) };
        a.fetch_and(val, Ordering::SeqCst)

    /// Applies logical "or" to the current value and returns the previous value.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```
    /// use crossbeam_utils::atomic::AtomicCell;
    /// let a = AtomicCell::new(false);
    /// assert_eq!(a.fetch_or(false), false);
    /// assert_eq!(a.load(), false);
    /// assert_eq!(a.fetch_or(true), false);
    /// assert_eq!(a.load(), true);
    /// ```
    pub fn fetch_or(&self, val: bool) -> bool {
        let a = unsafe { &*(self.value.get() as *const AtomicBool) };
        a.fetch_or(val, Ordering::SeqCst)

    /// Applies logical "xor" to the current value and returns the previous value.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```
    /// use crossbeam_utils::atomic::AtomicCell;
    /// let a = AtomicCell::new(true);
    /// assert_eq!(a.fetch_xor(false), true);
    /// assert_eq!(a.load(), true);
    /// assert_eq!(a.fetch_xor(true), true);
    /// assert_eq!(a.load(), false);
    /// ```
    pub fn fetch_xor(&self, val: bool) -> bool {
        let a = unsafe { &*(self.value.get() as *const AtomicBool) };
        a.fetch_xor(val, Ordering::SeqCst)

impl<T: Default> Default for AtomicCell<T> {
    fn default() -> AtomicCell<T> {

impl<T: Copy + fmt::Debug> fmt::Debug for AtomicCell<T> {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
            .field("value", &self.load())

/// Returns `true` if the two values are equal byte-for-byte.
fn byte_eq<T>(a: &T, b: &T) -> bool {
    unsafe {
        let a = slice::from_raw_parts(a as *const _ as *const u8, mem::size_of::<T>());
        let b = slice::from_raw_parts(b as *const _ as *const u8, mem::size_of::<T>());
        a == b

/// Returns `true` if values of type `A` can be transmuted into values of type `B`.
fn can_transmute<A, B>() -> bool {
    // Sizes must be equal, but alignment of `A` must be greater or equal than that of `B`.
    mem::size_of::<A>() == mem::size_of::<B>() && mem::align_of::<A>() >= mem::align_of::<B>()

/// A simple stamped lock.
struct Lock {
    /// The current state of the lock.
    /// All bits except the least significant one hold the current stamp. When locked, the state
    /// equals 1 and doesn't contain a valid stamp.
    state: AtomicUsize,

impl Lock {
    /// If not locked, returns the current stamp.
    /// This method should be called before optimistic reads.
    fn optimistic_read(&self) -> Option<usize> {
        let state = self.state.load(Ordering::Acquire);
        if state == 1 {
        } else {

    /// Returns `true` if the current stamp is equal to `stamp`.
    /// This method should be called after optimistic reads to check whether they are valid. The
    /// argument `stamp` should correspond to the one returned by method `optimistic_read`.
    fn validate_read(&self, stamp: usize) -> bool {
        self.state.load(Ordering::Relaxed) == stamp

    /// Grabs the lock for writing.
    fn write(&'static self) -> WriteGuard {
        let backoff = Backoff::new();
        loop {
            let previous = self.state.swap(1, Ordering::Acquire);

            if previous != 1 {

                return WriteGuard {
                    lock: self,
                    state: previous,


/// A RAII guard that releases the lock and increments the stamp when dropped.
struct WriteGuard {
    /// The parent lock.
    lock: &'static Lock,

    /// The stamp before locking.
    state: usize,

impl WriteGuard {
    /// Releases the lock without incrementing the stamp.
    fn abort(self) {, Ordering::Release);

impl Drop for WriteGuard {
    fn drop(&mut self) {
        // Release the lock and increment the stamp.
            .store(self.state.wrapping_add(2), Ordering::Release);

/// Returns a reference to the global lock associated with the `AtomicCell` at address `addr`.
/// This function is used to protect atomic data which doesn't fit into any of the primitive atomic
/// types in `std::sync::atomic`. Operations on such atomics must therefore use a global lock.
/// However, there is not only one global lock but an array of many locks, and one of them is
/// picked based on the given address. Having many locks reduces contention and improves
/// scalability.
fn lock(addr: usize) -> &'static Lock {
    // The number of locks is a prime number because we want to make sure `addr % LEN` gets
    // dispersed across all locks.
    // Note that addresses are always aligned to some power of 2, depending on type `T` in
    // `AtomicCell<T>`. If `LEN` was an even number, then `addr % LEN` would be an even number,
    // too, which means only half of the locks would get utilized!
    // It is also possible for addresses to accidentally get aligned to a number that is not a
    // power of 2. Consider this example:
    // ```
    // #[repr(C)]
    // struct Foo {
    //     a: AtomicCell<u8>,
    //     b: u8,
    //     c: u8,
    // }
    // ```
    // Now, if we have a slice of type `&[Foo]`, it is possible that field `a` in all items gets
    // stored at addresses that are multiples of 3. It'd be too bad if `LEN` was divisible by 3.
    // In order to protect from such cases, we simply choose a large prime number for `LEN`.
    const LEN: usize = 97;

    const L: Lock = Lock {
        state: AtomicUsize::new(0),
    static LOCKS: [Lock; LEN] = [
        L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L,
        L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L,
        L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L,
        L, L, L, L, L, L, L,

    // If the modulus is a constant number, the compiler will use crazy math to transform this into
    // a sequence of cheap arithmetic operations rather than using the slow modulo instruction.
    &LOCKS[addr % LEN]

/// An atomic `()`.
/// All operations are noops.
struct AtomicUnit;

impl AtomicUnit {
    fn load(&self, _order: Ordering) {}

    fn store(&self, _val: (), _order: Ordering) {}

    fn swap(&self, _val: (), _order: Ordering) {}

    fn compare_exchange_weak(
        _current: (),
        _new: (),
        _success: Ordering,
        _failure: Ordering,
    ) -> Result<(), ()> {

macro_rules! atomic {
    // If values of type `$t` can be transmuted into values of the primitive atomic type `$atomic`,
    // declares variable `$a` of type `$atomic` and executes `$atomic_op`, breaking out of the loop.
    (@check, $t:ty, $atomic:ty, $a:ident, $atomic_op:expr) => {
        if can_transmute::<$t, $atomic>() {
            let $a: &$atomic;
            break $atomic_op;

    // If values of type `$t` can be transmuted into values of a primitive atomic type, declares
    // variable `$a` of that type and executes `$atomic_op`. Otherwise, just executes
    // `$fallback_op`.
    ($t:ty, $a:ident, $atomic_op:expr, $fallback_op:expr) => {
        loop {
            atomic!(@check, $t, AtomicUnit, $a, $atomic_op);
            atomic!(@check, $t, atomic::AtomicUsize, $a, $atomic_op);

            #[cfg(feature = "nightly")]
                #[cfg(target_has_atomic = "8")]
                atomic!(@check, $t, atomic::AtomicU8, $a, $atomic_op);
                #[cfg(target_has_atomic = "16")]
                atomic!(@check, $t, atomic::AtomicU16, $a, $atomic_op);
                #[cfg(target_has_atomic = "32")]
                atomic!(@check, $t, atomic::AtomicU32, $a, $atomic_op);
                #[cfg(target_has_atomic = "64")]
                atomic!(@check, $t, atomic::AtomicU64, $a, $atomic_op);

            break $fallback_op;

/// Returns `true` if operations on `AtomicCell<T>` are lock-free.
fn atomic_is_lock_free<T>() -> bool {
    atomic! { T, _a, true, false }

/// Atomically reads data from `src`.
/// This operation uses the `SeqCst` ordering. If possible, an atomic instructions is used, and a
/// global lock otherwise.
unsafe fn atomic_load<T>(src: *mut T) -> T
    T: Copy,
    atomic! {
        T, a,
            a = &*(src as *const _ as *const _);
            let lock = lock(src as usize);

            // Try doing an optimistic read first.
            if let Some(stamp) = lock.optimistic_read() {
                // We need a volatile read here because other threads might concurrently modify the
                // value. In theory, data races are *always* UB, even if we use volatile reads and
                // discard the data when a data race is detected. The proper solution would be to
                // do atomic reads and atomic writes, but we can't atomically read and write all
                // kinds of data since `AtomicU8` is not available on stable Rust yet.
                let val = ptr::read_volatile(src);

                if lock.validate_read(stamp) {
                    return val;

            // Grab a regular write lock so that writers don't starve this load.
            let guard = lock.write();
            let val = ptr::read(src);
            // The value hasn't been changed. Drop the guard without incrementing the stamp.

/// Atomically writes `val` to `dst`.
/// This operation uses the `SeqCst` ordering. If possible, an atomic instructions is used, and a
/// global lock otherwise.
unsafe fn atomic_store<T>(dst: *mut T, val: T) {
    atomic! {
        T, a,
            a = &*(dst as *const _ as *const _);
            let res =, Ordering::SeqCst);
            let _guard = lock(dst as usize).write();
            ptr::write(dst, val)

/// Atomically swaps data at `dst` with `val`.
/// This operation uses the `SeqCst` ordering. If possible, an atomic instructions is used, and a
/// global lock otherwise.
unsafe fn atomic_swap<T>(dst: *mut T, val: T) -> T {
    atomic! {
        T, a,
            a = &*(dst as *const _ as *const _);
            let res = mem::transmute_copy(&a.swap(mem::transmute_copy(&val), Ordering::SeqCst));
            let _guard = lock(dst as usize).write();
            ptr::replace(dst, val)

/// Atomically compares data at `dst` to `current` and, if equal byte-for-byte, exchanges data at
/// `dst` with `new`.
/// Returns the old value on success, or the current value at `dst` on failure.
/// This operation uses the `SeqCst` ordering. If possible, an atomic instructions is used, and a
/// global lock otherwise.
unsafe fn atomic_compare_exchange_weak<T>(dst: *mut T, current: T, new: T) -> Result<T, T>
    T: Copy,
    atomic! {
        T, a,
            a = &*(dst as *const _ as *const _);
            let res = a.compare_exchange_weak(
            match res {
                Ok(v) => Ok(mem::transmute_copy(&v)),
                Err(v) => Err(mem::transmute_copy(&v)),
            let guard = lock(dst as usize).write();

            if byte_eq(&*dst, &current) {
                Ok(ptr::replace(dst, new))
            } else {
                let val = ptr::read(dst);
                // The value hasn't been changed. Drop the guard without incrementing the stamp.