cqrs-es 0.0.4

A lightweight, opinionated CQRS and event sourcing framework targetting serverless architectures.


A lightweight, opinionated CQRS and event sourcing framework targeting serverless architectures.

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cqrs-es is available from Crates.io or Github.

cqrs-es = "0.0.3"

Or for a specific branch

cqrs-es = { git = "https://github.com/serverlesstechnology/cqrs.git", branch = "master"}


  • Aggregate persistence is via event sourcing only.
  • Metadata is implemented only as a HashMap<String,String>. Further, the MetadataSupplier that the user provides has no insight into the event or aggregate that it supplies metadata for. This may be changed.
  • JSON serialization only.
  • Generics are preferred over boxed traits.
  • Persistence is implemented through a Postgres database.


  • Event upcasters.
  • Some additional framework around GenericViewRepository to simplify event replay.
  • Explore options for increasing the usefulness of MetadataSupplier.
  • Event serialization uses the event type as the root node of the JSON tree. This simplifies deserialization but is non-standard.
  • Paging for PostgresEventStore
  • Persistence implementation for DynamoDb.