count_sort 0.1.4

O(n) sorting library for large datasets with small range of possible values

Count Sort

A fast sorting library implementing count sort algorithm which is O(n + k). Designed for very quickly sorting large amounts of data with small range of possible values.

Currently only supports u8.


Add support for more types including i8, u16 and i16


Time to clone and sort randomly generated Vec of length specified below. Demonstrates for which lengths it is faster, and for which lengths the overhead is too much.

length .sort() sort_u8
0 11.549 ns 9.7494 ns
1 24.936 ns 23.756 ns
4 50.282 ns 187.28 ns
16 227.07 ns 335.70 ns
64 2.1468 us 928.32 ns
256 11.134 us 2.4155 us
1024 54.347 us 4.3068 us
4096 246.82 us 8.2531 us
16384 1.0590 ms 25.837 us
65536 4.4587 ms 86.281 us
262144 18.828 ms 331.67 us


Add dependency to Cargo.toml

count_sort = "0.1.0"

And add the following to your code:

extern crate count_sort;

fn main () {
	let mut data: Vec<u8> = vec![252, 107, 81, 35, 185, 18, 175, 130, 37, 166];
	count_sort::sort_u8(&mut data);
	println!("{:?}", data);
