Trait core_foundation::base::TCFType [] [src]

pub trait TCFType<ConcreteTypeRef> {
    fn as_concrete_TypeRef(&self) -> ConcreteTypeRef;
unsafe fn wrap_under_create_rule(obj: ConcreteTypeRef) -> Self;
fn type_id() -> CFTypeID;
fn as_CFTypeRef(&self) -> CFTypeRef;
unsafe fn wrap_under_get_rule(reference: ConcreteTypeRef) -> Self; fn as_CFType(&self) -> CFType { ... }
fn retain_count(&self) -> CFIndex { ... }
fn type_of(&self) -> CFTypeID { ... }
fn show(&self) { ... }
fn instance_of<OtherConcreteTypeRef, OtherCFType: TCFType<OtherConcreteTypeRef>>(
    ) -> bool { ... } }

All Core Foundation types implement this trait. The type parameter TypeRef specifies the associated Core Foundation type: e.g. for CFType this is CFTypeRef; for CFArray this is CFArrayRef.

Required Methods

Returns the object as its concrete TypeRef.

Returns an instance of the object, wrapping the underlying CFTypeRef subclass. Use this when following Core Foundation's "Create Rule". The reference count is not bumped.

Returns the type ID for this class.

Returns the object as a raw CFTypeRef. The reference count is not adjusted.

Returns an instance of the object, wrapping the underlying CFTypeRef subclass. Use this when following Core Foundation's "Get Rule". The reference count is bumped.

Provided Methods

Returns the object as a wrapped CFType. The reference count is incremented by one.

Returns the reference count of the object. It is unwise to do anything other than test whether the return value of this method is greater than zero.

Returns the type ID of this object.

Writes a debugging version of this object on standard error.

Returns true if this value is an instance of another type.
