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Formatting-related items

Panic formatting for custom types can be done in these ways (in increasing order of verbosity):

  • Using the PanicFmt derive macro (requires the opt-in "derive" feature)
  • Using the impl_panicfmt macro (requires the default-enabled "non_basic" feature)
  • Using the flatten_panicvals macro (requires the default-enabled "non_basic" feature)
  • Manually implementing the PanicFmt trait as described in its docs.


pub use self::Delimiter::CloseBrace;
pub use self::Delimiter::CloseBracket;
pub use self::Delimiter::CloseParen;
pub use self::Delimiter::Empty as EmptyDelimiter;
pub use self::Delimiter::OpenBrace;
pub use self::Delimiter::OpenBracket;
pub use self::Delimiter::OpenParen;


For computing the PanicFmt::PV_COUNT of a struct or enum variant, with the call method.

Carries all of the configuration for formatting functions.

Marker type used as the PanicFmt::Kind for user-defined types.

A marker type that proves that S implements PanicFmt<This = T, Kind = K>.

Marker type used as the PanicFmt::Kind associated type for std types.


A version of FmtArg which occupies less space, but needs to be unpacked to be used.


For alternate flag-aware separation of fields, collection elements, etc.



For outputting an alternate flag-aware delimiter.

What kind of formatting to do, either Display or Debug.


For telling Separator whether it comes after the last field or not.

What integers are formatted as.


Whether a struct or variant is Tupled or Braced.



An alternate-flag-aware comma separator for use between fields or elements.


An alternate-flag-aware comma for use after the last field or element.

How much indentation (in spaces) is added with FmtArg::indent, and removed with FmtArg::unindent.

The capacity of a ShortString.


Trait for types that can be formatted by const panics.

Type Definitions


A stack allocated string type that’s convertible into PanicVal<'static>, with SHORT_STRING_CAP capacity.