console_error_panic_hook 0.1.2

A panic hook for `wasm32-unknown-unknown` that logs panics to `console.error` failed to build console_error_panic_hook-0.1.2
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Visit the last successful build: console_error_panic_hook-0.1.7


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This crate lets you debug panics on wasm32-unknown-unknown by providing a panic hook that forwards panic messages to console.error.

When an error is reported with console.error, browser devtools and node.js will typically capture a stack trace and display it with the logged error message.


There are two ways to install this panic hook.

First, you can set the hook yourself by calling std::panic::set_hook in some initialization function:

extern crate console_error_panic_hook;
use std::panic;

fn my_init_function() {

    // ...

Alternatively, use set_once on some common code path to ensure that set_hook is called, but only the one time. Under the hood, this uses std::sync::Once.

extern crate console_error_panic_hook;

struct MyBigThing;

impl MyBigThing {
    pub fn new() -> MyBigThing {
