Function consecuit::hooks::use_effect[][src]

pub fn use_effect<Args, OnDrop>(
    cc: HookBuilder,
    (func, args): (fn(_: Args) -> OnDrop, Args)
) -> impl HookReturn<()> where
    OnDrop: FnOnce() + 'static,
    Args: PartialEq + Clone + 'static, 
Expand description

Runs the function with the arg as argument when the arg changes.

Takes a single-argument function and the arg.

The arg must be PartialEq + Clone + 'static, because we need to store and compare it.

The effect runs as the component renders. Updating states inside use_effect will queue another render.

If you want something to run after the component completed rendering, consider using crate::executor::run_later.

This takes a function rather than a closure, so every dependency must be passed through args. For React devs, this is equivalent to react-hooks/exhaustive-deps being enforced.

Example using this to change the page title when some data change:

let (cc, _) = cc.hook(use_effect, (
    |deps: (String, u32)| {
        let title = format!("Profile - {}, age {}", deps.0, deps.1);
    }, (name, number)