consecuit 0.1.0

A functional web UI framework that uses the type system for hooks and more


An experimental functional web UI framework that uses the Rust type system for hooks and more.

How is this different from other frameworks?

Other Functional UI Frameworks:

  • Require the developer to follow the Rule of Hooks.

  • Dynamically identify hooks and maintain their states by counting the order in which they are called.

  • Dynamic design:

    • Components are dynamically created and mounted as their parents render.
    • Components may be mounted or unmounted depending on state.


  • Automatically enforce the Rule of Hooks using the Rust type system.

  • Statically know every hook call that will happen.

  • Static-first design:

    • Components are statically mounted at the start of the app and remain mounted forever by default.
    • Mounting/unmounting based on state are considered special cases, only available through explicitly using opt_comp or vec_comps.

What does it look like?

Take a look at our TodoMVC (and see its source code).

Or if you want something simpler, here is the code for a counter.

use consecuit::prelude::*;
use consecuit_html::prelude::*;
use wasm_bindgen::prelude::*;

pub fn run() -> Result<(), JsValue> {

fn counter(cc: ComponentBuilder, _: ()) -> impl ComponentReturn {
    let (cc, (count, setter)) = cc.hook(use_state, 0);

	let setter1 = setter.clone();
    let decrement = Callback::new(move |_ev| {
        setter1.update_with(|v| v - 1);

    let increment = Callback::new(move |_ev| {
        setter.update_with(|v| v + 1);
		<button {html_props().onclick(decrement)}>"-"</button>
		<button {html_props().onclick(increment)}>"+"</button>

There are more counter examples here (with live demo here), including one without macro and one with logic extracted into a use_counter function.

The docs have more info on creating components and hooks.

This crate uses unsafe.

Don't worry. All publicly exposed function is safe.