initSidebarItems({"enum":[["LineBreak","The two types of **LineBreak** indices returned by the **WrapIndicesBy** iterators."]],"struct":[["CharWidths","An iterator yielding the widths of each consecutive character in some sequence."],["CharXs","An iterator that converts the given sequnce of `char`s into their consecutive positions along the x-axis."],["GlyphCache","A wrapper over some CharacterCache, exposing it's functionality via a RefCell."],["LineBreaksBy","An iterator that yields the indices at which some text should wrap in accordance with the given wrap function."],["Lines","A wrapper over an iterator yielding **LineBreak**s that yields each line divided by the breaks."],["Widths","An iterator yielding the widths of each consecutive `&str` in some sequence."]],"type":[["HalfW","The half of the width of some character (used within `CharXs`)."],["LineBreaksByCharacter","An iterator that yields the indices at which some text should wrap via a character."],["LineBreaksByWhitespace","An iterator that yields the indices at which some text should wrap via whitespace."],["LinesWrappedBy","An iterator yielding lines for text wrapped with the given function."],["LinesWrappedByCharacter","An iterator yielding lines for text wrapped via the first character exceeding a max width."],["LinesWrappedByWhitespace","An iterator yielding lines for text wrapped via the first character exceeding a max width."],["NextLineBreakFn","A function that returns the first index at which the text should wrap for the given max width."],["X","Some position along the X axis (used within `CharXs`)."]]});