

The number of bits on which the carry will be encoded.

DecompositionBaseLogshortints and not (booleans and __newer_booleans)

The logarithm of the base used in a decomposition.

DecompositionLevelCountshortints and not (booleans and __newer_booleans)

The number of levels used in a decomposition.

GlweDimensionshortints and not (booleans and __newer_booleans)

The number of polynomials of an GLWE mask, or the size of an GLWE secret key.

LweDimensionshortints and not (booleans and __newer_booleans)

The number of scalar in an LWE mask, or the length of an LWE secret key.

The number of bits on which the message will be encoded.

PolynomialSizeshortints and not (booleans and __newer_booleans)

The number of coefficients of a polynomial.

StandardDevshortints and not (booleans and __newer_booleans)

A distribution parameter that uses the standard deviation as representation.


DispersionParametershortints and not (booleans and __newer_booleans)

A trait for types representing distribution parameters, for a given unsigned integer type.