
  • Procedural macro for instantiating account addresses. Input must be a valid base58-encoding.
  • Procedural macro for instantiating account addresses from an environment variable. Input must be the key of an environment variable whose value is set to a valid base58-encoding of an account address.
  • Procedural macro for instantiating contract addresses. Input must be of the form “<index,subindex>”, where index and subindex are integers.
  • Procedural macro for instantiating contract addresses from an environment variable. Input must be the key of an environment variable whose value is set to a contract address of the form “<index,subindex>”, where index and subindex are integers
  • Procedural macro for instantiating module references. Input must be a (case-insensitive) hex-encoding and have a length of 64 characters representing 32 bytes.
  • Procedural macro for instantiating module references from an environment variable. Input must be the key of an environment variable whose value is set to a hex-encoded module reference which must have a length of 64 characters representing 32 bytes.
  • Procedural macro for instantiating PublicKeyEcdsaSecp256k1 public keys. Input must be a (case-insensitive) hex-encoding and have a length of 66 characters representing 33 bytes.
  • Procedural macro for instantiating PublicKeyEcdsaSecp256k1 public keys from an environment variable. Input must be the key of an environment variable whose value is set to a hex-encoded public key which must have a length of 66 characters representing 33 bytes.
  • Procedural macro for instantiating PublicKeyEd25519 public keys. Input must be a (case-insensitive) hex-encoding and have a length of 64 characters representing 32 bytes.
  • Procedural macro for instantiating PublicKeyEd25519 public keys from an environment variable. Input must be the key of an environment variable whose value is set to a hex-encoded public key which must have a length of 64 characters representing 32 bytes.
  • Procedural macro for instantiating SignatureEcdsaSecp256k1 signatures. Input must be a (case-insensitive) hex-encoding and have a length of 128 characters representing 64 bytes.
  • Procedural macro for instantiating SignatureEcdsaSecp256k1 signatures from an environment variable. Input must be the key of an environment variable whose value is set to a hex-encoded signature which must have a length of 128 characters representing 64 bytes.
  • Procedural macro for instantiating SignatureEd25519 signatures. Input must be a (case-insensitive) hex-encoding and have a length of 128 characters representing 64 bytes.
  • Procedural macro for instantiating SignatureEd25519 signatures from an environment variable. Input must be the key of an environment variable whose value is set to a hex-encoded signature which must have a length of 128 characters representing 64 bytes.