Module combine::error[][src]

Expand description

Error types and traits which define what kind of errors combine parsers may emit


Newtype which constructs an Info::Format through ErrorInfo

Newtype which constructs an Info::Range through ErrorInfo

Newtype which constructs an Info::Static through ErrorInfo A plain &'static str can also be used, this exists for consistency.

Newtype which constructs an Info::Token through ErrorInfo

Error wrapper which lets parsers track which parser in a sequence of sub-parsers has emitted the error. Tracked::from can be used to construct this and it should otherwise be ignored outside of combine.


Enum used to indicate if a parser committed any items of the stream it was given as an input.

A Result type which has the committed status flattened into the result. Conversions to and from std::result::Result can be done using result.into() or From::from(result)


Trait for types which can be used to construct error information.

Trait which defines a combine parse error.

Defines a conversion between two parse error types.

StreamError represents a single error returned from a Stream or a Parser.

Defines a conversion between two stream error types.

Type Definitions

A type alias over the specific Result type used by parsers to indicate whether they were successful or not. O is the type that is output on success. Input is the specific stream type used in the parser.