Crate clingo_sys

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  • ! This struct contains a set of functions to customize the clingo application.
  • ! Struct to define an argument that consists of a name and a type.
  • ! Struct to map attributes to their string representation.
  • ! A lists of required attributes to construct an AST.
  • ! Struct to map AST types to lists of required attributes to construct ASTs.
  • ! An instance of this struct has to be registered with a solver to observe ground directives as they are passed to the solver. ! ! @note This interface is closely modeled after the aspif format. ! For more information please refer to the specification of the aspif format. ! ! Not all callbacks have to be implemented and can be set to NULL if not needed. ! If one of the callbacks in the struct fails, grounding is stopped. ! If a non-recoverable clingo API call fails, a callback must return false. ! Otherwise ::clingo_error_unknown should be set and false returned. ! ! @see clingo_control_register_observer()
  • ! Represents a source code location marking its beginnig and end. ! ! @note Not all locations refer to physical files. ! By convention, such locations use a name put in angular brackets as filename. ! The string members of a location object are internalized and valid for the duration of the process.
  • ! Struct used to specify the program parts that have to be grounded. ! ! Programs may be structured into parts, which can be grounded independently with ::clingo_control_ground. ! Program parts are mainly interesting for incremental grounding and multi-shot solving. ! For single-shot solving, program parts are not needed. ! ! @note Parts of a logic program without an explicit #program ! specification are by default put into a program called base without ! arguments. ! ! @see clingo_control_ground()
  • ! An instance of this struct has to be registered with a solver to implement a custom propagator. ! ! Not all callbacks have to be implemented and can be set to NULL if not needed. ! @see Propagator
  • ! Custom scripting language to run functions during grounding.
  • ! A Literal with an associated weight.



  • ! A map from attributes to their string representation.
  • ! A map from AST types to their constructors. ! ! @note The idea of this variable is to provide enough information to auto-generate code for language bindings.


  • ! Internalize a string. ! ! This functions takes a string as input and returns an equal unique string ! that is (at the moment) not freed until the program is closed. ! ! @param[in] string the string to internalize ! @param[out] result the internalized string ! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes: ! - ::clingo_error_bad_alloc
  • ! The (positive) literal at the given offset in the assignment. ! ! @param[in] assignment the target ! @param[in] offset the offset of the literal ! @param[out] literal the literal ! @return whether the call was successful
  • ! Determine the decision literal given a decision level. ! ! @param[in] assignment the target assignment ! @param[in] level the level ! @param[out] literal the resulting literal ! @return whether the call was successful
  • ! Get the current decision level. ! ! @param[in] assignment the target assignment ! @return the decision level
  • ! Check if the given assignment is conflicting. ! ! @param[in] assignment the target assignment ! @return whether the assignment is conflicting
  • ! Check if the given literal is part of a (partial) assignment. ! ! @param[in] assignment the target assignment ! @param[in] literal the literal ! @return whether the literal is valid
  • ! Check if a literal has a fixed truth value. ! ! @param[in] assignment the target assignment ! @param[in] literal the literal ! @param[out] is_false whether the literal is false ! @return whether the call was successful ! @see clingo_assignment_truth_value()
  • ! Check if a literal has a fixed truth value. ! ! @param[in] assignment the target assignment ! @param[in] literal the literal ! @param[out] is_fixed whether the literal is fixed ! @return whether the call was successful
  • ! Check if the assignment is total, i.e. there are no free literal. ! ! @param[in] assignment the target ! @return wheather the assignment is total
  • ! Check if a literal is true. ! ! @param[in] assignment the target assignment ! @param[in] literal the literal ! @param[out] is_true whether the literal is true ! @return whether the call was successful ! @see clingo_assignment_truth_value()
  • ! Determine the decision level of a given literal. ! ! @param[in] assignment the target assignment ! @param[in] literal the literal ! @param[out] level the resulting level ! @return whether the call was successful
  • ! Get the current root level. ! ! Decisions levels smaller or equal to the root level are not backtracked during solving. ! ! @param[in] assignment the target assignment ! @return the decision level
  • ! The number of (positive) literals in the assignment. ! ! @param[in] assignment the target ! @return the number of literals
  • ! Returns the literal at the given position in the trail. ! ! @param[in] assignment the target ! @param[in] offset the offset of the literal ! @param[out] literal the literal ! @return whether the call was successful
  • ! Returns the offset of the decision literal with the given decision level in ! the trail. ! ! @note Literals in the trail are ordered by decision levels, where the first ! literal with a larger level than the previous literals is a decision; the ! following literals with same level are implied by this decision literal. ! Each decision level up to and including the current decision level has a ! valid offset in the trail. ! ! @param[in] assignment the target ! @param[in] level the decision level ! @param[out] offset the offset of the decision literal ! @return whether the call was successful
  • ! Returns the offset following the last literal with the given decision level. ! ! @note This function is the counter part to clingo_assignment_trail_begin(). ! ! @param[in] assignment the target ! @param[in] level the decision level ! @param[out] offset the offset ! @return whether the call was successful
  • ! Returns the number of literals in the trail, i.e., the number of assigned literals. ! ! @param[in] assignment the target ! @param[out] size the number of literals in the trail ! @return whether the call was successful
  • ! Determine the truth value of a given literal. ! ! @param[in] assignment the target assignment ! @param[in] literal the literal ! @param[out] value the resulting truth value ! @return whether the call was successful
  • ! Increment the reference count of an AST node. ! ! @note All functions that return AST nodes already increment the reference count. ! The reference count of callback arguments is not incremented. ! ! @param[in] ast the target AST
  • ! Remove an element from an attribute of type “clingo_ast_attribute_type_ast_array” at the given index. ! ! @param[in] ast the target AST ! @param[in] attribute the target attribute ! @param[in] index the target index ! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes: ! - ::clingo_error_runtime
  • ! Remove an element from an attribute of type “clingo_ast_attribute_type_string_array” at the given index. ! ! @param[in] ast the target AST ! @param[in] attribute the target attribute ! @param[in] index the target index ! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes: ! - ::clingo_error_runtime
  • ! Get the value of an attribute of type “clingo_ast_attribute_type_ast”. ! ! @param[in] ast the target AST ! @param[in] attribute the target attribute ! @param[out] value the resulting value ! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes: ! - ::clingo_error_runtime
  • ! Get the value of an attribute of type “clingo_ast_attribute_type_ast_array” at the given index. ! ! @param[in] ast the target AST ! @param[in] attribute the target attribute ! @param[in] index the target index ! @param[out] value the resulting value ! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes: ! - ::clingo_error_runtime
  • ! Get the value of an attribute of type “clingo_ast_attribute_type_location”. ! ! @param[in] ast the target AST ! @param[in] attribute the target attribute ! @param[out] value the resulting value ! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes: ! - ::clingo_error_runtime
  • ! Get the value of an attribute of type “clingo_ast_attribute_type_number”. ! ! @param[in] ast the target AST ! @param[in] attribute the target attribute ! @param[out] value the resulting value ! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes: ! - ::clingo_error_runtime
  • ! Get the value of an attribute of type “clingo_ast_attribute_type_optional_ast”. ! ! @note The value might be “NULL”. ! ! @param[in] ast the target AST ! @param[in] attribute the target attribute ! @param[out] value the resulting value ! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes: ! - ::clingo_error_runtime
  • ! Get the value of an attribute of type “clingo_ast_attribute_type_string”. ! ! @param[in] ast the target AST ! @param[in] attribute the target attribute ! @param[out] value the resulting value ! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes: ! - ::clingo_error_runtime
  • ! Get the value of an attribute of type “clingo_ast_attribute_type_string_array” at the given index. ! ! @param[in] ast the target AST ! @param[in] attribute the target attribute ! @param[in] index the target index ! @param[out] value the resulting value ! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes: ! - ::clingo_error_runtime
  • ! Get the value of an attribute of type “clingo_ast_attribute_type_symbol”. ! ! @param[in] ast the target AST ! @param[in] attribute the target attribute ! @param[out] value the resulting value ! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes: ! - ::clingo_error_runtime
  • ! Insert a value into an attribute of type “clingo_ast_attribute_type_ast_array” at the given index. ! ! @param[in] ast the target AST ! @param[in] attribute the target attribute ! @param[in] index the target index ! @param[in] value the value ! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes: ! - ::clingo_error_runtime ! - ::clingo_error_bad_alloc
  • ! Insert a value into an attribute of type “clingo_ast_attribute_type_string_array” at the given index. ! ! @param[in] ast the target AST ! @param[in] attribute the target attribute ! @param[in] index the target index ! @param[in] value the value ! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes: ! - ::clingo_error_runtime ! - ::clingo_error_bad_alloc
  • ! Set the value of an attribute of type “clingo_ast_attribute_type_ast”. ! ! @param[in] ast the target AST ! @param[in] attribute the target attribute ! @param[in] value the value ! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes: ! - ::clingo_error_runtime
  • ! Set the value of an attribute of type “clingo_ast_attribute_type_ast_array” at the given index. ! ! @param[in] ast the target AST ! @param[in] attribute the target attribute ! @param[in] index the target index ! @param[in] value the value ! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes: ! - ::clingo_error_runtime ! - ::clingo_error_bad_alloc
  • ! Set the value of an attribute of type “clingo_ast_attribute_type_location”. ! ! @param[in] ast the target AST ! @param[in] attribute the target attribute ! @param[in] value the value ! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes: ! - ::clingo_error_runtime
  • ! Set the value of an attribute of type “clingo_ast_attribute_type_number”. ! ! @param[in] ast the target AST ! @param[in] attribute the target attribute ! @param[in] value the value ! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes: ! - ::clingo_error_runtime
  • ! Set the value of an attribute of type “clingo_ast_attribute_type_optional_ast”. ! ! @note The value might be “NULL”. ! ! @param[in] ast the target AST ! @param[in] attribute the target attribute ! @param[in] value the value ! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes: ! - ::clingo_error_runtime
  • ! Set the value of an attribute of type “clingo_ast_attribute_type_string”. ! ! @param[in] ast the target AST ! @param[in] attribute the target attribute ! @param[in] value the value ! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes: ! - ::clingo_error_runtime
  • ! Set the value of an attribute of type “clingo_ast_attribute_type_string_array” at the given index. ! ! @param[in] ast the target AST ! @param[in] attribute the target attribute ! @param[in] index the target index ! @param[in] value the value ! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes: ! - ::clingo_error_runtime ! - ::clingo_error_bad_alloc
  • ! Set the value of an attribute of type “clingo_ast_attribute_type_symbol”. ! ! @param[in] ast the target AST ! @param[in] attribute the target attribute ! @param[in] value the value ! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes: ! - ::clingo_error_runtime
  • ! Get the size of an attribute of type “clingo_ast_attribute_type_ast_array”. ! ! @param[in] ast the target AST ! @param[in] attribute the target attribute ! @param[out] size the resulting size ! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes: ! - ::clingo_error_runtime
  • ! Get the size of an attribute of type “clingo_ast_attribute_type_string_array”. ! ! @param[in] ast the target AST ! @param[in] attribute the target attribute ! @param[out] size the resulting size ! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes: ! - ::clingo_error_runtime
  • ! Get the type of the given AST. ! ! @param[in] ast the target AST ! @param[in] attribute the target attribute ! @param[out] type the resulting type ! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes: ! - ::clingo_error_runtime
  • ! Construct an AST of the given type. ! ! @note The arguments corresponding to the given type can be inspected using “g_clingo_ast_constructors.constructors[type]”. ! ! @param[in] type the type of AST to construct ! @param[out] ast the resulting AST ! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes: ! - ::clingo_error_bad_alloc ! - ::clingo_error_runtime if one of the arguments is incompatible with the type
  • ! Create a shallow copy of an AST node. ! ! @param[in] ast the AST to copy ! @param[out] copy the resulting AST ! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes: ! - ::clingo_error_bad_alloc
  • ! Create a deep copy of an AST node. ! ! @param[in] ast the AST to copy ! @param[out] copy the resulting AST ! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes: ! - ::clingo_error_bad_alloc
  • ! Equality compare two AST nodes. ! ! @param[in] a the left-hand-side AST ! @param[in] b the right-hand-side AST ! @return the result of the comparison
  • ! Get the type of an AST node. ! ! @param[in] ast the target AST ! @param[out] type the resulting type ! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes: ! - ::clingo_error_runtime
  • ! Check if an AST has the given attribute. ! ! @param[in] ast the target AST ! @param[in] attribute the attribute to check ! @param[out] has_attribute the result ! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes: ! - ::clingo_error_runtime
  • ! Compute a hash for an AST node. ! ! @param[in] ast the target AST ! @return the resulting hash code
  • ! Less than compare two AST nodes. ! ! @param[in] a the left-hand-side AST ! @param[in] b the right-hand-side AST ! @return the result of the comparison
  • ! Parse the programs in the given list of files and return an abstract syntax tree for each statement via a callback. ! ! The function follows clingo’s handling of files on the command line. ! Filename “-” is treated as “STDIN” and if an empty list is given, then the parser will read from “STDIN”. ! ! @note The control object can be set to a NULL to disable reading input in aspif format. ! ! @param[in] files the beginning of the file name array ! @param[in] size the number of file names ! @param[in] callback the callback reporting statements ! @param[in] callback_data user data for the callback ! @param[in] control object to add ground statements to ! @param[in] logger callback to report messages during parsing ! @param[in] logger_data user data for the logger ! @param[in] message_limit the maximum number of times the logger is called ! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes: ! - ::clingo_error_runtime if parsing fails ! - ::clingo_error_bad_alloc
  • ! Parse the given program and return an abstract syntax tree for each statement via a callback. ! ! @note The control object can be set to a NULL to disable reading input in aspif format. ! ! @param[in] program the program in gringo syntax ! @param[in] callback the callback reporting statements ! @param[in] callback_data user data for the callback ! @param[in] control object to add ground statements to ! @param[in] logger callback to report messages during parsing ! @param[in] logger_data user data for the logger ! @param[in] message_limit the maximum number of times the logger is called ! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes: ! - ::clingo_error_runtime if parsing fails ! - ::clingo_error_bad_alloc
  • ! Decrement the reference count of an AST node. ! ! @note The node is deleted if the reference count reaches zero. ! ! @param[in] ast the target AST
  • ! Get the string representation of an AST node. ! ! @param[in] ast the target AST ! @param[out] string the string representation ! @param[out] size the size of the string representation ! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes: ! - ::clingo_error_runtime
  • ! Get the size of the string representation of an AST node. ! ! @param[in] ast the target AST ! @param[out] size the size of the string representation ! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes: ! - ::clingo_error_runtime
  • ! Unpool the given AST. ! ! @param[in] ast the target AST ! @param[in] unpool_type what to unpool ! @param[in] callback the callback to report ASTs ! @param[in] callback_data user data for the callback ! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes: ! - ::clingo_error_bad_alloc
  • ! Add an edge directive. ! ! @param[in] backend the target backend ! @param[in] node_u the start vertex of the edge ! @param[in] node_v the end vertex of the edge ! @param[in] condition the condition under which the edge is part of the graph ! @param[in] size the number of atoms in the condition ! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes: ! - ::clingo_error_bad_alloc
  • ! Get a fresh atom to be used in aspif directives. ! ! @param[in] backend the target backend ! @param[in] symbol optional symbol to associate the atom with ! @param[out] atom the resulting atom ! @return whether the call was successful
  • ! Add an assumption directive. ! ! @param[in] backend the target backend ! @param[in] literals the literals to assume (positive literals are true and negative literals false for the next solve call) ! @param[in] size the number of atoms ! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes: ! - ::clingo_error_bad_alloc
  • ! Prepare the backend for usage. ! ! @param[in] backend the target backend ! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes: ! - ::clingo_error_bad_alloc ! - ::clingo_error_runtime
  • ! Finalize the backend after using it. ! ! @param[in] backend the target backend ! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes: ! - ::clingo_error_bad_alloc ! - ::clingo_error_runtime
  • ! Add an external statement. ! ! @param[in] backend the target backend ! @param[in] atom the external atom ! @param[in] type the type of the external statement ! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes: ! - ::clingo_error_bad_alloc
  • ! Add an heuristic directive. ! ! @param[in] backend the target backend ! @param[in] atom the target atom ! @param[in] type the type of the heuristic modification ! @param[in] bias the heuristic bias ! @param[in] priority the heuristic priority ! @param[in] condition the condition under which to apply the heuristic modification ! @param[in] size the number of atoms in the condition ! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes: ! - ::clingo_error_bad_alloc
  • ! Add a minimize constraint (or weak constraint) to the program. ! ! @param[in] backend the target backend ! @param[in] priority the priority of the constraint ! @param[in] literals the weighted literals whose sum to minimize ! @param[in] size the number of weighted literals ! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes: ! - ::clingo_error_bad_alloc
  • ! Add a projection directive. ! ! @param[in] backend the target backend ! @param[in] atoms the atoms to project on ! @param[in] size the number of atoms ! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes: ! - ::clingo_error_bad_alloc
  • ! Add a rule to the program. ! ! @param[in] backend the target backend ! @param[in] choice determines if the head is a choice or a disjunction ! @param[in] head the head atoms ! @param[in] head_size the number of atoms in the head ! @param[in] body the body literals ! @param[in] body_size the number of literals in the body ! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes: ! - ::clingo_error_bad_alloc
  • ! Add a theory atom without a guard. ! ! @param[in] backend the target backend ! @param[in] atom_id_or_zero a program atom or zero for theory directives ! @param[in] term_id the term id of the term associated with the theory atom ! @param[in] elements an array of element ids for the theory atoms’s elements ! @param[in] size the number of elements ! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes: ! - ::clingo_error_bad_alloc
  • ! Add a theory atom with a guard. ! ! @param[in] backend the target backend ! @param[in] atom_id_or_zero a program atom or zero for theory directives ! @param[in] term_id the term id of the term associated with the theory atom ! @param[in] elements an array of element ids for the theory atoms’s elements ! @param[in] size the number of elements ! @param[in] operator_name the string representation of a theory operator ! @param[in] right_hand_side_id the term id of the right hand side term ! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes: ! - ::clingo_error_bad_alloc
  • ! Add a theory atom element. ! ! @param[in] backend the target backend ! @param[in] tuple the array of term ids represeting the tuple ! @param[in] tuple_size the size of the tuple ! @param[in] condition an array of program literals represeting the condition ! @param[in] condition_size the size of the condition ! @param[out] element_id the resulting element id ! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes: ! - ::clingo_error_bad_alloc
  • ! Add a theory term representing a function. ! ! @param[in] backend the target backend ! @param[in] name the name of the function ! @param[in] arguments an array of term ids for the theory terms in the arguments ! @param[in] size the number of arguments ! @param[out] term_id the resulting term id ! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes: ! - ::clingo_error_bad_alloc
  • ! Add a numeric theory term. ! ! @param[in] backend the target backend ! @param[in] number the value of the term ! @param[out] term_id the resulting term id ! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes: ! - ::clingo_error_bad_alloc
  • ! Add a theory term representing a sequence of theory terms. ! ! @param[in] backend the target backend ! @param[in] type the type of the sequence ! @param[in] arguments the term ids of the terms in the sequence ! @param[in] size the number of elements of the sequence ! @param[out] term_id the resulting term id ! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes: ! - ::clingo_error_bad_alloc
  • ! Add a theory term representing a string. ! ! @param[in] backend the target backend ! @param[in] string the value of the term ! @param[out] term_id the resulting term id ! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes: ! - ::clingo_error_bad_alloc
  • ! Convert the given symbol into a theory term. ! ! @param[in] backend the target backend ! @param[in] symbol the symbol to convert ! @param[out] term_id the resulting term id ! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes: ! - ::clingo_error_bad_alloc
  • ! Add a weight rule to the program. ! ! @attention All weights and the lower bound must be positive. ! @param[in] backend the target backend ! @param[in] choice determines if the head is a choice or a disjunction ! @param[in] head the head atoms ! @param[in] head_size the number of atoms in the head ! @param[in] lower_bound the lower bound of the weight rule ! @param[in] body the weighted body literals ! @param[in] body_size the number of weighted literals in the body ! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes: ! - ::clingo_error_bad_alloc
  • ! Get the subkey at the given offset of an array entry. ! ! @note Some array entries, like fore example the solver configuration, can be accessed past there actual size to add subentries. ! @pre The @link clingo_configuration_type() type@endlink of the entry must be @ref ::clingo_configuration_type_array. ! @param[in] configuration the target configuration ! @param[in] key the key ! @param[in] offset the offset in the array ! @param[out] subkey the resulting subkey ! @return whether the call was successful
  • ! Get the size of an array entry. ! ! @pre The @link clingo_configuration_type() type@endlink of the entry must be @ref ::clingo_configuration_type_array. ! @param[in] configuration the target configuration ! @param[in] key the key ! @param[out] size the resulting size ! @return whether the call was successful
  • ! Get the description of an entry. ! ! @param[in] configuration the target configuration ! @param[in] key the key ! @param[out] description the description ! @return whether the call was successful
  • ! Lookup a subkey under the given name. ! ! @pre The @link clingo_configuration_type() type@endlink of the entry must be @ref ::clingo_configuration_type_map. ! @note Multiple levels can be looked up by concatenating keys with a period. ! @param[in] configuration the target configuration ! @param[in] key the key ! @param[in] name the name to lookup the subkey ! @param[out] subkey the resulting subkey ! @return whether the call was successful
  • ! Query whether the map has a key. ! ! @pre The @link clingo_configuration_type() type@endlink of the entry must be @ref ::clingo_configuration_type_map. ! @note Multiple levels can be looked up by concatenating keys with a period. ! @param[in] configuration the target configuration ! @param[in] key the key ! @param[in] name the name to lookup the subkey ! @param[out] result whether the key is in the map ! @return whether the call was successful
  • ! Get the number of subkeys of a map entry. ! ! @pre The @link clingo_configuration_type() type@endlink of the entry must be @ref ::clingo_configuration_type_map. ! @param[in] configuration the target configuration ! @param[in] key the key ! @param[out] size the resulting number ! @return whether the call was successful
  • ! Get the name associated with the offset-th subkey. ! ! @pre The @link clingo_configuration_type() type@endlink of the entry must be @ref ::clingo_configuration_type_map. ! @param[in] configuration the target configuration ! @param[in] key the key ! @param[in] offset the offset of the name ! @param[out] name the resulting name ! @return whether the call was successful
  • ! Get the root key of the configuration. ! ! @param[in] configuration the target configuration ! @param[out] key the root key ! @return whether the call was successful
  • ! Get the type of a key. ! ! @note The type is bitset, an entry can have multiple (but at least one) type. ! ! @param[in] configuration the target configuration ! @param[in] key the key ! @param[out] type the resulting type ! @return whether the call was successful
  • ! Get the string value of the given entry. ! ! @pre The @link clingo_configuration_type() type@endlink of the entry must be @ref ::clingo_configuration_type_value. ! @pre The given size must be larger or equal to size of the value. ! @param[in] configuration the target configuration ! @param[in] key the key ! @param[out] value the resulting string value ! @param[in] size the size of the given char array ! @return whether the call was successful
  • ! Get the size of the string value of the given entry. ! ! @pre The @link clingo_configuration_type() type@endlink of the entry must be @ref ::clingo_configuration_type_value. ! @param[in] configuration the target configuration ! @param[in] key the key ! @param[out] size the resulting size ! @return whether the call was successful
  • ! Check whether a entry has a value. ! ! @pre The @link clingo_configuration_type() type@endlink of the entry must be @ref ::clingo_configuration_type_value. ! @param[in] configuration the target configuration ! @param[in] key the key ! @param[out] assigned whether the entry has a value ! @return whether the call was successful
  • ! Set the value of an entry. ! ! @pre The @link clingo_configuration_type() type@endlink of the entry must be @ref ::clingo_configuration_type_value. ! @param[in] configuration the target configuration ! @param[in] key the key ! @param[in] value the value to set ! @return whether the call was successful
  • ! Extend the logic program with the given non-ground logic program in string form. ! ! This function puts the given program into a block of form: #program name(parameters). ! ! After extending the logic program, the corresponding program parts are typically grounded with ::clingo_control_ground. ! ! @param[in] control the target ! @param[in] name name of the program block ! @param[in] parameters string array of parameters of the program block ! @param[in] parameters_size number of parameters ! @param[in] program string representation of the program ! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes: ! - ::clingo_error_bad_alloc ! - ::clingo_error_runtime if parsing fails
  • ! Assign a truth value to an external atom. ! ! If a negative literal is passed, the corresponding atom is assigned the ! inverted truth value. ! ! If the atom does not exist or is not external, this is a noop. ! ! @param[in] control the target ! @param[in] literal literal to assign ! @param[in] value the truth value ! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes: ! - ::clingo_error_bad_alloc
  • ! Get an object to add ground directives to the program. ! ! See the @ref ProgramBuilder module for more information. ! ! @param[in] control the target ! @param[out] backend the backend object ! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes: ! - ::clingo_error_bad_alloc
  • ! Get low-level access to clasp. ! ! @attention ! This function is intended for experimental use only and not part of the stable API. ! ! This function may return a nullptr. ! Otherwise, the returned pointer can be casted to a ClaspFacade pointer. ! ! @param[in] control the target ! @param[out] clasp pointer to the ClaspFacade object (may be nullptr) ! @return whether the call was successful
  • ! @param[in] control the target ! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes: ! - ::clingo_error_bad_alloc ! ! @see clingo_control_get_enable_cleanup() ! @see clingo_control_set_enable_cleanup()
  • ! Get a configuration object to change the solver configuration. ! ! See the @ref Configuration module for more information. ! ! @param[in] control the target ! @param[out] configuration the configuration object ! @return whether the call was successful
  • ! Free a control object created with clingo_control_new(). ! @param[in] control the target
  • ! Return the symbol for a constant definition of form: #const name = symbol. ! ! @param[in] control the target ! @param[in] name the name of the constant ! @param[out] symbol the resulting symbol ! @return whether the call was successful
  • ! Check whether automatic cleanup is enabled. ! ! See ::clingo_control_set_enable_cleanup(). ! ! @param[in] control the target ! ! @see clingo_control_cleanup() ! @see clingo_control_set_enable_cleanup()
  • ! Check whether the enumeration assumption is enabled. ! ! See ::clingo_control_set_enable_enumeration_assumption(). ! @param[in] control the target ! @return whether using the enumeration assumption is enabled
  • ! Ground the selected @link ::clingo_part parts @endlink of the current (non-ground) logic program. ! ! After grounding, logic programs can be solved with ::clingo_control_solve(). ! ! @note Parts of a logic program without an explicit #program ! specification are by default put into a program called base without ! arguments. ! ! @param[in] control the target ! @param[in] parts array of parts to ground ! @param[in] parts_size size of the parts array ! @param[in] ground_callback callback to implement external functions ! @param[in] ground_callback_data user data for ground_callback ! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes: ! - ::clingo_error_bad_alloc ! - error code of ground callback ! ! @see clingo_part
  • ! Check if there is a constant definition for the given constant. ! ! @param[in] control the target ! @param[in] name the name of the constant ! @param[out] exists whether a matching constant definition exists ! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes: ! - ::clingo_error_runtime if constant definition does not exist ! ! @see clingo_control_get_const()
  • ! Interrupt the active solve call (or the following solve call right at the beginning). ! ! @param[in] control the target
  • ! Check if the solver has determined that the internal program representation is conflicting. ! ! If this function returns true, solve calls will return immediately with an unsatisfiable solve result. ! Note that conflicts first have to be detected, e.g. - ! initial unit propagation results in an empty clause, ! or later if an empty clause is resolved during solving. ! Hence, the function might return false even if the problem is unsatisfiable. ! ! @param[in] control the target ! @return whether the program representation is conflicting
  • ! Extend the logic program with a program in a file. ! ! @param[in] control the target ! @param[in] file path to the file ! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes: ! - ::clingo_error_bad_alloc ! - ::clingo_error_runtime if parsing or checking fails
  • ! Create a new control object. ! ! A control object has to be freed using clingo_control_free(). ! ! @note Only gringo options (without --output) and clasp’s options are supported as arguments, ! except basic options such as --help. ! Furthermore, a control object is blocked while a search call is active; ! you must not call any member function during search. ! ! If the logger is NULL, messages are printed to stderr. ! ! @param[in] arguments C string array of command line arguments ! @param[in] arguments_size size of the arguments array ! @param[in] logger callback functions for warnings and info messages ! @param[in] logger_data user data for the logger callback ! @param[in] message_limit maximum number of times the logger callback is called ! @param[out] control resulting control object ! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes: ! - ::clingo_error_bad_alloc ! - ::clingo_error_runtime if argument parsing fails
  • ! Register a program observer with the control object. ! ! @param[in] control the target ! @param[in] observer the observer to register ! @param[in] replace just pass the grounding to the observer but not the solver ! @param[in] data user data passed to the observer functions ! @return whether the call was successful
  • ! Register a custom propagator with the control object. ! ! If the sequential flag is set to true, the propagator is called ! sequentially when solving with multiple threads. ! ! See the @ref Propagator module for more information. ! ! @param[in] control the target ! @param[in] propagator the propagator ! @param[in] data user data passed to the propagator functions ! @param[in] sequential whether the propagator should be called sequentially ! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes: ! - ::clingo_error_bad_alloc
  • ! Release an external atom. ! ! If a negative literal is passed, the corresponding atom is released. ! ! After this call, an external atom is no longer external and subject to ! program simplifications. If the atom does not exist or is not external, ! this is a noop. ! ! @param[in] control the target ! @param[in] literal literal to release ! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes: ! - ::clingo_error_bad_alloc
  • ! Enable automatic cleanup after solving. ! ! @note Cleanup is enabled by default. ! ! @param[in] control the target ! @param[in] enable whether to enable cleanups ! @return whether the call was successful ! ! @see clingo_control_cleanup() ! @see clingo_control_get_enable_cleanup()
  • ! Configure how learnt constraints are handled during enumeration. ! ! If the enumeration assumption is enabled, then all information learnt from ! the solver’s various enumeration modes is removed after a solve call. This ! includes enumeration of cautious or brave consequences, enumeration of ! answer sets with or without projection, or finding optimal models, as well ! as clauses added with clingo_solve_control_add_clause(). ! ! @attention For practical purposes, this option is only interesting for single-shot solving ! or before the last solve call to squeeze out a tiny bit of performance. ! Initially, the enumeration assumption is enabled. ! ! @param[in] control the target ! @param[in] enable whether to enable the assumption ! @return whether the call was successful
  • ! Solve the currently @link ::clingo_control_ground grounded @endlink logic program enumerating its models. ! ! See the @ref SolveHandle module for more information. ! ! @param[in] control the target ! @param[in] mode configures the search mode ! @param[in] assumptions array of assumptions to solve under ! @param[in] assumptions_size number of assumptions ! @param[in] notify the event handler to register ! @param[in] data the user data for the event handler ! @param[out] handle handle to the current search to enumerate models ! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes: ! - ::clingo_error_bad_alloc ! - ::clingo_error_runtime if solving could not be started
  • ! Get a statistics object to inspect solver statistics. ! ! Statistics are updated after a solve call. ! ! See the @ref Statistics module for more information. ! ! @attention ! The level of detail of the statistics depends on the stats option ! (which can be set using @ref Configuration module or passed as an option when @link clingo_control_new creating the control object@endlink). ! The default level zero only provides basic statistics, ! level one provides extended and accumulated statistics, ! and level two provides per-thread statistics. ! Furthermore, the statistics object is best accessed right after solving. ! Otherwise, not all of its entries have valid values. ! ! @param[in] control the target ! @param[out] statistics the statistics object ! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes: ! - ::clingo_error_bad_alloc
  • ! Get an object to inspect symbolic atoms (the relevant Herbrand base) used ! for grounding. ! ! See the @ref SymbolicAtoms module for more information. ! ! @param[in] control the target ! @param[out] atoms the symbolic atoms object ! @return whether the call was successful
  • ! Get an object to inspect theory atoms that occur in the grounding. ! ! See the @ref TheoryAtoms module for more information. ! ! @param[in] control the target ! @param[out] atoms the theory atoms object ! @return whether the call was successful
  • ! Get the last error code set by a clingo API call. ! @note Each thread has its own local error code. ! @return error code
  • ! Get the last error message set if an API call fails. ! @note Each thread has its own local error message. ! @return error message or NULL
  • ! Convert error code into string.
  • ! Run clingo with a customized main function (similar to python and lua embedding). ! ! @param[in] application struct with callbacks to override default clingo functionality ! @param[in] arguments command line arguments ! @param[in] size number of arguments ! @param[in] data user data to pass to callbacks in application ! @return exit code to return from main function
  • ! Constant time lookup to test whether an atom is in a model. ! ! @param[in] model the target ! @param[in] atom the atom to lookup ! @param[out] contained whether the atom is contained ! @return whether the call was successful
  • ! Get the associated solve control object of a model. ! ! This object allows for adding clauses during model enumeration. ! @param[in] model the target ! @param[out] control the resulting solve control object ! @return whether the call was successful
  • ! Get the cost vector of a model. ! ! @param[in] model the target ! @param[out] costs the resulting costs ! @param[in] size the number of costs ! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes: ! - ::clingo_error_bad_alloc ! - ::clingo_error_runtime if the size is too small ! ! @see clingo_model_cost_size() ! @see clingo_model_optimality_proven()
  • ! Get the number of cost values of a model. ! ! @param[in] model the target ! @param[out] size the number of costs ! @return whether the call was successful
  • ! Add symbols to the model. ! ! These symbols will appear in clingo’s output, which means that this ! function is only meaningful if there is an underlying clingo application. ! Only models passed to the ::clingo_solve_event_callback_t are extendable. ! ! @param[in] model the target ! @param[in] symbols the symbols to add ! @param[in] size the number of symbols to add ! @return whether the call was successful
  • ! Check if a program literal is true in a model. ! ! @param[in] model the target ! @param[in] literal the literal to lookup ! @param[out] result whether the literal is true ! @return whether the call was successful
  • ! Get the running number of the model. ! ! @param[in] model the target ! @param[out] number the number of the model ! @return whether the call was successful
  • ! Whether the optimality of a model has been proven. ! ! @param[in] model the target ! @param[out] proven whether the optimality has been proven ! @return whether the call was successful ! ! @see clingo_model_cost()
  • ! Get the symbols of the selected types in the model. ! ! @note CSP assignments are represented using functions with name “$” ! where the first argument is the name of the CSP variable and the second one its ! value. ! ! @param[in] model the target ! @param[in] show which symbols to select ! @param[out] symbols the resulting symbols ! @param[in] size the number of selected symbols ! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes: ! - ::clingo_error_bad_alloc ! - ::clingo_error_runtime if the size is too small ! ! @see clingo_model_symbols_size()
  • ! Get the number of symbols of the selected types in the model. ! ! @param[in] model the target ! @param[in] show which symbols to select ! @param[out] size the number symbols ! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes: ! - ::clingo_error_bad_alloc
  • ! Get the id of the solver thread that found the model. ! ! @param[in] model the target ! @param[out] id the resulting thread id ! @return whether the call was successful
  • ! Get the type of the model. ! ! @param[in] model the target ! @param[out] type the type of the model ! @return whether the call was successful
  • ! Add an option that is processed with a custom parser. ! ! Note that the parser also has to take care of storing the semantic value of ! the option somewhere. ! ! Parameter option specifies the name(s) of the option. ! For example, “ping,p” adds the short option “-p” and its long form “–ping”. ! It is also possible to associate an option with a help level by adding “,@l” to the option specification. ! Options with a level greater than zero are only shown if the argument to help is greater or equal to l. ! ! @param[in] options object to register the option with ! @param[in] group options are grouped into sections as given by this string ! @param[in] option specifies the command line option ! @param[in] description the description of the option ! @param[in] parse callback to parse the value of the option ! @param[in] data user data for the callback ! @param[in] multi whether the option can appear multiple times on the command-line ! @param[in] argument optional string to change the value name in the generated help output ! @return whether the call was successful
  • ! Add an option that is a simple flag. ! ! This function is similar to @ref clingo_options_add() but simpler because it only supports flags, which do not have values. ! If a flag is passed via the command-line the parameter target is set to true. ! ! @param[in] options object to register the option with ! @param[in] group options are grouped into sections as given by this string ! @param[in] option specifies the command line option ! @param[in] description the description of the option ! @param[in] target boolean set to true if the flag is given on the command-line ! @return whether the call was successful
  • ! Parse a term in string form. ! ! The result of this function is a symbol. The input term can contain ! unevaluated functions, which are evaluated during parsing. ! ! @param[in] string the string to parse ! @param[in] logger optional logger to report warnings during parsing ! @param[in] logger_data user data for the logger ! @param[in] message_limit maximum number of times to call the logger ! @param[out] symbol the resulting symbol ! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes: ! - ::clingo_error_bad_alloc ! - ::clingo_error_runtime if parsing fails
  • ! Adds a statement to the program. ! ! @attention @ref clingo_program_builder_begin() must be called before adding statements and @ref clingo_program_builder_end() must be called after all statements have been added. ! @param[in] builder the target program builder ! @param[in] ast the AST node to add ! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes: ! - ::clingo_error_runtime for statements of invalid form or AST nodes that do not represent statements ! - ::clingo_error_bad_alloc
  • ! Begin building a program. ! ! @param[in] builder the target program builder ! @return whether the call was successful
  • ! End building a program. ! ! @param[in] builder the target program builder ! @return whether the call was successful
  • ! Get an object to add non-ground directives to the program. ! ! See the @ref ProgramBuilder module for more information. ! ! @param[in] control the target ! @param[out] builder the program builder object ! @return whether the call was successful
  • ! Add the given clause to the solver. ! ! This method sets its result to false if the current propagation must be stopped for the solver to backtrack. ! ! @attention No further calls on the control object or functions on the assignment should be called when the result of this method is false. ! ! @param[in] control the target ! @param[in] clause the clause to add ! @param[in] size the size of the clause ! @param[in] type the clause type determining its lifetime ! @param[out] result result indicating whether propagation has to be stopped ! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes: ! - ::clingo_error_bad_alloc
  • ! Adds a new volatile literal to the underlying solver thread. ! ! @attention The literal is only valid within the current solving step and solver thread. ! All volatile literals and clauses involving a volatile literal are deleted after the current search. ! ! @param[in] control the target ! @param[out] result the (positive) solver literal ! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes: ! - ::clingo_error_bad_alloc ! - ::clingo_error_logic if the assignment is conflicting
  • ! Add a watch for the solver literal in the given phase. ! ! @note Unlike @ref clingo_propagate_init_add_watch() this does not add a watch to all solver threads but just the current one. ! ! @param[in] control the target ! @param[in] literal the literal to watch ! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes: ! - ::clingo_error_bad_alloc ! - ::clingo_error_logic if the literal is invalid ! @see clingo_propagate_control_remove_watch()
  • ! Get the assignment associated with the underlying solver. ! ! @param[in] control the target ! @return the assignment
  • ! Check whether a literal is watched in the current solver thread. ! ! @param[in] control the target ! @param[in] literal the literal to check ! ! @return whether the literal is watched
  • ! Propagate implied literals (resulting from added clauses). ! ! This method sets its result to false if the current propagation must be stopped for the solver to backtrack. ! ! @attention No further calls on the control object or functions on the assignment should be called when the result of this method is false. ! ! @param[in] control the target ! @param[out] result result indicating whether propagation has to be stopped ! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes: ! - ::clingo_error_bad_alloc
  • ! Removes the watch (if any) for the given solver literal. ! ! @note Similar to @ref clingo_propagate_init_add_watch() this just removes the watch in the current solver thread. ! ! @param[in] control the target ! @param[in] literal the literal to remove
  • ! Get the id of the underlying solver thread. ! ! Thread ids are consecutive numbers starting with zero. ! ! @param[in] control the target ! @return the thread id
  • ! Add the given clause to the solver. ! ! @attention No further calls on the init object or functions on the assignment should be called when the result of this method is false. ! ! @param[in] init the target ! @param[in] clause the clause to add ! @param[in] size the size of the clause ! @param[out] result result indicating whether the problem became unsatisfiable ! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes: ! - ::clingo_error_bad_alloc
  • ! Add a literal to the solver. ! ! To be able to use the variable in clauses during propagation or add watches to it, it has to be frozen. ! Otherwise, it might be removed during preprocessing. ! ! @attention If varibales were added, subsequent calls to functions adding constraints or ::clingo_propagate_init_propagate() are expensive. ! It is best to add varables in batches. ! ! @param[in] init the target ! @param[in] freeze whether to freeze the literal ! @param[out] result the added literal ! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes: ! - ::clingo_error_bad_alloc
  • ! Add the given literal to minimize to the solver. ! ! This corresponds to a weak constraint of form :~ literal. [weight@priority]. ! ! @param[in] init the target ! @param[in] literal the literal to minimize ! @param[in] weight the weight of the literal ! @param[in] priority the priority of the literal ! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes: ! - ::clingo_error_bad_alloc
  • ! Add a watch for the solver literal in the given phase. ! ! @param[in] init the target ! @param[in] solver_literal the solver literal ! @return whether the call was successful
  • ! Add a watch for the solver literal in the given phase to the given solver thread. ! ! @param[in] init the target ! @param[in] solver_literal the solver literal ! @param[in] thread_id the id of the solver thread ! @return whether the call was successful
  • ! Add the given weight constraint to the solver. ! ! This function adds a constraint of form literal <=> { lit=weight | (lit, weight) in literals } >= bound to the solver. ! Depending on the type the <=> connective can be either a left implication, right implication, or equivalence. ! ! @attention No further calls on the init object or functions on the assignment should be called when the result of this method is false. ! ! @param[in] init the target ! @param[in] literal the literal of the constraint ! @param[in] literals the weighted literals ! @param[in] size the number of weighted literals ! @param[in] bound the bound of the constraint ! @param[in] type the type of the weight constraint ! @param[in] compare_equal if true compare equal instead of less than equal ! @param[out] result result indicating whether the problem became unsatisfiable ! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes: ! - ::clingo_error_bad_alloc
  • ! Get the top level assignment solver. ! ! @param[in] init the target ! @return the assignment
  • ! Freeze the given solver literal. ! ! Any solver literal that is not frozen is subject to simplification and might be removed in a preprocessing step after propagator initialization. ! A propagator should freeze all literals over which it might add clauses during propagation. ! Note that any watched literal is automatically frozen and that it does not matter which phase of the literal is frozen. ! ! @param[in] init the target ! @param[in] solver_literal the solver literal ! @return whether the call was successful
  • ! Get the current check mode of the propagator. ! ! @param[in] init the target ! @return bitmask when to call the propagator ! @see clingo_propagate_init_set_check_mode()
  • ! Get the number of threads used in subsequent solving. ! ! @param[in] init the target ! @return the number of threads ! @see clingo_propagate_control_thread_id()
  • ! Propagates consequences of the underlying problem excluding registered propagators. ! ! @note The function has no effect if SAT-preprocessing is enabled. ! @attention No further calls on the init object or functions on the assignment should be called when the result of this method is false. ! ! @param[in] init the target ! @param[out] result result indicating whether the problem became unsatisfiable ! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes: ! - ::clingo_error_bad_alloc
  • ! Remove the watch for the solver literal in the given phase. ! ! @param[in] init the target ! @param[in] solver_literal the solver literal ! @return whether the call was successful
  • ! Remove the watch for the solver literal in the given phase from the given solver thread. ! ! @param[in] init the target ! @param[in] solver_literal the solver literal ! @param[in] thread_id the id of the solver thread ! @return whether the call was successful
  • ! Configure when to call the check method of the propagator. ! ! @param[in] init the target ! @param[in] mode bitmask when to call the propagator ! @see @ref ::clingo_propagator::check()
  • ! Map the given program literal or condition id to its solver literal. ! ! @param[in] init the target ! @param[in] aspif_literal the aspif literal to map ! @param[out] solver_literal the resulting solver literal ! @return whether the call was successful
  • ! Get an object to inspect the symbolic atoms. ! ! @param[in] init the target ! @param[out] atoms the resulting object ! @return whether the call was successful
  • ! Get an object to inspect the theory atoms. ! ! @param[in] init the target ! @param[out] atoms the resulting object ! @return whether the call was successful
  • ! Add a custom scripting language to clingo. ! ! @param[in] name the name of the scripting language ! @param[in] script struct with functions implementing the language ! @param[in] data user data to pass to callbacks in the script ! @return whether the call was successful
  • ! Get the version of the registered scripting language. ! ! @param[in] name the name of the scripting language ! @return the version
  • ! Set a custom error code and message in the active thread. ! @param[in] code the error code ! @param[in] message the error message
  • ! Get the arity of a signature. ! ! @param[in] signature the target signature ! @return the arity of the signature
  • ! Create a new signature. ! ! @param[in] name name of the signature ! @param[in] arity arity of the signature ! @param[in] positive false if the signature has a classical negation sign ! @param[out] signature the resulting signature ! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes: ! - ::clingo_error_bad_alloc
  • ! Calculate a hash code of a signature. ! ! @param[in] signature the target signature ! @return the hash code of the signature
  • ! Check if two signatures are equal. ! ! @param[in] a first signature ! @param[in] b second signature ! @return whether a == b
  • ! Check if a signature is less than another signature. ! ! Signatures are compared first by sign (unsigned < signed), then by arity, ! then by name. ! ! @param[in] a first signature ! @param[in] b second signature ! @return whether a < b
  • ! Whether the signature is negative (is classically negated). ! ! @param[in] signature the target signature ! @return whether the signature has a sign
  • ! Whether the signature is positive (is not classically negated). ! ! @param[in] signature the target signature ! @return whether the signature has no sign
  • ! Get the name of a signature. ! ! @note ! The string is internalized and valid for the duration of the process. ! ! @param[in] signature the target signature ! @return the name of the signature
  • ! Add a clause that applies to the current solving step during model ! enumeration. ! ! @note The @ref Propagator module provides a more sophisticated ! interface to add clauses - even on partial assignments. ! ! @param[in] control the target ! @param[in] clause array of literals representing the clause ! @param[in] size the size of the literal array ! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes: ! - ::clingo_error_bad_alloc ! - ::clingo_error_runtime if adding the clause fails
  • ! Get an object to inspect the symbolic atoms. ! ! @param[in] control the target ! @param[out] atoms the resulting object ! @return whether the call was successful
  • ! Stop the running search and block until done. ! ! @param[in] handle the target ! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes: ! - ::clingo_error_bad_alloc ! - ::clingo_error_runtime if solving fails
  • ! Stops the running search and releases the handle. ! ! Blocks until the search is stopped (as if an implicit cancel was called before the handle is released). ! ! @param[in] handle the target ! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes: ! - ::clingo_error_bad_alloc ! - ::clingo_error_runtime if solving fails
  • ! When a problem is unsatisfiable, get a subset of the assumptions that made the problem unsatisfiable. ! ! If the program is not unsatisfiable, core is set to NULL and size to zero. ! ! @param[in] handle the target ! @param[out] core pointer where to store the core ! @param[out] size size of the given array ! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes: ! - ::clingo_error_bad_alloc
  • ! Get the next solve result. ! ! Blocks until the result is ready. ! When yielding partial solve results can be obtained, i.e., ! when a model is ready, the result will be satisfiable but neither the search exhausted nor the optimality proven. ! ! @param[in] handle the target ! @param[out] result the solve result ! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes: ! - ::clingo_error_bad_alloc ! - ::clingo_error_runtime if solving fails
  • ! Get the next model (or zero if there are no more models). ! ! @param[in] handle the target ! @param[out] model the model (it is NULL if there are no more models) ! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes: ! - ::clingo_error_bad_alloc ! - ::clingo_error_runtime if solving fails
  • ! Discards the last model and starts the search for the next one. ! ! If the search has been started asynchronously, this function continues the search in the background. ! ! @note This function does not block. ! ! @param[in] handle the target ! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes: ! - ::clingo_error_bad_alloc ! - ::clingo_error_runtime if solving fails
  • ! Wait for the specified amount of time to check if the next result is ready. ! ! If the time is set to zero, this function can be used to poll if the search is still active. ! If the time is negative, the function blocks until the search is finished. ! ! @param[in] handle the target ! @param[in] timeout the maximum time to wait ! @param[out] result whether the search has finished
  • ! Get the subkey at the given offset of an array entry. ! ! @pre The @link clingo_statistics_type() type@endlink of the entry must be @ref ::clingo_statistics_type_array. ! @param[in] statistics the target statistics ! @param[in] key the key ! @param[in] offset the offset in the array ! @param[out] subkey the resulting subkey ! @return whether the call was successful
  • ! Create the subkey at the end of an array entry. ! ! @pre The @link clingo_statistics_type() type@endlink of the entry must be @ref ::clingo_statistics_type_array. ! @param[in] statistics the target statistics ! @param[in] key the key ! @param[in] type the type of the new subkey ! @param[out] subkey the resulting subkey ! @return whether the call was successful
  • ! Get the size of an array entry. ! ! @pre The @link clingo_statistics_type() type@endlink of the entry must be @ref ::clingo_statistics_type_array. ! @param[in] statistics the target statistics ! @param[in] key the key ! @param[out] size the resulting size ! @return whether the call was successful
  • ! Add a subkey with the given name. ! ! @pre The @link clingo_statistics_type() type@endlink of the entry must be @ref ::clingo_statistics_type_map. ! @param[in] statistics the target statistics ! @param[in] key the key ! @param[in] name the name of the new subkey ! @param[in] type the type of the new subkey ! @param[out] subkey the index of the resulting subkey ! @return whether the call was successful
  • ! Lookup a subkey under the given name. ! ! @pre The @link clingo_statistics_type() type@endlink of the entry must be @ref ::clingo_statistics_type_map. ! @note Multiple levels can be looked up by concatenating keys with a period. ! @param[in] statistics the target statistics ! @param[in] key the key ! @param[in] name the name to lookup the subkey ! @param[out] subkey the resulting subkey ! @return whether the call was successful
  • ! Test if the given map contains a specific subkey. ! ! @pre The @link clingo_statistics_type() type@endlink of the entry must be @ref ::clingo_statistics_type_map. ! @param[in] statistics the target statistics ! @param[in] key the key ! @param[in] name name of the subkey ! @param[out] result true if the map has a subkey with the given name ! @return whether the call was successful
  • ! Get the number of subkeys of a map entry. ! ! @pre The @link clingo_statistics_type() type@endlink of the entry must be @ref ::clingo_statistics_type_map. ! @param[in] statistics the target statistics ! @param[in] key the key ! @param[out] size the resulting number ! @return whether the call was successful
  • ! Get the name associated with the offset-th subkey. ! ! @pre The @link clingo_statistics_type() type@endlink of the entry must be @ref ::clingo_statistics_type_map. ! @param[in] statistics the target statistics ! @param[in] key the key ! @param[in] offset the offset of the name ! @param[out] name the resulting name ! @return whether the call was successful
  • ! Get the root key of the statistics. ! ! @param[in] statistics the target statistics ! @param[out] key the root key ! @return whether the call was successful
  • ! Get the type of a key. ! ! @param[in] statistics the target statistics ! @param[in] key the key ! @param[out] type the resulting type ! @return whether the call was successful
  • ! Get the value of the given entry. ! ! @pre The @link clingo_statistics_type() type@endlink of the entry must be @ref ::clingo_statistics_type_value. ! @param[in] statistics the target statistics ! @param[in] key the key ! @param[out] value the resulting value ! @return whether the call was successful
  • ! Set the value of the given entry. ! ! @pre The @link clingo_statistics_type() type@endlink of the entry must be @ref ::clingo_statistics_type_value. ! @param[in] statistics the target statistics ! @param[in] key the key ! @param[out] value the new value ! @return whether the call was successful
  • ! Get the arguments of a symbol. ! ! @param[in] symbol the target symbol ! @param[out] arguments the resulting arguments ! @param[out] arguments_size the number of arguments ! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes: ! - ::clingo_error_runtime if symbol is not of type ::clingo_symbol_type_function
  • ! Construct a symbol representing a function or tuple. ! ! @note To create tuples, the empty string has to be used as name. ! ! @param[in] name the name of the function ! @param[in] arguments the arguments of the function ! @param[in] arguments_size the number of arguments ! @param[in] positive whether the symbol has a classical negation sign ! @param[out] symbol the resulting symbol ! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes: ! - ::clingo_error_bad_alloc
  • ! Construct a symbol representing an id. ! ! @note This is just a shortcut for clingo_symbol_create_function() with ! empty arguments. ! ! @param[in] name the name ! @param[in] positive whether the symbol has a classical negation sign ! @param[out] symbol the resulting symbol ! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes: ! - ::clingo_error_bad_alloc
  • ! Construct a symbol representing #inf. ! ! @param[out] symbol the resulting symbol
  • ! Construct a symbol representing a number. ! ! @param[in] number the number ! @param[out] symbol the resulting symbol
  • ! Construct a symbol representing a string. ! ! @param[in] string the string ! @param[out] symbol the resulting symbol ! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes: ! - ::clingo_error_bad_alloc
  • ! Construct a symbol representing #sup. ! ! @param[out] symbol the resulting symbol
  • ! Calculate a hash code of a symbol. ! ! @param[in] symbol the target symbol ! @return the hash code of the symbol
  • ! Check if two symbols are equal. ! ! @param[in] a first symbol ! @param[in] b second symbol ! @return whether a == b
  • ! Check if a symbol is less than another symbol. ! ! Symbols are first compared by type. If the types are equal, the values are ! compared (where strings are compared using strcmp). Functions are first ! compared by signature and then lexicographically by arguments. ! ! @param[in] a first symbol ! @param[in] b second symbol ! @return whether a < b
  • ! Check if a function is negative (has a sign). ! ! @param[in] symbol the target symbol ! @param[out] negative the result ! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes: ! - ::clingo_error_runtime if symbol is not of type ::clingo_symbol_type_function
  • ! Check if a function is positive (does not have a sign). ! ! @param[in] symbol the target symbol ! @param[out] positive the result ! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes: ! - ::clingo_error_runtime if symbol is not of type ::clingo_symbol_type_function
  • ! Get the name of a symbol. ! ! @note ! The string is internalized and valid for the duration of the process. ! ! @param[in] symbol the target symbol ! @param[out] name the resulting name ! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes: ! - ::clingo_error_runtime if symbol is not of type ::clingo_symbol_type_function
  • ! Get the number of a symbol. ! ! @param[in] symbol the target symbol ! @param[out] number the resulting number ! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes: ! - ::clingo_error_runtime if symbol is not of type ::clingo_symbol_type_number
  • ! Get the string of a symbol. ! ! @note ! The string is internalized and valid for the duration of the process. ! ! @param[in] symbol the target symbol ! @param[out] string the resulting string ! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes: ! - ::clingo_error_runtime if symbol is not of type ::clingo_symbol_type_string
  • ! Get the string representation of a symbol. ! ! @param[in] symbol the target symbol ! @param[out] string the resulting string ! @param[in] size the size of the string ! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes: ! - ::clingo_error_bad_alloc ! ! @see clingo_symbol_to_string_size()
  • ! Get the size of the string representation of a symbol (including the terminating 0). ! ! @param[in] symbol the target symbol ! @param[out] size the resulting size ! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes: ! - ::clingo_error_bad_alloc
  • ! Get the type of a symbol. ! ! @param[in] symbol the target symbol ! @return the type of the symbol
  • ! Get a forward iterator to the beginning of the sequence of all symbolic ! atoms optionally restricted to a given signature. ! ! @param[in] atoms the target ! @param[in] signature optional signature ! @param[out] iterator the resulting iterator ! @return whether the call was successful
  • ! Iterator pointing to the end of the sequence of symbolic atoms. ! ! @param[in] atoms the target ! @param[out] iterator the resulting iterator ! @return whether the call was successful
  • ! Find a symbolic atom given its symbolic representation. ! ! @param[in] atoms the target ! @param[in] symbol the symbol to lookup ! @param[out] iterator iterator pointing to the symbolic atom or to the end ! of the sequence if no corresponding atom is found ! @return whether the call was successful
  • ! Check whether an atom is external. ! ! An atom is external if it has been defined using an external directive and ! has not been released or defined by a rule. ! ! @param[in] atoms the target ! @param[in] iterator iterator to the atom ! @param[out] external whether the atom is a external ! @return whether the call was successful
  • ! Check whether an atom is a fact. ! ! @note This does not determine if an atom is a cautious consequence. The ! grounding or solving component’s simplifications can only detect this in ! some cases. ! ! @param[in] atoms the target ! @param[in] iterator iterator to the atom ! @param[out] fact whether the atom is a fact ! @return whether the call was successful
  • ! Check whether the given iterator points to some element with the sequence ! of symbolic atoms or to the end of the sequence. ! ! @param[in] atoms the target ! @param[in] iterator the iterator ! @param[out] valid whether the iterator points to some element within the ! sequence ! @return whether the call was successful
  • ! Check if two iterators point to the same element (or end of the sequence). ! ! @param[in] atoms the target ! @param[in] a the first iterator ! @param[in] b the second iterator ! @param[out] equal whether the two iterators are equal ! @return whether the call was successful
  • ! Returns the (numeric) aspif literal corresponding to the given symbolic atom. ! ! Such a literal can be mapped to a solver literal (see the \ref Propagator ! module) or be used in rules in aspif format (see the \ref ProgramBuilder ! module). ! ! @param[in] atoms the target ! @param[in] iterator iterator to the atom ! @param[out] literal the associated literal ! @return whether the call was successful
  • ! Get an iterator to the next element in the sequence of symbolic atoms. ! ! @param[in] atoms the target ! @param[in] iterator the current iterator ! @param[out] next the succeeding iterator ! @return whether the call was successful
  • ! Get the predicate signatures occurring in a logic program. ! ! @param[in] atoms the target ! @param[out] signatures the resulting signatures ! @param[in] size the number of signatures ! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes: ! - ::clingo_error_bad_alloc ! - ::clingo_error_runtime if the size is too small ! ! @see clingo_symbolic_atoms_signatures_size()
  • ! Get the number of different predicate signatures used in the program. ! ! @param[in] atoms the target ! @param[out] size the number of signatures ! @return whether the call was successful
  • ! Get the number of different atoms occurring in a logic program. ! ! @param[in] atoms the target ! @param[out] size the number of atoms ! @return whether the call was successful
  • ! Get the symbolic representation of an atom. ! ! @param[in] atoms the target ! @param[in] iterator iterator to the atom ! @param[out] symbol the resulting symbol ! @return whether the call was successful
  • ! Get the theory elements associated with the theory atom. ! ! @param[in] atoms container where the atom is stored ! @param[in] atom id of the atom ! @param[out] elements the resulting array of elements ! @param[out] size the number of elements ! @return whether the call was successful
  • ! Get the guard consisting of a theory operator and a theory term of the given theory atom. ! ! @note ! The lifetime of the string is tied to the current solve step. ! ! @param[in] atoms container where the atom is stored ! @param[in] atom id of the atom ! @param[out] connective the resulting theory operator ! @param[out] term the resulting term ! @return whether the call was successful
  • ! Whether the theory atom has a guard. ! ! @param[in] atoms container where the atom is stored ! @param[in] atom id of the atom ! @param[out] has_guard whether the theory atom has a guard ! @return whether the call was successful
  • ! Get the aspif literal associated with the given theory atom. ! ! @param[in] atoms container where the atom is stored ! @param[in] atom id of the atom ! @param[out] literal the resulting literal ! @return whether the call was successful
  • ! Get the theory term associated with the theory atom. ! ! @param[in] atoms container where the atom is stored ! @param[in] atom id of the atom ! @param[out] term the resulting term id ! @return whether the call was successful
  • ! Get the string representation of the given theory atom. ! ! @param[in] atoms container where the atom is stored ! @param[in] atom id of the element ! @param[out] string the resulting string ! @param[in] size the size of the string ! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes: ! - ::clingo_error_runtime if the size is too small ! - ::clingo_error_bad_alloc
  • ! Get the size of the string representation of the given theory atom (including the terminating 0). ! ! @param[in] atoms container where the atom is stored ! @param[in] atom id of the element ! @param[out] size the resulting size ! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes: ! - ::clingo_error_bad_alloc
  • ! Get the condition (array of aspif literals) of the given theory element. ! ! @param[in] atoms container where the element is stored ! @param[in] element id of the element ! @param[out] condition the resulting array of aspif literals ! @param[out] size the number of term literals ! @return whether the call was successful
  • ! Get the id of the condition of the given theory element. ! ! @note ! This id can be mapped to a solver literal using clingo_propagate_init_solver_literal(). ! This id is not (necessarily) an aspif literal; ! to get aspif literals use clingo_theory_atoms_element_condition(). ! ! @param[in] atoms container where the element is stored ! @param[in] element id of the element ! @param[out] condition the resulting condition id ! @return whether the call was successful
  • ! Get the string representation of the given theory element. ! ! @param[in] atoms container where the element is stored ! @param[in] element id of the element ! @param[out] string the resulting string ! @param[in] size the size of the string ! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes: ! - ::clingo_error_runtime if the size is too small ! - ::clingo_error_bad_alloc
  • ! Get the size of the string representation of the given theory element (including the terminating 0). ! ! @param[in] atoms container where the element is stored ! @param[in] element id of the element ! @param[out] size the resulting size ! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes: ! - ::clingo_error_bad_alloc
  • ! Get the tuple (array of theory terms) of the given theory element. ! ! @param[in] atoms container where the element is stored ! @param[in] element id of the element ! @param[out] tuple the resulting array of term ids ! @param[out] size the number of term ids ! @return whether the call was successful
  • ! Get the total number of theory atoms. ! ! @param[in] atoms the target ! @param[out] size the resulting number ! @return whether the call was successful
  • ! Get the arguments of the given function theory term. ! ! @pre The term must be of type ::clingo_theory_term_type_function. ! @param[in] atoms container where the term is stored ! @param[in] term id of the term ! @param[out] arguments the resulting arguments in form of an array of term ids ! @param[out] size the number of arguments ! @return whether the call was successful
  • ! Get the name of the given constant or function theory term. ! ! @note ! The lifetime of the string is tied to the current solve step. ! ! @pre The term must be of type ::clingo_theory_term_type_function or ::clingo_theory_term_type_symbol. ! @param[in] atoms container where the term is stored ! @param[in] term id of the term ! @param[out] name the resulting name ! @return whether the call was successful
  • ! Get the number of the given numeric theory term. ! ! @pre The term must be of type ::clingo_theory_term_type_number. ! @param[in] atoms container where the term is stored ! @param[in] term id of the term ! @param[out] number the resulting number ! @return whether the call was successful
  • ! Get the string representation of the given theory term. ! ! @param[in] atoms container where the term is stored ! @param[in] term id of the term ! @param[out] string the resulting string ! @param[in] size the size of the string ! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes: ! - ::clingo_error_runtime if the size is too small ! - ::clingo_error_bad_alloc ! ! @see clingo_theory_atoms_term_to_string_size()
  • ! Get the size of the string representation of the given theory term (including the terminating 0). ! ! @param[in] atoms container where the term is stored ! @param[in] term id of the term ! @param[out] size the resulting size ! @return whether the call was successful; might set one of the following error codes: ! - ::clingo_error_bad_alloc
  • ! Get the type of the given theory term. ! ! @param[in] atoms container where the term is stored ! @param[in] term id of the term ! @param[out] type the resulting type ! @return whether the call was successful
  • ! Obtain the clingo version. ! ! @param[out] major major version number ! @param[out] minor minor version number ! @param[out] revision revision number
  • ! Convert warning code into string.

Type Aliases