ckb-rpc 0.38.0

TODO(doc): @doitian crate description failed to build ckb-rpc-0.38.0
Please check the build logs for more information.
See Builds for ideas on how to fix a failed build, or Metadata for how to configure builds.
If you believe this is' fault, open an issue.
Visit the last successful build: ckb-rpc-0.116.1

CKB JSON-RPC Protocols

The RPC interface shares the version of the node version, which is returned in local_node_info. The interface is fully compatible between patch versions, for example, a client for 0.25.0 should work with 0.25.x for any x.

Allowing arbitrary machines to access the JSON-RPC port (using the rpc.listen_address configuration option) is dangerous and strongly discouraged. Please strictly limit the access to only trusted machines.

CKB JSON-RPC only supports HTTP now. If you need SSL, please set up a proxy via Nginx or other HTTP servers.

Subscriptions require a full duplex connection. CKB offers such connections in the form of TCP (enable with rpc.tcp_listen_address configuration option) and WebSockets (enable with rpc.ws_listen_address).

JSONRPC Deprecation Process

A CKB RPC method is deprecated in three steps.

First, the method is marked as deprecated in the CKB release notes and RPC document. However, the RPC method is still available. The RPC document will have the suggestion of alternative solutions.

The CKB dev team will disable any deprecated RPC methods starting from the next minor version release. Users can enable the deprecated methods via the config file option rpc.enable_deprecated_rpc.

Once a deprecated method is disabled, the CKB dev team will remove it in a future minor version release.

For example, a method is marked as deprecated in 0.35.0, it can be disabled in 0.36.0 and removed in 0.37.0. The minor versions are released monthly, so there's at least a two-month buffer for a deprecated RPC method.

Table of Contents

RPC Methods

Module Alert

RPC Module Alert for network alerts.

An alert is a message about critical problems to be broadcast to all nodes via the p2p network.

The alerts must be signed by 2-of-4 signatures, where the public keys are hard-coded in the source code and belong to early CKB developers.

Method send_alert

  • send_alert(alert)
  • result: null

Sends an alert.

This RPC returns null on success.



  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "method": "send_alert",
  "params": [
      "id": "0x1",
      "cancel": "0x0",
      "priority": "0x1",
      "message": "An example alert message!",
      "notice_until": "0x24bcca57c00",
      "signatures": [
  "id": 42


  "error": {
    "code": -1000,
    "data": "SigNotEnough",
    "message":"AlertFailedToVerifySignatures: The count of sigs less than threshold."
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "result": null,
  "id": 42

Module Chain

RPC Module Chain for methods related to the canonical chain.

This module queries information about the canonical chain.

Canonical Chain

A canonical chain is the one with the most accumulated work. The accumulated work is the sum of difficulties of all the blocks in the chain.

Chain Reorganization

Chain Reorganization happens when CKB found a chain that has accumulated more work than the canonical chain. The reorganization reverts the blocks in the current canonical chain if needed, and switch the canonical chain to that better chain.

Live Cell

A cell is live if

  • it is found as an output in any transaction in the canonical chain, and

  • it is not found as an input in any transaction in the canonical chain.

Method get_block

Returns the information about a block by hash.

  • block_hash - the block hash.

  • verbosity - result format which allows 0 and 2. (Optional, the default is 2.)


The RPC returns a block or null. When the RPC returns a block, the block hash must equal to the parameter block_hash.

If the block is in the canonical chain, the RPC must return the block information. Otherwise, the behavior is undefined. The RPC may return blocks found in local storage or simply returns null for all blocks that are not in the canonical chain. And because of chain reorganization, for the same block_hash, the RPC may sometimes return null and sometimes return the block.

When verbosity is 2, it returns a JSON object as the result. See BlockView for the schema.

When verbosity is 0, it returns a 0x-prefixed hex string as the result. The string encodes the block serialized by molecule using schema table Block.



  "id": 42,
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "method": "get_block",
  "params": [


  "id": 42,
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "result": {
    "header": {
      "compact_target": "0x1e083126",
      "dao": "0xb5a3e047474401001bc476b9ee573000c0c387962a38000000febffacf030000",
      "epoch": "0x7080018000001",
      "hash": "0xa5f5c85987a15de25661e5a214f2c1449cd803f071acc7999820f25246471f40",
      "nonce": "0x0",
      "number": "0x400",
      "parent_hash": "0xae003585fa15309b30b31aed3dcf385e9472c3c3e93746a6c4540629a6a1ed2d",
      "proposals_hash": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
      "timestamp": "0x5cd2b117",
      "transactions_root": "0xc47d5b78b3c4c4c853e2a32810818940d0ee403423bea9ec7b8e566d9595206c",
      "uncles_hash": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
      "version": "0x0"
    "proposals": [],
    "transactions": [
        "cell_deps": [],
        "hash": "0x365698b50ca0da75dca2c87f9e7b563811d3b5813736b8cc62cc3b106faceb17",
        "header_deps": [],
        "inputs": [
            "previous_output": {
              "index": "0xffffffff",
              "tx_hash": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
            "since": "0x400"
        "outputs": [
            "capacity": "0x18e64b61cf",
            "lock": {
              "args": "0x",
              "code_hash": "0x28e83a1277d48add8e72fadaa9248559e1b632bab2bd60b27955ebc4c03800a5",
              "hash_type": "data"
            "type": null
        "outputs_data": [
        "version": "0x0",
        "witnesses": [
    "uncles": []

The response looks like below when verbosity is 0.

  "id": 42,
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "result": "0x..."

Method get_block_by_number

Returns the block in the canonical chain with the specific block number.

  • block_number - the block number.

  • verbosity - result format which allows 0 and 2. (Optional, the default is 2.)


The RPC returns the block when block_number is less than or equal to the tip block number returned by get_tip_block_number and returns null otherwise.

Because of chain reorganization, the PRC may return null or even different blocks in different invocations with the same block_number.

When verbosity is 2, it returns a JSON object as the result. See BlockView for the schema.

When verbosity is 0, it returns a 0x-prefixed hex string as the result. The string encodes the block serialized by molecule using schema table Block.



  "id": 42,
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "method": "get_block_by_number",
  "params": [


  "id": 42,
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "result": {
    "header": {
      "compact_target": "0x1e083126",
      "dao": "0xb5a3e047474401001bc476b9ee573000c0c387962a38000000febffacf030000",
      "epoch": "0x7080018000001",
      "hash": "0xa5f5c85987a15de25661e5a214f2c1449cd803f071acc7999820f25246471f40",
      "nonce": "0x0",
      "number": "0x400",
      "parent_hash": "0xae003585fa15309b30b31aed3dcf385e9472c3c3e93746a6c4540629a6a1ed2d",
      "proposals_hash": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
      "timestamp": "0x5cd2b117",
      "transactions_root": "0xc47d5b78b3c4c4c853e2a32810818940d0ee403423bea9ec7b8e566d9595206c",
      "uncles_hash": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
      "version": "0x0"
    "proposals": [],
    "transactions": [
        "cell_deps": [],
        "hash": "0x365698b50ca0da75dca2c87f9e7b563811d3b5813736b8cc62cc3b106faceb17",
        "header_deps": [],
        "inputs": [
            "previous_output": {
              "index": "0xffffffff",
              "tx_hash": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
            "since": "0x400"
        "outputs": [
            "capacity": "0x18e64b61cf",
            "lock": {
              "args": "0x",
              "code_hash": "0x28e83a1277d48add8e72fadaa9248559e1b632bab2bd60b27955ebc4c03800a5",
              "hash_type": "data"
            "type": null
        "outputs_data": [
        "version": "0x0",
        "witnesses": [
    "uncles": []

The response looks like below when verbosity is 0.

  "id": 42,
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "result": "0x..."

Method get_header

Returns the information about a block header by hash.

  • block_hash - the block hash.

  • verbosity - result format which allows 0 and 1. (Optional, the default is 1.)


The RPC returns a header or null. When the RPC returns a header, the block hash must equal to the parameter block_hash.

If the block is in the canonical chain, the RPC must return the header information. Otherwise, the behavior is undefined. The RPC may return blocks found in local storage or simply returns null for all blocks that are not in the canonical chain. And because of chain reorganization, for the same block_hash, the RPC may sometimes return null and sometimes return the block header.

When verbosity is 1, it returns a JSON object as the result. See HeaderView for the schema.

When verbosity is 0, it returns a 0x-prefixed hex string as the result. The string encodes the block header serialized by molecule using schema table Header.



  "id": 42,
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "method": "get_header",
  "params": [


  "id": 42,
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "result": {
    "compact_target": "0x1e083126",
    "dao": "0xb5a3e047474401001bc476b9ee573000c0c387962a38000000febffacf030000",
    "epoch": "0x7080018000001",
    "hash": "0xa5f5c85987a15de25661e5a214f2c1449cd803f071acc7999820f25246471f40",
    "nonce": "0x0",
    "number": "0x400",
    "parent_hash": "0xae003585fa15309b30b31aed3dcf385e9472c3c3e93746a6c4540629a6a1ed2d",
    "proposals_hash": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
    "timestamp": "0x5cd2b117",
    "transactions_root": "0xc47d5b78b3c4c4c853e2a32810818940d0ee403423bea9ec7b8e566d9595206c",
    "uncles_hash": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
    "version": "0x0"

The response looks like below when verbosity is 0.

  "id": 42,
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "result": "0x..."

Method get_header_by_number

Returns the block header in the canonical chain with the specific block number.

  • block_number - Number of a block

  • verbosity - result format which allows 0 and 1. (Optional, the default is 1.)


The RPC returns the block header when block_number is less than or equal to the tip block number returned by get_tip_block_number and returns null otherwise.

Because of chain reorganization, the PRC may return null or even different block headers in different invocations with the same block_number.

When verbosity is 1, it returns a JSON object as the result. See HeaderView for the schema.

When verbosity is 0, it returns a 0x-prefixed hex string as the result. The string encodes the block header serialized by molecule using schema table Header.



  "id": 42,
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "method": "get_header_by_number",
  "params": [


  "id": 42,
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "result": {
    "compact_target": "0x1e083126",
    "dao": "0xb5a3e047474401001bc476b9ee573000c0c387962a38000000febffacf030000",
    "epoch": "0x7080018000001",
    "hash": "0xa5f5c85987a15de25661e5a214f2c1449cd803f071acc7999820f25246471f40",
    "nonce": "0x0",
    "number": "0x400",
    "parent_hash": "0xae003585fa15309b30b31aed3dcf385e9472c3c3e93746a6c4540629a6a1ed2d",
    "proposals_hash": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
    "timestamp": "0x5cd2b117",
    "transactions_root": "0xc47d5b78b3c4c4c853e2a32810818940d0ee403423bea9ec7b8e566d9595206c",
    "uncles_hash": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
    "version": "0x0"

The response looks like below when verbosity is 0.

  "id": 42,
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "result": "0x..."

Method get_transaction

Returns the information about a transaction requested by transaction hash.


This RPC returns null if the transaction is not committed in the canonical chain nor the transaction memory pool.

If the transaction is in the chain, the block hash is also returned.

  • tx_hash - Hash of a transaction


  "id": 42,
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "method": "get_transaction",
  "params": [


  "id": 42,
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "result": {
    "transaction": {
      "cell_deps": [
          "dep_type": "code",
          "out_point": {
            "index": "0x0",
            "tx_hash": "0xa4037a893eb48e18ed4ef61034ce26eba9c585f15c9cee102ae58505565eccc3"
      "hash": "0xa0ef4eb5f4ceeb08a4c8524d84c5da95dce2f608e0ca2ec8091191b0f330c6e3",
      "header_deps": [
      "inputs": [
          "previous_output": {
            "index": "0x0",
            "tx_hash": "0x365698b50ca0da75dca2c87f9e7b563811d3b5813736b8cc62cc3b106faceb17"
          "since": "0x0"
      "outputs": [
          "capacity": "0x2540be400",
          "lock": {
            "args": "0x",
            "code_hash": "0x28e83a1277d48add8e72fadaa9248559e1b632bab2bd60b27955ebc4c03800a5",
            "hash_type": "data"
          "type": null
      "outputs_data": [
      "version": "0x0",
      "witnesses": []
    "tx_status": {
      "block_hash": null,
      "status": "pending"

Method get_block_hash

  • get_block_hash(block_number)
  • result: H256 | null

Returns the hash of a block in the canonical chain with the specified block_number.

  • block_number - Block number

The RPC returns the block hash when block_number is less than or equal to the tip block number returned by get_tip_block_number and returns null otherwise.

Because of chain reorganization, the PRC may return null or even different block hashes in different invocations with the same block_number.



  "id": 42,
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "method": "get_block_hash",
  "params": [


  "id": 42,
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "result": "0xa5f5c85987a15de25661e5a214f2c1449cd803f071acc7999820f25246471f40"

Method get_tip_header

Returns the header with the highest block number in the canonical chain.

Because of chain reorganization, the block number returned can be less than previous invocations and different invocations may return different block headers with the same block number.

  • verbosity - result format which allows 0 and 1. (Optional, the default is 1.)

When verbosity is 1, the RPC returns a JSON object as the result. See HeaderView for the schema.

When verbosity is 0, it returns a 0x-prefixed hex string as the result. The string encodes the header serialized by molecule using schema table Header.



  "id": 42,
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "method": "get_tip_header",
  "params": []


  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "result": {
    "compact_target": "0x1e083126",
    "dao": "0xb5a3e047474401001bc476b9ee573000c0c387962a38000000febffacf030000",
    "epoch": "0x7080018000001",
    "hash": "0xa5f5c85987a15de25661e5a214f2c1449cd803f071acc7999820f25246471f40",
    "nonce": "0x0",
    "number": "0x400",
    "parent_hash": "0xae003585fa15309b30b31aed3dcf385e9472c3c3e93746a6c4540629a6a1ed2d",
    "proposals_hash": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
    "timestamp": "0x5cd2b117",
    "transactions_root": "0xc47d5b78b3c4c4c853e2a32810818940d0ee403423bea9ec7b8e566d9595206c",
    "uncles_hash": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
    "version": "0x0"
  "id": 42

The response looks like below when verbosity is 0.

  "id": 42,
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "result": "0x..."

Method get_cells_by_lock_hash

👎 Deprecated since 0.36.0: (Disabled since 0.36.0) This method is deprecated for reasons of flexibility. Please use ckb-indexer as an alternate solution

Returns the information about live cells collection by the hash of lock script.

This method will be removed. It always returns an error now.

Method get_live_cell

Returns the status of a cell. The RPC returns extra information if it is a [live cell] (#live-cell).


This RPC tells whether a cell is live or not.

If the cell is live, the RPC will return details about the cell. Otherwise, the field cell is null in the result.

If the cell is live and with_data is set to false, the field is null in the result.

  • out_point - Reference to the cell by transaction hash and output index.

  • with_data - Whether the RPC should return cell data. Cell data can be huge, if the client does not need the data, it should set this to false to save bandwidth.



  "id": 42,
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "method": "get_live_cell",
  "params": [
      "index": "0x0",
      "tx_hash": "0xa4037a893eb48e18ed4ef61034ce26eba9c585f15c9cee102ae58505565eccc3"


  "id": 42,
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "result": {
    "cell": {
      "data": {
        "content": "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",
        "hash": "0x28e83a1277d48add8e72fadaa9248559e1b632bab2bd60b27955ebc4c03800a5"
      "output": {
        "capacity": "0x802665800",
        "lock": {
          "args": "0x",
          "code_hash": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
          "hash_type": "data"
        "type": null
    "status": "live"

Method get_tip_block_number

Returns the highest block number in the canonical chain.

Because of chain reorganization, the returned block number may be less than a value returned in the previous invocation.



  "id": 42,
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "method": "get_tip_block_number",
  "params": []


  "id": 42,
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "result": "0x400"

Method get_current_epoch

Returns the epoch with the highest number in the canonical chain.

Pay attention that like blocks with the specific block number may change because of chain reorganization, This RPC may return different epochs which have the same epoch number.



  "id": 42,
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "method": "get_current_epoch",
  "params": []


  "id": 42,
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "result": {
    "compact_target": "0x1e083126",
    "length": "0x708",
    "number": "0x1",
    "start_number": "0x3e8"

Method get_epoch_by_number

Returns the epoch in the canonical chain with the specific epoch number.

  • epoch_number - Epoch number

The RPC returns the epoch when epoch_number is less than or equal to the current epoch number returned by get_current_epoch and returns null otherwise.

Because of chain reorganization, for the same epoch_number, this RPC may return null or different epochs in different invocations.



  "id": 42,
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "method": "get_epoch_by_number",
  "params": [


  "id": 42,
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "result": {
    "compact_target": "0x20010000",
    "length": "0x3e8",
    "number": "0x0",
    "start_number": "0x0"

Method get_cellbase_output_capacity_details

  • get_cellbase_output_capacity_details(block_hash)
  • result: BlockReward | null

👎 Deprecated since 0.36.0: Please use the RPC method get_block_economic_state instead

Returns each component of the created CKB in the block's cellbase.

This RPC returns null if the block is not in the canonical chain.

CKB delays CKB creation for miners. The output cells in the cellbase of block N are for the miner creating block N - 1 - ProposalWindow.farthest.

In mainnet, ProposalWindow.farthest is 10, so the outputs in block 100 are rewards for miner creating block 89.

  • block_hash - Specifies the block hash which cellbase outputs should be analyzed.

If the block with the hash block_hash is in the canonical chain and its block number is N, return the block rewards analysis for block N - 1 - ProposalWindow.farthest.



  "id": 42,
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "method": "get_cellbase_output_capacity_details",
  "params": [


  "id": 42,
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "result": {
    "primary": "0x18ce922bca",
    "proposal_reward": "0x0",
    "secondary": "0x17b93605",
    "total": "0x18e64b61cf",
    "tx_fee": "0x0"

Method get_block_economic_state

Returns increased issuance, miner reward, and the total transaction fee of a block.

This RPC returns null if the block is not in the canonical chain.

CKB delays CKB creation for miners. The output cells in the cellbase of block N are for the miner creating block N - 1 - ProposalWindow.farthest.

In mainnet, ProposalWindow.farthest is 10, so the outputs in block 100 are rewards for miner creating block 89.

Because of the delay, this RPC returns null if the block rewards are not finalized yet. For example, the economic state for block 89 is only available when the number returned by get_tip_block_number is greater than or equal to 100.

  • block_hash - Specifies the block hash which rewards should be analyzed.

If the block with the hash block_hash is in the canonical chain and its rewards have been finalized, return the block rewards analysis for this block.



  "id": 42,
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "method": "get_block_economic_state",
  "params": [


  "id": 42,
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "result": {
    "finalized_at": "0xa5f5c85987a15de25661e5a214f2c1449cd803f071acc7999820f25246471f40",
    "issuance": {
      "primary": "0x18ce922bca",
      "secondary": "0x7f02ec655"
    "miner_reward": {
      "committed": "0x0",
      "primary": "0x18ce922bca",
      "proposal": "0x0",
      "secondary": "0x17b93605"
    "txs_fee": "0x0"

Method get_transaction_proof

  • get_transaction_proof(tx_hashes, block_hash)
    • tx_hashes: Array< H256 >
    • block_hash: H256 | null
  • result: TransactionProof

Returns a Merkle proof that transactions are included in a block.

  • tx_hashes - Transaction hashes, all transactions must be in the same block

  • block_hash - An optional parameter, if specified, looks for transactions in the block with this hash



  "id": 42,
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "method": "get_transaction_proof",
  "params": [
    [ "0xa4037a893eb48e18ed4ef61034ce26eba9c585f15c9cee102ae58505565eccc3" ]


  "id": 42,
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "result": {
    "block_hash": "0x7978ec7ce5b507cfb52e149e36b1a23f6062ed150503c85bbf825da3599095ed",
    "proof": {
      "indices": [ "0x0" ],
      "lemmas": []
    "witnesses_root": "0x2bb631f4a251ec39d943cc238fc1e39c7f0e99776e8a1e7be28a03c70c4f4853"

Method verify_transaction_proof

Verifies that a proof points to transactions in a block, returning the transaction hashes it commits to.



  "id": 42,
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "method": "verify_transaction_proof",
  "params": [
      "block_hash": "0x7978ec7ce5b507cfb52e149e36b1a23f6062ed150503c85bbf825da3599095ed",
      "proof": {
        "indices": [ "0x0" ],
        "lemmas": []
      "witnesses_root": "0x2bb631f4a251ec39d943cc238fc1e39c7f0e99776e8a1e7be28a03c70c4f4853"


  "id": 42,
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "result": [

Method get_fork_block

Returns the information about a fork block by hash.

  • block_hash - the fork block hash.

  • verbosity - result format which allows 0 and 2. (Optional, the default is 2.)


The RPC returns a fork block or null. When the RPC returns a block, the block hash must equal to the parameter block_hash.

Please note that due to the technical nature of the peer to peer sync, the RPC may return null or a fork block result on different nodes with same block_hash even they are fully synced to the canonical chain. And because of chain reorganization, for the same block_hash, the RPC may sometimes return null and sometimes return the fork block.

When verbosity is 2, it returns a JSON object as the result. See BlockView for the schema.

When verbosity is 0, it returns a 0x-prefixed hex string as the result. The string encodes the block serialized by molecule using schema table Block.



  "id": 42,
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "method": "get_fork_block",
  "params": [


  "id": 42,
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "result": {
    "header": {
      "compact_target": "0x1e083126",
      "dao": "0xb5a3e047474401001bc476b9ee573000c0c387962a38000000febffacf030000",
      "epoch": "0x7080018000001",
      "hash": "0xdca341a42890536551f99357612cef7148ed471e3b6419d0844a4e400be6ee94",
      "nonce": "0x0",
      "number": "0x400",
      "parent_hash": "0xae003585fa15309b30b31aed3dcf385e9472c3c3e93746a6c4540629a6a1ed2d",
      "proposals_hash": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
      "timestamp": "0x5cd2b118",
      "transactions_root": "0xc47d5b78b3c4c4c853e2a32810818940d0ee403423bea9ec7b8e566d9595206c",
      "uncles_hash": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
      "version": "0x0"
    "proposals": [],
    "transactions": [
        "cell_deps": [],
        "hash": "0x365698b50ca0da75dca2c87f9e7b563811d3b5813736b8cc62cc3b106faceb17",
        "header_deps": [],
        "inputs": [
            "previous_output": {
              "index": "0xffffffff",
              "tx_hash": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
            "since": "0x400"
        "outputs": [
            "capacity": "0x18e64b61cf",
            "lock": {
              "args": "0x",
              "code_hash": "0x28e83a1277d48add8e72fadaa9248559e1b632bab2bd60b27955ebc4c03800a5",
              "hash_type": "data"
            "type": null
        "outputs_data": [
        "version": "0x0",
        "witnesses": [
    "uncles": []

The response looks like below when verbosity is 0.

  "id": 42,
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "result": "0x..."

Module Experiment

RPC Module Experiment for experimenting methods.


The methods here may be removed or changed in future releases without prior notifications.

Method compute_transaction_hash

👎 Deprecated since 0.36.0: Please implement molecule and compute the transaction hash in clients.

Returns the transaction hash for the given transaction.



  "id": 42,
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "method": "_compute_transaction_hash",
  "params": [
      "cell_deps": [
          "dep_type": "code",
          "out_point": {
            "index": "0x0",
            "tx_hash": "0xa4037a893eb48e18ed4ef61034ce26eba9c585f15c9cee102ae58505565eccc3"
      "header_deps": [
      "inputs": [
          "previous_output": {
            "index": "0x0",
            "tx_hash": "0x365698b50ca0da75dca2c87f9e7b563811d3b5813736b8cc62cc3b106faceb17"
          "since": "0x0"
      "outputs": [
          "capacity": "0x2540be400",
          "lock": {
            "args": "0x",
            "code_hash": "0x28e83a1277d48add8e72fadaa9248559e1b632bab2bd60b27955ebc4c03800a5",
            "hash_type": "data"
          "type": null
      "outputs_data": [
      "version": "0x0",
      "witnesses": []


  "id": 42,
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "result": "0xa0ef4eb5f4ceeb08a4c8524d84c5da95dce2f608e0ca2ec8091191b0f330c6e3"

Method compute_script_hash

  • compute_script_hash(script)
  • result: H256

👎 Deprecated since 0.36.0: Please implement molecule and compute the script hash in clients.

Returns the script hash for the given script.



  "id": 42,
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "method": "_compute_script_hash",
  "params": [
      "args": "0x",
      "code_hash": "0x28e83a1277d48add8e72fadaa9248559e1b632bab2bd60b27955ebc4c03800a5",
      "hash_type": "data"


  "id": 42,
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "result": "0x4ceaa32f692948413e213ce6f3a83337145bde6e11fd8cb94377ce2637dcc412"

Method dry_run_transaction

Dry run a transaction and return the execution cycles.

This method will not check the transaction validity, but only run the lock script and type script and then return the execution cycles.

It is used to debug transaction scripts and query how many cycles the scripts consume.



  "id": 42,
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "method": "dry_run_transaction",
  "params": [
      "cell_deps": [
          "dep_type": "code",
          "out_point": {
            "index": "0x0",
            "tx_hash": "0xa4037a893eb48e18ed4ef61034ce26eba9c585f15c9cee102ae58505565eccc3"
      "header_deps": [
      "inputs": [
          "previous_output": {
            "index": "0x0",
            "tx_hash": "0x365698b50ca0da75dca2c87f9e7b563811d3b5813736b8cc62cc3b106faceb17"
          "since": "0x0"
      "outputs": [
          "capacity": "0x2540be400",
          "lock": {
            "args": "0x",
            "code_hash": "0x28e83a1277d48add8e72fadaa9248559e1b632bab2bd60b27955ebc4c03800a5",
            "hash_type": "data"
          "type": null
      "outputs_data": [
      "version": "0x0",
      "witnesses": []


  "id": 42,
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "result": {
    "cycles": "0x219"

Method calculate_dao_maximum_withdraw

  • calculate_dao_maximum_withdraw(out_point, block_hash)
  • result: Capacity

Calculates the maximum withdrawal one can get, given a referenced DAO cell, and a withdrawing block hash.

  • out_point - Reference to the DAO cell.

  • block_hash - The assumed reference block for withdrawing. This block must be in the canonical chain.


The RPC returns the final capacity when the cell out_point is withdrawn using the block block_hash as the reference.

In CKB, scripts cannot get the information about in which block the transaction is committed. A workaround is letting the transaction reference a block hash so the script knows that the transaction is committed at least after the reference block.



  "id": 42,
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "method": "calculate_dao_maximum_withdraw",
  "params": [
      "index": "0x0",
      "tx_hash": "0xa4037a893eb48e18ed4ef61034ce26eba9c585f15c9cee102ae58505565eccc3"


  "id": 42,
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "result": "0x4a8b4e8a4"

Method estimate_fee_rate

👎 Deprecated since 0.34.0: This method is deprecated because of the performance issue. It always returns an error now.

Estimates a fee rate (capacity/KB) for a transaction that to be committed within the expect number of blocks.

Module Indexer

RPC Module Indexer which index cells by lock script hash.

The index is disabled by default, which must be enabled by calling index_lock_hash first.

Method get_live_cells_by_lock_hash

  • get_live_cells_by_lock_hash(lock_hash, page, per_page, reverse_order)
  • result: Array< LiveCell >

👎 Deprecated since 0.36.0: Please use ckb-indexer as an alternate solution.

Returns the live cells collection by the hash of lock script.

This RPC requires creating the index on lock_hash first. It returns all live cells only if the index is created starting from the genesis block.

  • lock_hash - Cell lock script hash

  • page - Page number, starting from 0

  • per - Page size, max value is 50

  • reverse_order - Returns the live cells collection in reverse order. (Optional, default is false)



  "id": 42,
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "method": "get_live_cells_by_lock_hash",
  "params": [


  "id": 42,
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "result": [
      "cell_output": {
        "capacity": "0x2cb6562e4e",
        "lock": {
          "args": "0x",
          "code_hash": "0x28e83a1277d48add8e72fadaa9248559e1b632bab2bd60b27955ebc4c03800a5",
          "hash_type": "data"
        "type": null
      "cellbase": true,
      "created_by": {
        "block_number": "0x98",
        "index": "0x0",
        "tx_hash": "0x2d811f9ad7f2f7319171a6da4c842dd78e36682b4ac74da4f67b97c9f7d7a02b"
      "output_data_len": "0x0"
      "cell_output": {
        "capacity": "0x2cb66b2496",
        "lock": {
          "args": "0x",
          "code_hash": "0x28e83a1277d48add8e72fadaa9248559e1b632bab2bd60b27955ebc4c03800a5",
          "hash_type": "data"
        "type": null
      "cellbase": true,
      "created_by": {
        "block_number": "0x99",
        "index": "0x0",
        "tx_hash": "0x1ccf68bf7cb96a1a7f992c27bcfea6ebfc0fe32602196569aaa0cb3cd3e9f5ea"
      "output_data_len": "0x0"
      "cell_output": {
        "capacity": "0x2cb68006e8",
        "lock": {
          "args": "0x",
          "code_hash": "0x28e83a1277d48add8e72fadaa9248559e1b632bab2bd60b27955ebc4c03800a5",
          "hash_type": "data"
        "type": null
      "cellbase": true,
      "created_by": {
        "block_number": "0x9a",
        "index": "0x0",
        "tx_hash": "0x74db38ad40184dd0528f4841e10599ff97bfbf2b5313754d1e96920d8523a5d4"
      "output_data_len": "0x0"
      "cell_output": {
        "capacity": "0x2cb694d55e",
        "lock": {
          "args": "0x",
          "code_hash": "0x28e83a1277d48add8e72fadaa9248559e1b632bab2bd60b27955ebc4c03800a5",
          "hash_type": "data"
        "type": null
      "cellbase": true,
      "created_by": {
        "block_number": "0x9b",
        "index": "0x0",
        "tx_hash": "0xf7d0ecc70015b46c5ab1cc8462592ae612fdaada200f643f3e1ce633bcc5ad1d"
      "output_data_len": "0x0"
      "cell_output": {
        "capacity": "0x2cb6a99016",
        "lock": {
          "args": "0x",
          "code_hash": "0x28e83a1277d48add8e72fadaa9248559e1b632bab2bd60b27955ebc4c03800a5",
          "hash_type": "data"
        "type": null
      "cellbase": true,
      "created_by": {
        "block_number": "0x9c",
        "index": "0x0",
        "tx_hash": "0xc3d232bb6b0e5d9a71a0978c9ab66c7a127ed37aeed6a2509dcc10d994c8c605"
      "output_data_len": "0x0"
      "cell_output": {
        "capacity": "0x2cb6be372c",
        "lock": {
          "args": "0x",
          "code_hash": "0x28e83a1277d48add8e72fadaa9248559e1b632bab2bd60b27955ebc4c03800a5",
          "hash_type": "data"
        "type": null
      "cellbase": true,
      "created_by": {
        "block_number": "0x9d",
        "index": "0x0",
        "tx_hash": "0x10139a08beae170a35fbfcece6d50561ec61e13e4c6438435c1f2021331d7c4d"
      "output_data_len": "0x0"
      "cell_output": {
        "capacity": "0x2cb6d2cabb",
        "lock": {
          "args": "0x",
          "code_hash": "0x28e83a1277d48add8e72fadaa9248559e1b632bab2bd60b27955ebc4c03800a5",
          "hash_type": "data"
        "type": null
      "cellbase": true,
      "created_by": {
        "block_number": "0x9e",
        "index": "0x0",
        "tx_hash": "0x39a083a1deb39b923a600a6f0714663085b5d2011b886b160962e20f1a28b550"
      "output_data_len": "0x0"
      "cell_output": {
        "capacity": "0x2cb6e74ae0",
        "lock": {
          "args": "0x",
          "code_hash": "0x28e83a1277d48add8e72fadaa9248559e1b632bab2bd60b27955ebc4c03800a5",
          "hash_type": "data"
        "type": null
      "cellbase": true,
      "created_by": {
        "block_number": "0x9f",
        "index": "0x0",
        "tx_hash": "0x2899c066f80a04b9a168e4499760ad1d768f44a3d673779905d88edd86362ac6"
      "output_data_len": "0x0"
      "cell_output": {
        "capacity": "0x2cb6fbb7b4",
        "lock": {
          "args": "0x",
          "code_hash": "0x28e83a1277d48add8e72fadaa9248559e1b632bab2bd60b27955ebc4c03800a5",
          "hash_type": "data"
        "type": null
      "cellbase": true,
      "created_by": {
        "block_number": "0xa0",
        "index": "0x0",
        "tx_hash": "0xe2579280875a5d14538b0cc2356707792189662d5f8292541d9856ef291e81bf"
      "output_data_len": "0x0"
      "cell_output": {
        "capacity": "0x2cb7101155",
        "lock": {
          "args": "0x",
          "code_hash": "0x28e83a1277d48add8e72fadaa9248559e1b632bab2bd60b27955ebc4c03800a5",
          "hash_type": "data"
        "type": null
      "cellbase": true,
      "created_by": {
        "block_number": "0xa1",
        "index": "0x0",
        "tx_hash": "0xd6121e80237c79182d55ec0efb9fa75bc9cc592f818057ced51aac6bb625e016"
      "output_data_len": "0x0"
      "cell_output": {
        "capacity": "0x2cb72457dc",
        "lock": {
          "args": "0x",
          "code_hash": "0x28e83a1277d48add8e72fadaa9248559e1b632bab2bd60b27955ebc4c03800a5",
          "hash_type": "data"
        "type": null
      "cellbase": true,
      "created_by": {
        "block_number": "0xa2",
        "index": "0x0",
        "tx_hash": "0x624eba1135e54a5988cb2ec70d42fa860d1d5658ed7f8d402615dff7d598e4b6"
      "output_data_len": "0x0"
      "cell_output": {
        "capacity": "0x2cb7388b65",
        "lock": {
          "args": "0x",
          "code_hash": "0x28e83a1277d48add8e72fadaa9248559e1b632bab2bd60b27955ebc4c03800a5",
          "hash_type": "data"
        "type": null
      "cellbase": true,
      "created_by": {
        "block_number": "0xa3",
        "index": "0x0",
        "tx_hash": "0x7884b4cf85bc02cb73ec41d5cbbbf158eebca6ef855419ce57ff7c1d97b5be58"
      "output_data_len": "0x0"
      "cell_output": {
        "capacity": "0x2cb74cac0a",
        "lock": {
          "args": "0x",
          "code_hash": "0x28e83a1277d48add8e72fadaa9248559e1b632bab2bd60b27955ebc4c03800a5",
          "hash_type": "data"
        "type": null
      "cellbase": true,
      "created_by": {
        "block_number": "0xa4",
        "index": "0x0",
        "tx_hash": "0xb613ba9b5f6177657493492dd523a63720d855ae9749887a0de881b894a1d6a6"
      "output_data_len": "0x0"
      "cell_output": {
        "capacity": "0x2cb760b9e6",
        "lock": {
          "args": "0x",
          "code_hash": "0x28e83a1277d48add8e72fadaa9248559e1b632bab2bd60b27955ebc4c03800a5",
          "hash_type": "data"
        "type": null
      "cellbase": true,
      "created_by": {
        "block_number": "0xa5",
        "index": "0x0",
        "tx_hash": "0x701f4b962c1650810800ee6ed981841692c1939a4b597e9e7a726c5db77f6164"
      "output_data_len": "0x0"

Method get_transactions_by_lock_hash

  • get_transactions_by_lock_hash(lock_hash, page, per_page, reverse_order)
  • result: Array< CellTransaction >

👎 Deprecated since 0.36.0: Please use ckb-indexer as an alternate solution.

Returns the transactions collection by the hash of lock script.

This RPC requires creating the index on lock_hash first. It returns all matched transactions only if the index is created starting from the genesis block.

  • lock_hash - Cell lock script hash

  • page - Page number, starting from 0

  • per - Page size, max value is 50

  • reverse_order - Return the transactions collection in reverse order. (Optional, default is false)



  "id": 42,
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "method": "get_transactions_by_lock_hash",
  "params": [


  "id": 42,
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "result": [
      "consumed_by": null,
      "created_by": {
        "block_number": "0x98",
        "index": "0x0",
        "tx_hash": "0x2d811f9ad7f2f7319171a6da4c842dd78e36682b4ac74da4f67b97c9f7d7a02b"
      "consumed_by": null,
      "created_by": {
        "block_number": "0x99",
        "index": "0x0",
        "tx_hash": "0x1ccf68bf7cb96a1a7f992c27bcfea6ebfc0fe32602196569aaa0cb3cd3e9f5ea"
      "consumed_by": null,
      "created_by": {
        "block_number": "0x9a",
        "index": "0x0",
        "tx_hash": "0x74db38ad40184dd0528f4841e10599ff97bfbf2b5313754d1e96920d8523a5d4"
      "consumed_by": null,
      "created_by": {
        "block_number": "0x9b",
        "index": "0x0",
        "tx_hash": "0xf7d0ecc70015b46c5ab1cc8462592ae612fdaada200f643f3e1ce633bcc5ad1d"
      "consumed_by": null,
      "created_by": {
        "block_number": "0x9c",
        "index": "0x0",
        "tx_hash": "0xc3d232bb6b0e5d9a71a0978c9ab66c7a127ed37aeed6a2509dcc10d994c8c605"
      "consumed_by": null,
      "created_by": {
        "block_number": "0x9d",
        "index": "0x0",
        "tx_hash": "0x10139a08beae170a35fbfcece6d50561ec61e13e4c6438435c1f2021331d7c4d"
      "consumed_by": null,
      "created_by": {
        "block_number": "0x9e",
        "index": "0x0",
        "tx_hash": "0x39a083a1deb39b923a600a6f0714663085b5d2011b886b160962e20f1a28b550"
      "consumed_by": null,
      "created_by": {
        "block_number": "0x9f",
        "index": "0x0",
        "tx_hash": "0x2899c066f80a04b9a168e4499760ad1d768f44a3d673779905d88edd86362ac6"
      "consumed_by": null,
      "created_by": {
        "block_number": "0xa0",
        "index": "0x0",
        "tx_hash": "0xe2579280875a5d14538b0cc2356707792189662d5f8292541d9856ef291e81bf"
      "consumed_by": null,
      "created_by": {
        "block_number": "0xa1",
        "index": "0x0",
        "tx_hash": "0xd6121e80237c79182d55ec0efb9fa75bc9cc592f818057ced51aac6bb625e016"
      "consumed_by": null,
      "created_by": {
        "block_number": "0xa2",
        "index": "0x0",
        "tx_hash": "0x624eba1135e54a5988cb2ec70d42fa860d1d5658ed7f8d402615dff7d598e4b6"
      "consumed_by": null,
      "created_by": {
        "block_number": "0xa3",
        "index": "0x0",
        "tx_hash": "0x7884b4cf85bc02cb73ec41d5cbbbf158eebca6ef855419ce57ff7c1d97b5be58"
      "consumed_by": null,
      "created_by": {
        "block_number": "0xa4",
        "index": "0x0",
        "tx_hash": "0xb613ba9b5f6177657493492dd523a63720d855ae9749887a0de881b894a1d6a6"
      "consumed_by": null,
      "created_by": {
        "block_number": "0xa5",
        "index": "0x0",
        "tx_hash": "0x701f4b962c1650810800ee6ed981841692c1939a4b597e9e7a726c5db77f6164"

Method index_lock_hash

👎 Deprecated since 0.36.0: Please use ckb-indexer as an alternate solution.

Creates index for live cells and transactions by the hash of lock script.

The indices are disabled by default. Clients have to create indices first before querying.

Creating index for the same lock_hash with different index_from is an undefined behaviour. Please delete the index first.

  • lock_hash - Cell lock script hash

  • index_from - Create an index starting from this block number (exclusive). 0 is special which also indexes transactions in the genesis block. (Optional, the default is the max block number in the canonical chain, which means starting index from the next new block.)



  "id": 42,
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "method": "index_lock_hash",
  "params": [


  "id": 42,
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "result": {
    "block_hash": "0xa5f5c85987a15de25661e5a214f2c1449cd803f071acc7999820f25246471f40",
    "block_number": "0x400",
    "lock_hash": "0x4ceaa32f692948413e213ce6f3a83337145bde6e11fd8cb94377ce2637dcc412"

Method deindex_lock_hash

  • deindex_lock_hash(lock_hash)
  • result: null

👎 Deprecated since 0.36.0: Please use ckb-indexer as an alternate solution.

Removes index for live cells and transactions by the hash of lock script.

  • lock_hash - Cell lock script hash


  "id": 42,
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "method": "deindex_lock_hash",
  "params": [


  "id": 42,
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "result": null

Method get_lock_hash_index_states

👎 Deprecated since 0.36.0: Please use ckb-indexer as an alternate solution.

Returns states of all created lock hash indices.



  "id": 42,
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "method": "get_lock_hash_index_states",
  "params": []


  "id": 42,
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "result": [
      "block_hash": "0xa5f5c85987a15de25661e5a214f2c1449cd803f071acc7999820f25246471f40",
      "block_number": "0x400",
      "lock_hash": "0x4ceaa32f692948413e213ce6f3a83337145bde6e11fd8cb94377ce2637dcc412"

Method get_capacity_by_lock_hash

👎 Deprecated since 0.36.0: Please use ckb-indexer as an alternate solution.

Returns the total capacity by the hash of lock script.

This RPC requires creating the index on lock_hash first. It returns the correct balance only if the index is created starting from the genesis block.

  • lock_hash - Cell lock script hash


  "id": 42,
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "method": "get_capacity_by_lock_hash",
  "params": [


  "id": 42,
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "result": {
    "block_number": "0x400",
    "capacity": "0xb00fb84df292",
    "cells_count": "0x3f5"

Module Miner

RPC Module Miner for miners.

A miner gets a template from CKB, optionally selects transactions, resolves the PoW puzzle, and submits the found new block.

Method get_block_template

  • get_block_template(bytes_limit, proposals_limit, max_version)
  • result: BlockTemplate

Returns block template for miners.

Miners can assemble the new block from the template. The RPC is designed to allow miners to remove transactions and adding new transactions to the block.

  • bytes_limit - the max serialization size in bytes of the block. (Optional: the default is the consensus limit.)

  • proposals_limit - the max count of proposals. (Optional: the default is the consensus limit.)

  • max_version - the max block version. (Optional: the default is one configured in the current client version.)



  "id": 42,
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "method": "get_block_template",
  "params": [


  "id": 42,
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "result": {
    "bytes_limit": "0x91c08",
    "cellbase": {
      "cycles": null,
      "data": {
        "cell_deps": [],
        "header_deps": [],
        "inputs": [
            "previous_output": {
              "index": "0xffffffff",
              "tx_hash": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
            "since": "0x401"
        "outputs": [
            "capacity": "0x18e64efc04",
            "lock": {
              "args": "0x",
              "code_hash": "0x28e83a1277d48add8e72fadaa9248559e1b632bab2bd60b27955ebc4c03800a5",
              "hash_type": "data"
            "type": null
        "outputs_data": [
        "version": "0x0",
        "witnesses": [
      "hash": "0xbaf7e4db2fd002f19a597ca1a31dfe8cfe26ed8cebc91f52b75b16a7a5ec8bab"
    "compact_target": "0x1e083126",
    "current_time": "0x174c45e17a3",
    "cycles_limit": "0xd09dc300",
    "dao": "0xd495a106684401001e47c0ae1d5930009449d26e32380000000721efd0030000",
    "epoch": "0x7080019000001",
    "number": "0x401",
    "parent_hash": "0xa5f5c85987a15de25661e5a214f2c1449cd803f071acc7999820f25246471f40",
    "proposals": ["0xa0ef4eb5f4ceeb08a4c8"],
    "transactions": [],
    "uncles": [
        "hash": "0xdca341a42890536551f99357612cef7148ed471e3b6419d0844a4e400be6ee94",
        "header": {
          "compact_target": "0x1e083126",
          "dao": "0xb5a3e047474401001bc476b9ee573000c0c387962a38000000febffacf030000",
          "epoch": "0x7080018000001",
          "nonce": "0x0",
          "number": "0x400",
          "parent_hash": "0xae003585fa15309b30b31aed3dcf385e9472c3c3e93746a6c4540629a6a1ed2d",
          "proposals_hash": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
          "timestamp": "0x5cd2b118",
          "transactions_root": "0xc47d5b78b3c4c4c853e2a32810818940d0ee403423bea9ec7b8e566d9595206c",
          "uncles_hash": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
        "proposals": [],
        "required": false
    "uncles_count_limit": "0x2",
    "version": "0x0",
    "work_id": "0x0"

Method submit_block

  • submit_block(work_id, block)
    • work_id: string
    • block: Block
  • result: H256

Submit new block to the network.

  • work_id - The same work ID returned from get_block_template.

  • block - The assembled block from the block template and which PoW puzzle has been resolved.



  "id": 42,
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "method": "submit_block",
  "params": [
      "header": {
        "compact_target": "0x1e083126",
        "dao": "0xb5a3e047474401001bc476b9ee573000c0c387962a38000000febffacf030000",
        "epoch": "0x7080018000001",
        "nonce": "0x0",
        "number": "0x400",
        "parent_hash": "0xae003585fa15309b30b31aed3dcf385e9472c3c3e93746a6c4540629a6a1ed2d",
        "proposals_hash": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
        "timestamp": "0x5cd2b117",
        "transactions_root": "0xc47d5b78b3c4c4c853e2a32810818940d0ee403423bea9ec7b8e566d9595206c",
        "uncles_hash": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
        "version": "0x0"
      "proposals": [],
      "transactions": [
          "cell_deps": [],
          "header_deps": [],
          "inputs": [
              "previous_output": {
                "index": "0xffffffff",
                "tx_hash": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
              "since": "0x400"
          "outputs": [
              "capacity": "0x18e64b61cf",
              "lock": {
                "args": "0x",
                "code_hash": "0x28e83a1277d48add8e72fadaa9248559e1b632bab2bd60b27955ebc4c03800a5",
                "hash_type": "data"
              "type": null
          "outputs_data": [
          "version": "0x0",
          "witnesses": [
      "uncles": []


  "id": 42,
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "result": "0xa5f5c85987a15de25661e5a214f2c1449cd803f071acc7999820f25246471f40"

Module Net

RPC Module Net for P2P network.

Method local_node_info

Returns the local node information.

The local node means the node itself which is serving the RPC.



  "id": 42,
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "method": "local_node_info",
  "params": []


  "id": 42,
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "result": {
    "active": true,
    "addresses": [
        "address": "/ip4/",
        "score": "0xff"
        "address": "/ip4/",
        "score": "0x1"
    "connections": "0xb",
    "node_id": "QmTRHCdrRtgUzYLNCin69zEvPvLYdxUZLLfLYyHVY3DZAS",
    "protocols": [
        "id": "0x0",
        "name": "/ckb/ping",
        "support_versions": [
        "id": "0x1",
        "name": "/ckb/discovery",
        "support_versions": [
    "version": "0.34.0 (f37f598 2020-07-17)"

Method get_peers

Returns the connected peers' information.



  "id": 42,
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "method": "get_peers",
  "params": []


  "id": 42,
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "result": [
      "addresses": [
          "address": "/ip6/::ffff:",
          "score": "0x64"
          "address": "/ip4/",
          "score": "0x64"
      "connected_duration": "0x2f",
      "is_outbound": true,
      "last_ping_duration": "0x1a",
      "node_id": "QmXwUgF48ULy6hkgfqrEwEfuHW7WyWyWauueRDAYQHNDfN",
      "protocols": [
          "id": "0x4",
          "version": "0.0.1"
          "id": "0x2",
          "version": "0.0.1"
          "id": "0x1",
          "version": "0.0.1"
          "id": "0x64",
          "version": "1"
          "id": "0x6e",
          "version": "1"
          "id": "0x66",
          "version": "1"
          "id": "0x65",
          "version": "1"
          "id": "0x0",
          "version": "0.0.1"
      "sync_state": {
        "best_known_header_hash": null,
        "best_known_header_number": null,
        "can_fetch_count": "0x80",
        "inflight_count": "0xa",
        "last_common_header_hash": null,
        "last_common_header_number": null,
        "unknown_header_list_size": "0x20"
      "version": "0.34.0 (f37f598 2020-07-17)"
      "addresses": [
          "address": "/ip4/",
          "score": "0x1"
      "connected_duration": "0x95",
      "is_outbound": true,
      "last_ping_duration": "0x41",
      "node_id": "QmSrkzhdBMmfCGx8tQGwgXxzBg8kLtX8qMcqECMuKWsxDV",
      "protocols": [
          "id": "0x0",
          "version": "0.0.1"
          "id": "0x2",
          "version": "0.0.1"
          "id": "0x6e",
          "version": "1"
          "id": "0x66",
          "version": "1"
          "id": "0x1",
          "version": "0.0.1"
          "id": "0x65",
          "version": "1"
          "id": "0x64",
          "version": "1"
          "id": "0x4",
          "version": "0.0.1"
      "sync_state": {
        "best_known_header_hash": "0x2157c72b3eddd41a7a14c361173cd22ef27d7e0a29eda2e511ee0b3598c0b895",
        "best_known_header_number": "0xdb835",
        "can_fetch_count": "0x80",
        "inflight_count": "0xa",
        "last_common_header_hash": "0xc63026bd881d880bb142c855dc8153187543245f0a94391c831c75df31f263c4",
        "last_common_header_number": "0x4dc08",
        "unknown_header_list_size": "0x1f"
      "version": "0.30.1 (5cc1b75 2020-03-23)"

Method get_banned_addresses

  • get_banned_addresses()
  • result: Array< BannedAddr >

Returns all banned IPs/Subnets.



  "id": 42,
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "method": "get_banned_addresses",
  "params": []


  "id": 42,
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "result": [
      "address": "",
      "ban_reason": "",
      "ban_until": "0x1ac89236180",
      "created_at": "0x16bde533338"

Method clear_banned_addresses

  • clear_banned_addresses()
  • result: null

Clears all banned IPs/Subnets.



  "id": 42,
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "method": "clear_banned_addresses",
  "params": []


  "id": 42,
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "result": null

Method set_ban

  • set_ban(address, command, ban_time, absolute, reason)
    • address: string
    • command: string
    • ban_time: Timestamp | null
    • absolute: boolean | null
    • reason: string | null
  • result: null

Inserts or deletes an IP/Subnet from the banned list

  • address - The IP/Subnet with an optional netmask (default is /32 = single IP). Examples:

    • "" bans a single IP

    • "" bans IP from "" to "".

  • command - insert to insert an IP/Subnet to the list, delete to delete an IP/Subnet from the list.

  • ban_time - Time in milliseconds how long (or until when if [absolute] is set) the IP is banned, optional parameter, null means using the default time of 24h

  • absolute - If set, the ban_time must be an absolute timestamp in milliseconds since epoch, optional parameter.

  • reason - Ban reason, optional parameter.

  • InvalidParams (-32602)
    • Expected address to be a valid IP address with an optional netmask.

    • Expected command to be in the list [insert, delete].



  "id": 42,
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "method": "set_ban",
  "params": [
    "set_ban example"


  "id": 42,
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "result": null

Method sync_state

Returns chain synchronization state of this node.



  "id": 42,
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "method": "sync_state",
  "params": []


  "id": 42,
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "result": {
    "best_known_block_number": "0x400",
    "best_known_block_timestamp": "0x5cd2b117",
    "fast_time": "0x3e8",
    "ibd": true,
    "inflight_blocks_count": "0x0",
    "low_time": "0x5dc",
    "normal_time": "0x4e2",
    "orphan_blocks_count": "0x0"

Method set_network_active

  • set_network_active(state)
    • state: boolean
  • result: null

Disable/enable all p2p network activity

  • state - true to enable networking, false to disable


  "id": 42,
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "method": "set_network_active",
  "params": [


  "id": 42,
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "result": null

Method add_node

  • add_node(peer_id, address)
    • peer_id: string
    • address: string
  • result: null

Attempts to add a node to the peers list and try connecting to it.

  • peer_id - The node id of the node.

  • address - The address of the node.

The full P2P address is usually displayed as address/peer_id, for example in the log

2020-09-16 15:31:35.191 +08:00 NetworkRuntime INFO ckb_network::network
  Listen on address: /ip4/

And in RPC local_node_info:

  "addresses": [
      "address": "/ip4/",
      "score": "0xff"

In both of these examples,

  • peer_id is QmUsZHPbjjzU627UZFt4k8j6ycEcNvXRnVGxCPKqwbAfQS,

  • and address is /ip4/



  "id": 42,
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "method": "add_node",
  "params": [


  "id": 42,
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "result": null

Method remove_node

  • remove_node(peer_id)
    • peer_id: string
  • result: null

Attempts to remove a node from the peers list and try disconnecting from it.

  • peer_id - The peer id of the node.

This is the last part of a full P2P address. For example, in address "/ip4/", the peer_id is QmUsZHPbjjzU627UZFt4k8j6ycEcNvXRnVGxCPKqwbAfQS.



  "id": 42,
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "method": "remove_node",
  "params": [


  "id": 42,
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "result": null

Method ping_peers

  • ping_peers()
  • result: null

Requests that a ping is sent to all connected peers, to measure ping time.



  "id": 42,
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "method": "ping_peers",
  "params": []


  "id": 42,
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "result": null

Module Pool

RPC Module Pool for transaction memory pool.

Method send_transaction

Submits a new transaction into the transaction pool.

  • transaction - The transaction.

  • outputs_validator - Validates the transaction outputs before entering the tx-pool. (Optional, default is "passthrough").



  "id": 42,
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "method": "send_transaction",
  "params": [
      "cell_deps": [
          "dep_type": "code",
          "out_point": {
            "index": "0x0",
            "tx_hash": "0xa4037a893eb48e18ed4ef61034ce26eba9c585f15c9cee102ae58505565eccc3"
      "header_deps": [
      "inputs": [
          "previous_output": {
            "index": "0x0",
            "tx_hash": "0x365698b50ca0da75dca2c87f9e7b563811d3b5813736b8cc62cc3b106faceb17"
          "since": "0x0"
      "outputs": [
          "capacity": "0x2540be400",
          "lock": {
            "args": "0x",
            "code_hash": "0x28e83a1277d48add8e72fadaa9248559e1b632bab2bd60b27955ebc4c03800a5",
            "hash_type": "data"
          "type": null
      "outputs_data": [
      "version": "0x0",
      "witnesses": []


  "id": 42,
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "result": "0xa0ef4eb5f4ceeb08a4c8524d84c5da95dce2f608e0ca2ec8091191b0f330c6e3"

Method tx_pool_info

Returns the transaction pool information.



  "id": 42,
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "method": "tx_pool_info",
  "params": []


  "id": 42,
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "result": {
    "last_txs_updated_at": "0x0",
    "min_fee_rate": "0x0",
    "orphan": "0x0",
    "pending": "0x1",
    "proposed": "0x0",
    "tip_hash": "0xa5f5c85987a15de25661e5a214f2c1449cd803f071acc7999820f25246471f40",
    "tip_number": "0x400",
    "total_tx_cycles": "0x219",
    "total_tx_size": "0x112"

Method clear_tx_pool

  • clear_tx_pool()
  • result: null

Removes all transactions from the transaction pool.



  "id": 42,
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "method": "clear_tx_pool",
  "params": []


  "id": 42,
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "result": null

Module Stats

RPC Module Stats for getting various statistic data.

Method get_blockchain_info

Returns statistics about the chain.



  "id": 42,
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "method": "get_blockchain_info",
  "params": []


  "id": 42,
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "result": {
    "alerts": [
        "id": "0x2a",
        "message": "An example alert message!",
        "notice_until": "0x24bcca57c00",
        "priority": "0x1"
    "chain": "ckb",
    "difficulty": "0x1f4003",
    "epoch": "0x7080018000001",
    "is_initial_block_download": true,
    "median_time": "0x5cd2b105"

Method get_peers_state

  • get_peers_state()
  • result: Array< PeerState >

👎 Deprecated since 0.12.0: Please use RPC get_peers instead

Return state info of peers



  "id": 42,
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "method": "get_peers_state",
  "params": []


  "id": 42,
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "result": [
      "blocks_in_flight": "0x56",
      "last_updated": "0x16a95af332d",
      "peer": "0x1"

Module Subscription

RPC Module Subscription that CKB node will push new messages to subscribers.

RPC subscriptions require a full duplex connection. CKB offers such connections in the form of TCP (enable with rpc.tcp_listen_address configuration option) and WebSocket (enable with rpc.ws_listen_address).


TCP RPC subscription:

telnet localhost 18114
> {"id": 2, "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "subscribe", "params": ["new_tip_header"]}
< {"jsonrpc":"2.0","result":0,"id":2}
< {"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"subscribe","params":{"result":"...block header json...",
< {"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"subscribe","params":{"result":"...block header json...",
< ...
> {"id": 2, "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "unsubscribe", "params": [0]}
< {"jsonrpc":"2.0","result":true,"id":2}

WebSocket RPC subscription:

let socket = new WebSocket("ws://localhost:28114")

socket.onmessage = function(event) {
  console.log(`Data received from server: ${}`);

socket.send(`{"id": 2, "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "subscribe", "params": ["new_tip_header"]}`)

socket.send(`{"id": 2, "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "unsubscribe", "params": [0]}`)

Method subscribe

  • subscribe(topic)
    • topic: string
  • result: string

Subscribes to a topic.

  • topic - Subscription topic (enum: new_tip_header | new_tip_block)

This RPC returns the subscription ID as the result. CKB node will push messages in the subscribed topics to the current RPC connection. The subscript ID is also attached as params.subscription in the push messages.

Example push message:

  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "method": "subscribe",
  "params": {
    "result": { ... },
    "subscription": "0x2a"

Whenever there's a block that is appended to the canonical chain, the CKB node will publish the block header to subscribers.

The type of the params.result in the push message is HeaderView.


Whenever there's a block that is appended to the canonical chain, the CKB node will publish the whole block to subscribers.

The type of the params.result in the push message is BlockView.


Subscribers will get notified when a new transaction is submitted to the pool.

The type of the params.result in the push message is PoolTransactionEntry.



  "id": 42,
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "method": "subscribe",
  "params": [


  "id": 42,
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "result": "0x2a"

Method unsubscribe

  • unsubscribe(id)
    • id: string
  • result: boolean

Unsubscribes from a subscribed topic.

  • id - Subscription ID


  "id": 42,
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "method": "unsubscribe",
  "params": [


  "id": 42,
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "result": true

RPC Errors

CKB RPC error codes.

CKB RPC follows the JSON RPC specification about the error object.

Besides the pre-defined errors, all CKB defined errors are listed here.

Here is a reference to the pre-defined errors:

code message meaning
-32700 Parse error Invalid JSON was received by the server.
-32600 Invalid Request The JSON sent is not a valid Request object.
-32601 Method not found The method does not exist / is not available.
-32602 Invalid params Invalid method parameter(s).
-32603 Internal error Internal JSON-RPC error.
-32000 to -32099 Server error Reserved for implementation-defined server-errors.

CKB application-defined errors follow some patterns to assign the codes:

  • -1 ~ -999 are general errors

  • -1000 ~ -2999 are module-specific errors. Each module generally gets 100 reserved error codes.

Unless otherwise noted, all the errors return optional detailed information as string in the error object data field.

Error CKBInternalError

(-1): CKB internal errors are considered to never happen or only happen when the system resources are exhausted.

Error Deprecated

(-2): The CKB method has been deprecated and disabled.

Set rpc.enable_deprecated_rpc to true in the config file to enable all deprecated methods.

Error Invalid

(-3): Error code -3 is no longer used.

Before v0.35.0, CKB returns all RPC errors using the error code -3. CKB no longer uses -3 since v0.35.0.

Error RPCModuleIsDisabled

(-4): The RPC method is not enabled.

CKB groups RPC methods into modules, and a method is enabled only when the module is explicitly enabled in the config file.

Error DaoError

(-5): DAO related errors.

Error IntegerOverflow

(-6): Integer operation overflow.

Error ConfigError

(-7): The error is caused by a config file option.

Users have to edit the config file to fix the error.

Error P2PFailedToBroadcast

(-101): The CKB local node failed to broadcast a message to its peers.

Error DatabaseError

(-200): Internal database error.

The CKB node persists data to the database. This is the error from the underlying database module.

Error ChainIndexIsInconsistent

(-201): The chain index is inconsistent.

An example of an inconsistent index is that the chain index says a block hash is in the chain but the block cannot be read from the database.

This is a fatal error usually due to a serious bug. Please back up the data directory and re-sync the chain from scratch.

Error DatabaseIsCorrupt

(-202): The underlying database is corrupt.

This is a fatal error usually caused by the underlying database used by CKB. Please back up the data directory and re-sync the chain from scratch.

Error TransactionFailedToResolve

(-301): Failed to resolve the referenced cells and headers used in the transaction, as inputs or dependencies.

Error TransactionFailedToVerify

(-302): Failed to verify the transaction.

Error AlertFailedToVerifySignatures

(-1000): Some signatures in the submit alert are invalid.

Error PoolRejectedTransactionByOutputsValidator

(-1102): The transaction is rejected by the outputs validator specified by the RPC parameter.

Error PoolRejectedTransactionByIllTransactionChecker

(-1103): Pool rejects some transactions which seem contain invalid VM instructions. See the issue link in the error message for details.

Error PoolRejectedTransactionByMinFeeRate

(-1104): The transaction fee rate must be greater than or equal to the config option tx_pool.min_fee_rate

The fee rate is calculated as:

fee / (1000 * tx_serialization_size_in_block_in_bytes)

Error PoolRejectedTransactionByMaxAncestorsCountLimit

(-1105): The in-pool ancestors count must be less than or equal to the config option tx_pool.max_ancestors_count

Pool rejects a large package of chained transactions to avoid certain kinds of DoS attacks.

Error PoolIsFull

(-1106): The transaction is rejected because the pool has reached its limit.

Error PoolRejectedDuplicatedTransaction

(-1107): The transaction is already in the pool.

Error PoolRejectedMalformedTransaction

(-1108): The transaction is rejected because it does not make sense in the context.

For example, a cellbase transaction is not allowed in send_transaction RPC.

RPC Types

Type Alert

An alert is a message about critical problems to be broadcast to all nodes via the p2p network.


An example in JSON

  "id": "0x1",
  "cancel": "0x0",
  "min_version": "0.1.0",
  "max_version": "1.0.0",
  "priority": "0x1",
  "message": "An example alert message!",
  "notice_until": "0x24bcca57c00",
  "signatures": [


Alert is a JSON object with the following fields.

  • id: AlertId - The identifier of the alert. Clients use id to filter duplicated alerts.

  • cancel: AlertId - Cancel a previous sent alert.

  • min_version: string | null - Optionally set the minimal version of the target clients.

    See Semantic Version about how to specify a version.

  • max_version: string | null - Optionally set the maximal version of the target clients.

    See Semantic Version about how to specify a version.

  • priority: AlertPriority - Alerts are sorted by priority, highest first.

  • notice_until: Timestamp - The alert is expired after this timestamp.

  • message: string - Alert message.

  • signatures: Array< JsonBytes > - The list of required signatures.

Type AlertId

The alert identifier that is used to filter duplicated alerts.

This is a 32-bit unsigned integer type encoded as the 0x-prefixed hex string in JSON. See examples of Uint32.

Type AlertMessage

An alert sent by RPC send_alert.


AlertMessage is a JSON object with the following fields.

  • id: AlertId - The unique alert ID.

  • priority: AlertPriority - Alerts are sorted by priority, highest first.

  • notice_until: Timestamp - The alert is expired after this timestamp.

  • message: string - Alert message.

Type AlertPriority

Alerts are sorted by priority. Greater integers mean higher priorities.

This is a 32-bit unsigned integer type encoded as the 0x-prefixed hex string in JSON. See examples of Uint32.

Type BannedAddr

A banned P2P address.


BannedAddr is a JSON object with the following fields.

  • address: string - The P2P address.

    Example: "/ip4/"

  • ban_until: Timestamp - The address is banned until this time.

  • ban_reason: string - The reason.

  • created_at: Timestamp - When this address is banned.

Type Block

The JSON view of a Block used as a parameter in the RPC.


Block is a JSON object with the following fields.

  • header: Header - The block header.

  • uncles: Array< UncleBlock > - The uncles blocks in the block body.

  • transactions: Array< Transaction > - The transactions in the block body.

  • proposals: Array< ProposalShortId > - The proposal IDs in the block body.

Type BlockEconomicState

Block Economic State.

It includes the rewards details and when it is finalized.


BlockEconomicState is a JSON object with the following fields.

  • issuance: BlockIssuance - Block base rewards.

  • miner_reward: MinerReward - Block rewards for miners.

  • txs_fee: Capacity - The total fees of all transactions committed in the block.

  • finalized_at: H256 - The block hash of the block which creates the rewards as cells in its cellbase transaction.

Type BlockIssuance

Block base rewards.


BlockIssuance is a JSON object with the following fields.

  • primary: Capacity - The primary base rewards.

  • secondary: Capacity - The secondary base rewards.

Type BlockNumber

Consecutive block number starting from 0.

This is a 64-bit unsigned integer type encoded as the 0x-prefixed hex string in JSON. See examples of Uint64.

Type BlockReward

Breakdown of miner rewards issued by block cellbase transaction.


BlockReward is a JSON object with the following fields.

  • total: Capacity - The total block reward.

  • primary: Capacity - The primary base block reward allocated to miners.

  • secondary: Capacity - The secondary base block reward allocated to miners.

  • tx_fee: Capacity - The transaction fees that are rewarded to miners because the transaction is committed in the block.

    Attention, this is not the total transaction fee in the block.

    Miners get 60% of the transaction fee for each transaction committed in the block.

  • proposal_reward: Capacity - The transaction fees that are rewarded to miners because the transaction is proposed in the block or its uncles.

    Miners get 40% of the transaction fee for each transaction proposed in the block and committed later in its active commit window.

Type BlockTemplate

A block template for miners.

Miners optional pick transactions and then assemble the final block.


BlockTemplate is a JSON object with the following fields.

  • version: Version - Block version.

    Miners must use it unchanged in the assembled block.

  • compact_target: Uint32 - The compacted difficulty target for the new block.

    Miners must use it unchanged in the assembled block.

  • current_time: Timestamp - The timestamp for the new block.

    CKB node guarantees that this timestamp is larger than the median of the previous 37 blocks.

    Miners can increase it to the current time. It is not recommended to decrease it, since it may violate the median block timestamp consensus rule.

  • number: BlockNumber - The block number for the new block.

    Miners must use it unchanged in the assembled block.

  • epoch: EpochNumberWithFraction - The epoch progress information for the new block.

    Miners must use it unchanged in the assembled block.

  • parent_hash: H256 - The parent block hash of the new block.

    Miners must use it unchanged in the assembled block.

  • cycles_limit: Cycle - The cycles limit.

    Miners must keep the total cycles below this limit, otherwise, the CKB node will reject the block submission.

    It is guaranteed that the block does not exceed the limit if miners do not add new transactions to the block.

  • bytes_limit: Uint64 - The block serialized size limit.

    Miners must keep the block size below this limit, otherwise, the CKB node will reject the block submission.

    It is guaranteed that the block does not exceed the limit if miners do not add new transaction commitments.

  • uncles_count_limit: Uint64 - The uncle count limit.

    Miners must keep the uncles count below this limit, otherwise, the CKB node will reject the block submission.

  • uncles: Array< UncleTemplate > - Provided valid uncle blocks candidates for the new block.

    Miners must include the uncles marked as required in the assembled new block.

  • transactions: Array< TransactionTemplate > - Provided valid transactions which can be committed in the new block.

    Miners must include the transactions marked as required in the assembled new block.

  • proposals: Array< ProposalShortId > - Provided proposal ids list of transactions for the new block.

  • cellbase: CellbaseTemplate - Provided cellbase transaction template.

    Miners must use it as the cellbase transaction without changes in the assembled block.

  • work_id: Uint64 - Work ID. The miner must submit the new assembled and resolved block using the same work ID.

  • dao: Byte32 - Reference DAO field.

    This field is only valid when miners use all and only use the provided transactions in the template. Two fields must be updated when miners want to select transactions:

    • S_i, bytes 16 to 23

    • U_i, bytes 24 to 31

    See RFC Deposit and Withdraw in Nervos DAO.

Type BlockView

The JSON view of a Block including header and body.


BlockView is a JSON object with the following fields.

Type Byte32

Fixed-length 32 bytes binary encoded as a 0x-prefixed hex string in JSON.



Type Capacity

The capacity of a cell is the value of the cell in Shannons. It is also the upper limit of the cell occupied storage size where every 100,000,000 Shannons give 1-byte storage.

This is a 64-bit unsigned integer type encoded as the 0x-prefixed hex string in JSON. See examples of Uint64.

Type CellData

The cell data content and hash.


  "content": "0x7f454c460201010000000000000000000200f3000100000078000100000000004000000000000000980000000000000005000000400038000100400003000200010000000500000000000000000000000000010000000000000001000000000082000000000000008200000000000000001000000000000001459308d00573000000002e7368737472746162002e74657874000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000b000000010000000600000000000000780001000000000078000000000000000a0000000000000000000000000000000200000000000000000000000000000001000000030000000000000000000000000000000000000082000000000000001100000000000000000000000000000001000000000000000000000000000000",
  "hash": "0x28e83a1277d48add8e72fadaa9248559e1b632bab2bd60b27955ebc4c03800a5"


CellData is a JSON object with the following fields.

  • content: JsonBytes - Cell content.

  • hash: H256 - Cell content hash.

Type CellDep

The cell dependency of a transaction.


  "dep_type": "code",
  "out_point": {
    "index": "0x0",
    "tx_hash": "0xa4037a893eb48e18ed4ef61034ce26eba9c585f15c9cee102ae58505565eccc3"


CellDep is a JSON object with the following fields.

  • out_point: OutPoint - Reference to the cell.

  • dep_type: DepType - Dependency type.

Type CellInfo

The JSON view of a cell combining the fields in cell output and cell data.


  "data": {
    "content": "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",
    "hash": "0x28e83a1277d48add8e72fadaa9248559e1b632bab2bd60b27955ebc4c03800a5"
  "output": {
    "capacity": "0x802665800",
    "lock": {
      "args": "0x",
      "code_hash": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
      "hash_type": "data"
    "type": null


CellInfo is a JSON object with the following fields.

  • output: CellOutput - Cell fields appears in the transaction outputs array.

  • data: CellData | null - Cell data.

    This is null when the data is not requested, which does not mean the cell data is empty.

Type CellInput

The input cell of a transaction.


  "previous_output": {
    "index": "0x0",
    "tx_hash": "0x365698b50ca0da75dca2c87f9e7b563811d3b5813736b8cc62cc3b106faceb17"
  "since": "0x0"


CellInput is a JSON object with the following fields.

Type CellOutput

The fields of an output cell except the cell data.


  "capacity": "0x2540be400",
  "lock": {
    "args": "0x",
    "code_hash": "0x28e83a1277d48add8e72fadaa9248559e1b632bab2bd60b27955ebc4c03800a5",
    "hash_type": "data"
  "type": null


CellOutput is a JSON object with the following fields.

  • capacity: Capacity - The cell capacity.

    The capacity of a cell is the value of the cell in Shannons. It is also the upper limit of the cell occupied storage size where every 100,000,000 Shannons give 1-byte storage.

  • lock: Script - The lock script.

  • type_: Script | null - The optional type script.

    The JSON field name is "type".

Type CellOutputWithOutPoint

This is used as return value of get_cells_by_lock_hash RPC.

It contains both OutPoint data used for referencing a cell, as well as the cell's properties such as lock and capacity.


# serde_json::from_str::<ckb_jsonrpc_types::CellOutputWithOutPoint>(r#"
  "block_hash": "0xf293d02ce5e101b160912aaf15b1b87517b7a6d572c13af9ae4101c1143b22ad",
  "capacity": "0x2ca86f2642",
  "cellbase": true,
  "lock": {
    "args": "0x",
    "code_hash": "0x28e83a1277d48add8e72fadaa9248559e1b632bab2bd60b27955ebc4c03800a5",
    "hash_type": "data"
  "out_point": {
    "index": "0x0",
    "tx_hash": "0xa510932a80fda15a774203404453c5f9c0e8582f11c40f8ce5396f2460f8ccbf"
  "output_data_len": "0x0",
  "type": null
# "#).unwrap();


CellOutputWithOutPoint is a JSON object with the following fields.

  • out_point: OutPoint - Reference to a cell via transaction hash and output index.

  • block_hash: H256 - The block hash of the block which committed the transaction.

  • capacity: Capacity - The cell capacity.

    The capacity of a cell is the value of the cell in Shannons. It is also the upper limit of the cell occupied storage size where every 100,000,000 Shannons give 1-byte storage.

  • lock: Script - The lock script.

  • type_: Script | null - The optional type script.

    The JSON field name is "type".

  • output_data_len: Uint64 - The bytes count of the cell data.

  • cellbase: boolean - Whether this is a cellbase transaction output.

    The cellbase transaction is the first transaction in a block which issues rewards and fees to miners.

    The cellbase transaction has a maturity period of 4 epochs. Its output cells can only be used as inputs after 4 epochs.

Type CellTransaction

Cell related transaction information.


CellTransaction is a JSON object with the following fields.

  • created_by: TransactionPoint - Where this cell is created.

    The cell is the created_by.index-th output in the transaction created_by.tx_hash, which has been committed in at the height created_by.block_number in the chain.

  • consumed_by: TransactionPoint | null - Where this cell is consumed.

    This is null if the cell is still live.

    The cell is consumed as the consumed_by.index-th input in the transaction consumed_by.tx_hash, which has been committed to at the height consumed_by.block_number in the chain.

Type CellWithStatus

The JSON view of a cell with its status information.


  "cell": {
    "data": {
      "content": "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",
      "hash": "0x28e83a1277d48add8e72fadaa9248559e1b632bab2bd60b27955ebc4c03800a5"
    "output": {
      "capacity": "0x802665800",
      "lock": {
        "args": "0x",
        "code_hash": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
        "hash_type": "data"
      "type": null
  "status": "live"
  "cell": null,
  "status": "unknown"


CellWithStatus is a JSON object with the following fields.

  • cell: CellInfo | null - The cell information.

    For performance issues, CKB only keeps the information for live cells.

  • status: string - Status of the cell.

    Allowed values: "live", "dead", "unknown".

    • live - The transaction creating this cell is in the chain, and there are no transactions found in the chain that uses this cell as an input.

    • dead - (Deprecated: the dead status will be removed since 0.36.0, please do not rely on the logic that differentiates dead and unknown cells.) The transaction creating this cell is in the chain, and a transaction is found in the chain which uses this cell as an input.

    • unknown - CKB does not know the status of the cell. Either the transaction creating this cell is not in the chain yet, or it is no longer live.

Type CellbaseTemplate

The cellbase transaction template of the new block for miners.


CellbaseTemplate is a JSON object with the following fields.

  • hash: H256 - The cellbase transaction hash.

  • cycles: Cycle | null - The hint of how many cycles this transaction consumes.

    Miners can utilize this field to ensure that the total cycles do not exceed the limit while selecting transactions.

  • data: Transaction - The cellbase transaction.

Type ChainInfo

Chain information.


ChainInfo is a JSON object with the following fields.

  • chain: string - The network name.


    • "ckb" - Lina the mainnet.

    • "ckb_testnet" - Aggron the testnet.

  • median_time: Timestamp - The median time of the last 37 blocks.

  • epoch: EpochNumber - Current epoch number.

  • difficulty: U256 - Current difficulty.

    Decoded from the epoch compact_target.

  • is_initial_block_download: boolean - Whether the local node is in IBD, Initial Block Download.

    When a node starts and its chain tip timestamp is far behind the wall clock, it will enter the IBD until it catches up the synchronization.

    During IBD, the local node only synchronizes the chain with one selected remote node and stops responding the most P2P requests.

  • alerts: Array< AlertMessage > - Active alerts stored in the local node.

Type Cycle

Count of cycles consumed by CKB VM to run scripts.

This is a 64-bit unsigned integer type encoded as the 0x-prefixed hex string in JSON. See examples of Uint64.

Type DepType

The dep cell type. Allowed values: "code" and "dep_group".

DepType is equivalent to "code" | "dep_group".

  • Type "code".
  • Type "dep_group".

Type DryRunResult

Response result of the RPC method dry_run_transaction.


DryRunResult is a JSON object with the following fields.

  • cycles: Cycle - The count of cycles that the VM has consumed to verify this transaction.

Type EpochNumber

Consecutive epoch number starting from 0.

This is a 64-bit unsigned integer type encoded as the 0x-prefixed hex string in JSON. See examples of Uint64.

Type EpochNumberWithFraction

The epoch indicator of a block. It shows which epoch the block is in, and the elapsed epoch fraction after adding this block.

This is a 64-bit unsigned integer type encoded as the 0x-prefixed hex string in JSON. See examples of Uint64.

The lower 56 bits of the epoch field are split into 3 parts (listed in the order from higher bits to lower bits):

  • The highest 16 bits represent the epoch length

  • The next 16 bits represent the current block index in the epoch, starting from 0.

  • The lowest 24 bits represent the current epoch number.

Assume there's a block, which number is 11555 and in epoch 50. The epoch 50 starts from block 11000 and have 1000 blocks. The epoch field for this particular block will then be 1,099,520,939,130,930, which is calculated in the following way:

50 | ((11555 - 11000) << 24) | (1000 << 40)

Type EpochView

JSON view of an epoch.

CKB adjusts difficulty based on epochs.


  "compact_target": "0x1e083126",
  "length": "0x708",
  "number": "0x1",
  "start_number": "0x3e8"


EpochView is a JSON object with the following fields.

  • number: EpochNumber - Consecutive epoch number starting from 0.

  • start_number: BlockNumber - The block number of the first block in the epoch.

    It also equals the total count of blocks in all the epochs which epoch number is less than this epoch.

  • length: BlockNumber - The number of blocks in this epoch.

  • compact_target: Uint32 - The difficulty target for any block in this epoch.

Type EstimateResult

The estimated fee rate.


EstimateResult is a JSON object with the following fields.

  • fee_rate: FeeRate - The estimated fee rate.

Type FeeRate

The fee rate is the ratio between fee and transaction weight in unit Shannon per 1,000 bytes.

Based on the context, the weight is either the transaction virtual bytes or serialization size in the block.

This is a 64-bit unsigned integer type encoded as the 0x-prefixed hex string in JSON. See examples of Uint64.

Type H256

The 32-byte fixed-length binary data.

The name comes from the number of bits in the data.

In JSONRPC, it is encoded as a 0x-prefixed hex string.

Type Header

The block header.

Refer to RFC CKB Block Structure.


Header is a JSON object with the following fields.

  • version: Version - The block version.

    It must equal to 0 now and is reserved for future upgrades.

  • compact_target: Uint32 - The block difficulty target.

    It can be converted to a 256-bit target. Miners must ensure the Eaglesong of the header is within the target.

  • timestamp: Timestamp - The block timestamp.

    It is a Unix timestamp in milliseconds (1 second = 1000 milliseconds).

    Miners should put the time when the block is created in the header, however, the precision is not guaranteed. A block with a higher block number may even have a smaller timestamp.

  • number: BlockNumber - The consecutive block number starting from 0.

  • epoch: EpochNumberWithFraction - The epoch information of this block.

    See EpochNumberWithFraction for details.

  • parent_hash: H256 - The header hash of the parent block.

  • transactions_root: H256 - The commitment to all the transactions in the block.

    It is a hash on two Merkle Tree roots:

    • The root of a CKB Merkle Tree, which items are the transaction hashes of all the transactions in the block.

    • The root of a CKB Merkle Tree, but the items are the transaction witness hashes of all the transactions in the block.

  • proposals_hash: H256 - The hash on proposals in the block body.

    It is all zeros when proposals is empty, or the hash on all the bytes concatenated together.

  • uncles_hash: H256 - The hash on uncles in the block body.

    It is all zeros when uncles is empty, or the hash on all the uncle header hashes concatenated together.

  • dao: Byte32 - DAO fields.

    See RFC Deposit and Withdraw in Nervos DAO.

  • nonce: Uint128 - Miner can modify this field to find a proper value such that the Eaglesong of the header is within the target encoded from compact_target.

Type HeaderView

The JSON view of a Header.

This structure is serialized into a JSON object with field hash and all the fields in Header.


  "compact_target": "0x1e083126",
  "dao": "0xb5a3e047474401001bc476b9ee573000c0c387962a38000000febffacf030000",
  "epoch": "0x7080018000001",
  "hash": "0xa5f5c85987a15de25661e5a214f2c1449cd803f071acc7999820f25246471f40",
  "nonce": "0x0",
  "number": "0x400",
  "parent_hash": "0xae003585fa15309b30b31aed3dcf385e9472c3c3e93746a6c4540629a6a1ed2d",
  "proposals_hash": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
  "timestamp": "0x5cd2b117",
  "transactions_root": "0xc47d5b78b3c4c4c853e2a32810818940d0ee403423bea9ec7b8e566d9595206c",
  "uncles_hash": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
  "version": "0x0"


HeaderView is a JSON object with the following fields.

  • inner: Header - All the fields in Header are included in HeaderView in JSON.

  • hash: H256 - The header hash. It is also called the block hash.

Type JsonBytes

Variable-length binary encoded as a 0x-prefixed hex string in JSON.


JSON Binary
"0x" Empty binary
"0x00" Single byte 0
"0x636b62" 3 bytes, UTF-8 encoding of ckb
"00" Invalid, 0x is required
"0x0" Invalid, each byte requires 2 digits

Type LiveCell

An indexed live cell.


LiveCell is a JSON object with the following fields.

  • created_by: TransactionPoint - Where this cell is created.

    The cell is the created_by.index-th output in the transaction created_by.tx_hash, which has been committed to at the height created_by.block_number in the chain.

  • cell_output: CellOutput - The cell properties.

  • output_data_len: Uint64 - The cell data length.

  • cellbase: boolean - Whether this cell is an output of a cellbase transaction.

Type LocalNode

The information of the node itself.


  "active": true,
  "addresses": [
      "address": "/ip4/",
      "score": "0xff"
      "address": "/ip4/",
      "score": "0x1"
  "connections": "0xb",
  "node_id": "QmTRHCdrRtgUzYLNCin69zEvPvLYdxUZLLfLYyHVY3DZAS",
  "protocols": [
      "id": "0x0",
      "name": "/ckb/ping",
      "support_versions": [
      "id": "0x1",
      "name": "/ckb/discovery",
      "support_versions": [
  "version": "0.34.0 (f37f598 2020-07-17)"


LocalNode is a JSON object with the following fields.

  • version: string - CKB node version.

    Example: "version": "0.34.0 (f37f598 2020-07-17)"

  • node_id: string - The unique node ID derived from the p2p private key.

    The private key is generated randomly on the first boot.

  • active: boolean - Whether this node is active.

    An inactive node ignores incoming p2p messages and drops outgoing messages.

  • addresses: Array< NodeAddress > - P2P addresses of this node.

    A node can have multiple addresses.

  • protocols: Array< LocalNodeProtocol > - Supported protocols.

  • connections: Uint64 - Count of currently connected peers.

Type LocalNodeProtocol

The information of a P2P protocol that is supported by the local node.


LocalNodeProtocol is a JSON object with the following fields.

  • id: Uint64 - Unique protocol ID.

  • name: string - Readable protocol name.

  • support_versions: Array< string > - Supported versions.

    See Semantic Version about how to specify a version.

Type LockHashCapacity

The accumulated capacity of a set of cells.


LockHashCapacity is a JSON object with the following fields.

  • capacity: Capacity - Total capacity of all the cells in the set.

  • cells_count: Uint64 - Count of cells in the set.

  • block_number: BlockNumber - This information is calculated when the max block number in the chain is block_number.

Type LockHashIndexState

Cell script lock hash index state.


LockHashIndexState is a JSON object with the following fields.

  • lock_hash: H256 - The script lock hash.

    This index will index cells that lock script hash matches.

  • block_number: BlockNumber - The max block number this index has already scanned.

  • block_hash: H256 - The hash of the block with the max block number that this index has already scanned.

Type MerkleProof

Proof of CKB Merkle Tree.

CKB Merkle Tree is a CBMT using CKB blake2b hash as the merge function.


MerkleProof is a JSON object with the following fields.

  • indices: Array< Uint32 > - Leaves indices in the CBMT that are proved present in the block.

    These are indices in the CBMT tree not the transaction indices in the block.

  • lemmas: Array< H256 > - Hashes of all siblings along the paths to root.

Type MinerReward

Block rewards for miners.


MinerReward is a JSON object with the following fields.

  • primary: Capacity - The primary base block reward allocated to miners.

  • secondary: Capacity - The secondary base block reward allocated to miners.

  • committed: Capacity - The transaction fees that are rewarded to miners because the transaction is committed in the block.

    Miners get 60% of the transaction fee for each transaction committed in the block.

  • proposal: Capacity - The transaction fees that are rewarded to miners because the transaction is proposed in the block or its uncles.

    Miners get 40% of the transaction fee for each transaction proposed in the block and committed later in its active commit window.

Type NodeAddress

Node P2P address and score.


NodeAddress is a JSON object with the following fields.

  • address: string - P2P address.

    This is the same address used in the whitelist in ckb.toml.

    Example: "/ip4/"

  • score: Uint64 - Address score.

    A higher score means a higher probability of a successful connection.

Type OutPoint

Reference to a cell via transaction hash and output index.


  "index": "0x0",
  "tx_hash": "0x365698b50ca0da75dca2c87f9e7b563811d3b5813736b8cc62cc3b106faceb17"


OutPoint is a JSON object with the following fields.

  • tx_hash: H256 - Transaction hash in which the cell is an output.

  • index: Uint32 - The output index of the cell in the transaction specified by tx_hash.

Type OutputsValidator

Transaction output validators that prevent common mistakes.

OutputsValidator is equivalent to "default" | "passthrough".

  • "default": The default validator which restricts the lock script and type script usage.
  • "passthrough": bypass the validator, thus allow any kind of transaction outputs.

Type PeerState

Peer (remote node) state.


PeerState is a JSON object with the following fields.

  • peer: Uint32 - Peer session id.

  • last_updated: Timestamp - last updated timestamp.

  • blocks_in_flight: Uint32 - blocks count has request but not receive response yet.

Type PeerSyncState

The chain synchronization state between the local node and a remote node.


PeerSyncState is a JSON object with the following fields.

  • best_known_header_hash: Byte32 | null - Best known header hash of remote peer.

    This is the observed tip of the remote node's canonical chain.

  • best_known_header_number: Uint64 | null - Best known header number of remote peer

    This is the block number of the block with the hash best_known_header_hash.

  • last_common_header_hash: Byte32 | null - Last common header hash of remote peer.

    This is the common ancestor of the local node canonical chain tip and the block best_known_header_hash.

  • last_common_header_number: Uint64 | null - Last common header number of remote peer.

    This is the block number of the block with the hash last_common_header_hash.

  • unknown_header_list_size: Uint64 - The total size of unknown header list.

    Deprecated: this is an internal state and will be removed in a future release.

  • inflight_count: Uint64 - The count of concurrency downloading blocks.

  • can_fetch_count: Uint64 - The count of blocks are available for concurrency download.

Type PoolTransactionEntry

The transaction entry in the pool.


PoolTransactionEntry is a JSON object with the following fields.

  • transaction: TransactionView - The transaction.

  • cycles: Cycle - Consumed cycles.

  • size: Uint64 - The transaction serialized size in block.

  • fee: Capacity - The transaction fee.

Type ProposalShortId

The 10-byte fixed-length binary encoded as a 0x-prefixed hex string in JSON.



Type RemoteNode

Information of a remote node.

A remote node connects to the local node via the P2P network. It is often called a peer.


  "addresses": [
      "address": "/ip6/::ffff:",
      "score": "0x64"
      "address": "/ip4/",
      "score": "0x64"
  "connected_duration": "0x2f",
  "is_outbound": true,
  "last_ping_duration": "0x1a",
  "node_id": "QmXwUgF48ULy6hkgfqrEwEfuHW7WyWyWauueRDAYQHNDfN",
  "protocols": [
      "id": "0x4",
      "version": "0.0.1"
      "id": "0x2",
      "version": "0.0.1"
      "id": "0x1",
      "version": "0.0.1"
      "id": "0x64",
      "version": "1"
      "id": "0x6e",
      "version": "1"
      "id": "0x66",
      "version": "1"
      "id": "0x65",
      "version": "1"
      "id": "0x0",
      "version": "0.0.1"
  "sync_state": {
    "best_known_header_hash": null,
    "best_known_header_number": null,
    "can_fetch_count": "0x80",
    "inflight_count": "0xa",
    "last_common_header_hash": null,
    "last_common_header_number": null,
    "unknown_header_list_size": "0x20"
  "version": "0.34.0 (f37f598 2020-07-17)"


RemoteNode is a JSON object with the following fields.

  • version: string - The remote node version.

  • node_id: string - The remote node ID which is derived from its P2P private key.

  • addresses: Array< NodeAddress > - The remote node addresses.

  • is_outbound: boolean - Whether this is an outbound remote node.

    If the connection is established by the local node, is_outbound is true.

  • connected_duration: Uint64 - Elapsed time in seconds since the remote node is connected.

  • last_ping_duration: Uint64 | null - Elapsed time in milliseconds since receiving the ping response from this remote node.

    Null means no ping responses have been received yet.

  • sync_state: PeerSyncState | null - Chain synchronization state.

    Null means chain sync has not started with this remote node yet.

  • protocols: Array< RemoteNodeProtocol > - Active protocols.

    CKB uses Tentacle multiplexed network framework. Multiple protocols are running simultaneously in the connection.

Type RemoteNodeProtocol

The information about an active running protocol.


RemoteNodeProtocol is a JSON object with the following fields.

  • id: Uint64 - Unique protocol ID.

  • version: string - Active protocol version.

Type Script

Describes the lock script and type script for a cell.


  "args": "0x",
  "code_hash": "0x28e83a1277d48add8e72fadaa9248559e1b632bab2bd60b27955ebc4c03800a5",
  "hash_type": "data"


Script is a JSON object with the following fields.

  • code_hash: H256 - The hash used to match the script code.

  • hash_type: ScriptHashType - Specifies how to use the code_hash to match the script code.

  • args: JsonBytes - Arguments for script.

Type ScriptHashType

Specifies how the script code_hash is used to match the script code.

Allowed values: "data" and "type".

Refer to the section Code Locating and Upgradable Script in the RFC CKB Transaction Structure.

ScriptHashType is equivalent to "data" | "type".

  • Type "data" matches script code via cell data hash.
  • Type "type" matches script code via cell type script hash.

Type SerializedBlock

This is a 0x-prefix hex string. It is the block serialized by molecule using the schema table Block.

Type SerializedHeader

This is a 0x-prefix hex string. It is the block header serialized by molecule using the schema table Header.

Type Status

Status for transaction

Status is equivalent to "pending" | "proposed" | "committed".

  • Status "pending". The transaction is in the pool, and not proposed yet.
  • Status "proposed". The transaction is in the pool and has been proposed.
  • Status "committed". The transaction has been committed to the canonical chain.

Type SyncState

The overall chain synchronization state of this local node.


SyncState is a JSON object with the following fields.

  • ibd: boolean - Whether the local node is in IBD, Initial Block Download.

    When a node starts and its chain tip timestamp is far behind the wall clock, it will enter the IBD until it catches up the synchronization.

    During IBD, the local node only synchronizes the chain with one selected remote node and stops responding to most P2P requests.

  • best_known_block_number: BlockNumber - This is the best known block number observed by the local node from the P2P network.

    The best here means that the block leads a chain which has the best known accumulated difficulty.

    This can be used to estimate the synchronization progress. If this RPC returns B, and the RPC get_tip_block_number returns T, the node has already synchronized T/B blocks.

  • best_known_block_timestamp: Timestamp - This is timestamp of the same block described in best_known_block_number.

  • orphan_blocks_count: Uint64 - Count of orphan blocks the local node has downloaded.

    The local node downloads multiple blocks simultaneously but blocks must be connected consecutively. If a descendant is downloaded before its ancestors, it becomes an orphan block.

    If this number is too high, it indicates that block download has stuck at some block.

  • inflight_blocks_count: Uint64 - Count of downloading blocks.

  • fast_time: Uint64 - The download scheduler's time analysis data, the fast is the 1/3 of the cut-off point, unit ms

  • normal_time: Uint64 - The download scheduler's time analysis data, the normal is the 4/5 of the cut-off point, unit ms

  • low_time: Uint64 - The download scheduler's time analysis data, the low is the 9/10 of the cut-off point, unit ms

Type Timestamp

The Unix timestamp in milliseconds (1 second is 1000 milliseconds).

For example, 1588233578000 is Thu, 30 Apr 2020 07:59:38 +0000

This is a 64-bit unsigned integer type encoded as the 0x-prefixed hex string in JSON. See examples of Uint64.

Type Transaction

The transaction.

Refer to RFC CKB Transaction Structure.


Transaction is a JSON object with the following fields.

  • version: Version - Reserved for future usage. It must equal 0 in current version.

  • cell_deps: Array< CellDep > - An array of cell deps.

    CKB locates lock script and type script code via cell deps. The script also can uses syscalls to read the cells here.

    Unlike inputs, the live cells can be used as cell deps in multiple transactions.

  • header_deps: Array< H256 > - An array of header deps.

    The block must already be in the canonical chain.

    Lock script and type script can read the header information of blocks listed here.

  • inputs: Array< CellInput > - An array of input cells.

    In the canonical chain, any cell can only appear as an input once.

  • outputs: Array< CellOutput > - An array of output cells.

  • outputs_data: Array< JsonBytes > - Output cells data.

    This is a parallel array of outputs. The cell capacity, lock, and type of the output i is outputs[i] and its data is outputs_data[i].

  • witnesses: Array< JsonBytes > - An array of variable-length binaries.

    Lock script and type script can read data here to verify the transaction.

    For example, the bundled secp256k1 lock script requires storing the signature in witnesses.

Type TransactionPoint

Reference to a cell by transaction hash and output index, as well as in which block this transaction is committed.


TransactionPoint is a JSON object with the following fields.

  • block_number: BlockNumber - In which block the transaction creating the cell is committed.

  • tx_hash: H256 - In which transaction this cell is an output.

  • index: Uint64 - The index of this cell in the transaction. Based on the context, this is either an input index or an output index.

Type TransactionProof

Merkle proof for transactions in a block.


TransactionProof is a JSON object with the following fields.

  • block_hash: H256 - Block hash

  • witnesses_root: H256 - Merkle root of all transactions' witness hash

  • proof: MerkleProof - Merkle proof of all transactions' hash

Type TransactionTemplate

Transaction template which is ready to be committed in the new block.


TransactionTemplate is a JSON object with the following fields.

  • hash: H256 - Transaction hash.

  • required: boolean - Whether miner must include this transaction in the new block.

  • cycles: Cycle | null - The hint of how many cycles this transaction consumes.

    Miners can utilize this field to ensure that the total cycles do not exceed the limit while selecting transactions.

  • depends: Array< Uint64 > | null - Transaction dependencies.

    This is a hint to help miners selecting transactions.

    This transaction can only be committed if its dependencies are also committed in the new block.

    This field is a list of indices into the array transactions in the block template.

    For example, depends = [1, 2] means this transaction depends on block_template.transactions[1] and block_template.transactions[2].

  • data: Transaction - The transaction.

    Miners must keep it unchanged when including it in the new block.

Type TransactionView

The JSON view of a Transaction.

This structure is serialized into a JSON object with field hash and all the fields in Transaction.


  "cell_deps": [
      "dep_type": "code",
      "out_point": {
        "index": "0x0",
        "tx_hash": "0xa4037a893eb48e18ed4ef61034ce26eba9c585f15c9cee102ae58505565eccc3"
  "hash": "0xa0ef4eb5f4ceeb08a4c8524d84c5da95dce2f608e0ca2ec8091191b0f330c6e3",
  "header_deps": [
  "inputs": [
      "previous_output": {
        "index": "0x0",
        "tx_hash": "0x365698b50ca0da75dca2c87f9e7b563811d3b5813736b8cc62cc3b106faceb17"
      "since": "0x0"
  "outputs": [
      "capacity": "0x2540be400",
      "lock": {
        "args": "0x",
        "code_hash": "0x28e83a1277d48add8e72fadaa9248559e1b632bab2bd60b27955ebc4c03800a5",
        "hash_type": "data"
      "type": null
  "outputs_data": [
  "version": "0x0",
  "witnesses": []


TransactionView is a JSON object with the following fields.

  • inner: Transaction - All the fields in Transaction are included in TransactionView in JSON.

  • hash: H256 - The transaction hash.

Type TransactionWithStatus

The JSON view of a transaction as well as its status.


TransactionWithStatus is a JSON object with the following fields.

Type TxPoolInfo

Transaction pool information.


TxPoolInfo is a JSON object with the following fields.

  • tip_hash: H256 - The associated chain tip block hash.

    The transaction pool is stateful. It manages the transactions which are valid to be committed after this block.

  • tip_number: BlockNumber - The block number of the block tip_hash.

  • pending: Uint64 - Count of transactions in the pending state.

    The pending transactions must be proposed in a new block first.

  • proposed: Uint64 - Count of transactions in the proposed state.

    The proposed transactions are ready to be committed in the new block after the block tip_hash.

  • orphan: Uint64 - Count of orphan transactions.

    An orphan transaction has an input cell from the transaction which is neither in the chain nor in the transaction pool.

  • total_tx_size: Uint64 - Total count of transactions in the pool of all the different kinds of states.

  • total_tx_cycles: Uint64 - Total consumed VM cycles of all the transactions in the pool.

  • min_fee_rate: Uint64 - Fee rate threshold. The pool rejects transactions which fee rate is below this threshold.

    The unit is Shannons per 1000 bytes transaction serialization size in the block.

  • last_txs_updated_at: Timestamp - Last updated time. This is the Unix timestamp in milliseconds.

Type TxStatus

Transaction status and the block hash if it is committed.


TxStatus is a JSON object with the following fields.

  • status: Status - The transaction status, allowed values: "pending", "proposed" and "committed".

  • block_hash: H256 | null - The block hash of the block which has committed this transaction in the canonical chain.

Type U256

The 256-bit unsigned integer type encoded as the 0x-prefixed hex string in JSON.

Type Uint128

The 128-bit unsigned integer type encoded as the 0x-prefixed hex string in JSON.


JSON Decimal Value
"0x0" 0
"0x10" 16
"10" Invalid, 0x is required
"0x01" Invalid, redundant leading 0

Type Uint32

The 32-bit unsigned integer type encoded as the 0x-prefixed hex string in JSON.


JSON Decimal Value
"0x0" 0
"0x10" 16
"10" Invalid, 0x is required
"0x01" Invalid, redundant leading 0

Type Uint64

The 64-bit unsigned integer type encoded as the 0x-prefixed hex string in JSON.


JSON Decimal Value
"0x0" 0
"0x10" 16
"10" Invalid, 0x is required
"0x01" Invalid, redundant leading 0

Type UncleBlock

The uncle block used as a parameter in the RPC.

The chain stores only the uncle block header and proposal IDs. The header ensures the block is covered by PoW and can pass the consensus rules on uncle blocks. Proposal IDs are there because a block can commit transactions proposed in an uncle.

A block B1 is considered to be the uncle of another block B2 if all the following conditions are met:

  • They are in the same epoch, sharing the same difficulty;

  • B2 block number is larger than B1;

  • B1's parent is either B2's ancestor or an uncle embedded in B2 or any of B2's ancestors.

  • B2 is the first block in its chain to refer to B1.


UncleBlock is a JSON object with the following fields.

  • header: Header - The uncle block header.

  • proposals: Array< ProposalShortId > - Proposal IDs in the uncle block body.

Type UncleBlockView

The uncle block.

The chain stores only the uncle block header and proposal IDs. The header ensures the block is covered by PoW and can pass the consensus rules on uncle blocks. Proposal IDs are there because a block can commit transactions proposed in an uncle.

A block B1 is considered to be the uncle of another block B2 if all the following conditions are met:

  • They are in the same epoch, sharing the same difficulty;

  • B2 block number is larger than B1;

  • B1's parent is either B2's ancestor or an uncle embedded in B2 or any of B2's ancestors.

  • B2 is the first block in its chain to refer to B1.


UncleBlockView is a JSON object with the following fields.

Type UncleTemplate

The uncle block template of the new block for miners.


UncleTemplate is a JSON object with the following fields.

  • hash: H256 - The uncle block hash.

  • required: boolean - Whether miners must include this uncle in the submit block.

  • proposals: Array< ProposalShortId > - The proposals of the uncle block.

    Miners must keep this unchanged when including this uncle in the new block.

  • header: Header - The header of the uncle block.

    Miners must keep this unchanged when including this uncle in the new block.

Type Version

The simple increasing integer version.

This is a 32-bit unsigned integer type encoded as the 0x-prefixed hex string in JSON. See examples of Uint32.