ckb-resource 0.38.0

Bundled resources for the CKB binary.

Bundles resources in the ckb binary.

This crate bundles the files ckb.toml, ckb-miner.toml, default.db-options, and all files in the directory specs in the binary.

The bundled files can be read via Resource::Bundled, for example:

// Read bundled ckb.toml
use ckb_resource::{Resource, CKB_CONFIG_FILE_NAME};

let ckb_toml_bytes = Resource::bundled(CKB_CONFIG_FILE_NAME.to_string()).get().unwrap();
println!("ckb.toml\n{}", String::from_utf8(ckb_toml_bytes.to_vec()).unwrap());

These bundled files can be customized for different chains using spec branches. See Template.