Crate cex[][src]

Checked EXceptions for Rust.

See the enumx book for more.


  1. Use Result!( Type throws A,B,.. ), ret!(), throw!() to simulate checked exceptions in Rust

  2. #[ty_pat] match for "type as pattern matching" in match expressions.

  3. Optional backtrace support.

  4. Fallback as impl std::error::Error.


use enumx::export::*;
use enumx::predefined::*;
use cex::*;

// accepts even numbers; rejects odd ones and report an error `String`
fn check_even( a: u32 ) -> Result!( u32 throws String ) {
    if a % 2 == 1 {
        throw!( format!( "odd numbers not allowed: a == {}", a ));
    } else {
        ret!( a );

// accepts non-zero numbers; rejects zeros and report an error of `&'static str`
fn check_nonzero( b: u32 ) -> Result!( u32 throws &'static str ) {
    if b == 0 {
        throw!( "zero not allowed: b == 0" );
    } else {
        ret!( b )

struct Underflow;

fn sub( a: u32, b: u32 ) -> Result!( u32 throws String, &'static str, Underflow ) {
    let a = check_even( a )?;
    let b = check_nonzero( b )?;
    ret!( a+b );

fn distance( a: u32, b: u32 ) -> Result!( u32 throws String, &'static str ) {
    ret!( sub(a,b).or_else( |err| {#[ty_pat] match err {
        Underflow => ret!( b-a ),
        String(s) => throw!( s ),
        TyPat::<&'static str>(s) => throw!( s ),

fn distance2( a: u32, b: u32 ) -> Result!( u32 throws String, &'static str ) {
    ret!( sub(a,b).or_else( |err| #[ty_pat(gen_throws)] match err {
        Underflow => ret!( b-a ),

fn distance3( a: u32, b: u32 ) -> Result!( u32 throws String, &'static str ) {
    ret!( sub(a,b).or_else( |err| #[ty_pat(gen &'static str, String )] match err {
        Underflow => ret!( b-a ),


pub use result::*;
pub use self::log::*;





Traits and types to support ret!()/throw!() and backtrace in a #[cex] fn.



Result!() macro


A macro to generate a Frame, to store the source of the error with file name, module path, line/column numbers, and an optional context info, using the same syntax with format!().



Enum exchange to wrap an Err.


Enum exchange for Err combinator.

Attribute Macros


tag an fn with #[cex] to: