[][src]Crate cddl_cat

cddl-cat is a library for validating encoded data against a CDDL document that describes the expected structure of the data.

Note: This library is fairly new, and may still contain significant bugs, ommissions, or unstable interfaces.

CDDL is a text document described by RFC8610 that describes data structures. CDDL is not tied to any specific serialization or encoding method; it can be used to validate data that is in CBOR or JSON format.

The goal of this library is to make CBOR or JSON data easy to validate against a CDDL schema description.

cddl-cat supports Rust 1.37 and later.

Implementation Details

  • Supports CBOR and JSON encodings, controlled by the serde_cbor and serde_json features.

  • An "Intermediate Validation Tree" (ivt) is constructed from the CDDL AST; this removes some of the CDDL syntax detail resulting in a simplified tree that can be more easily validated. The IVT is constructed almost entirely of Node elements, allowing recursive validation.

  • Validation is performed by first translating the incoming data into a generic form, so most of the validation code is completely agnostic to the serialization format.

  • Validation code uses a Context object to perform all rule lookups. This will allow stacking CDDL documents or building CDDL libraries that can be used by other CDDL schemas. In the future the validation process itself may be customized by changing the Context configuration.


This example validates JSON-encoded data against a CDDL schema:

use cddl_cat::validate_json_str;

let cddl_input = "person = {name: tstr, age: int}";
let json_str = r#"{ "name": "Bob", "age": 43 }"#;

validate_json_str("person", cddl_input, &json_str).unwrap();

If the JSON data doesn't have the expected structure, an error will result:

use cddl_cat::validate_json_str;

let cddl_input = "person = {name: tstr, age: int}";
let json_str = r#"{ "name": "Bob", "age": "forty three" }"#;

assert!(validate_json_str("person", cddl_input, &json_str).is_err());

A similar example, verifying CBOR-encoded data against a CDDL schema:

use cddl_cat::validate_cbor_bytes;
use serde::Serialize;

struct PersonStruct {
    name: String,
    age: u32,

let input = PersonStruct {
    name: "Bob".to_string(),
    age: 43,
let cbor_bytes = serde_cbor::to_vec(&input).unwrap();
let cddl_input = "person = {name: tstr, age: int}";
validate_cbor_bytes("person", cddl_input, &cbor_bytes).unwrap();

Supported prelude types:

  • any, uint, nint, int, bstr, bytes, tstr, text
  • float, float16, float32, float64, float16-32, float32-64
    Note: float sizes are not validated.

Unimplemented features:

  • Generics
  • Non-cut map keys
  • Extend type with /=
  • Extend group with //=
  • Type sockets with $
  • Group sockets with $$
  • Range operators .., ...
  • Control operators, e.g. .size, .bits, ...
  • Group enumeration with &
  • Tagged data with #
  • Literal integers with 0x or 0b
  • Hexfloat
  • Base64 bytestring literals (b64'...')
  • Prelude types that invoke CBOR tags (e.g. tdate or biguint)


pub use cbor::validate_cbor;
pub use cbor::validate_cbor_bytes;
pub use json::validate_json;
pub use json::validate_json_str;
pub use parser::parse_cddl;



This module defines the Abstract Syntax Tree.


This module implements validation from serde_cbor::Value.


This module defines the Context trait.


Tools for converting the ast (syntax tree) into an ivt (intermediate validation tree).


This module defines the Intermediate Validation Tree.


This module implements validation from serde_json::Value.


This module contains a CDDL parser.


This module defines error and result types.


This module declares a generic Value enum for use with validation.