casper-contract 1.4.1

A library for developing Casper network smart contracts.


LOGO Documentation License

A library for developing Casper network smart contracts.


The crate is no_std, but uses the core and alloc crates. It is recommended to build Wasm smart contracts in a no_std environment as this generally yields smaller, and hence cheaper, binaries.

Compile-time features


Enabled by default.

Given that the library is intended to be consumed by smart-contract binaries, and that in a no_std environment these will all require to provide an alloc error handler and an eh_personality, then this crate provides these when no-std-helpers is enabled. This unfortunately requires the use of nightly Rust.

For further convenience, enabling this feature also provides a global allocator suitable for use in a no_std environment.

If you wish to use a different global allocator, or provide different panic/out-of-memory handlers, then add the following to your Cargo.toml:

casper-contract = { version = "1", default-features = false }

Note that this feature will effectively be disabled by enabling the deprecated std feature. The std feature will be removed in an upcoming release.


Disabled by default.

To help support smart contract debugging, enabling the test-support feature makes the function contract_api::runtime::print(text: &str) available. If the contract is being tested offchain using the casper-engine-test-support crate, then the contract can output text to the console for debugging.

casper-contract = { version = "1", features = ["test-support"] }


Licensed under the Apache License Version 2.0.