Crate cargo_wix [] [src]


The goal of the cargo-wix project and cargo wix subcommand is to make it easy to create a Windows installer (msi) for any Rust project.

Quick Start

Ensure the WiX Toolset is installed and the C:\Program Files\WiX Toolset\bin folder has been added to the PATH system environment variable. Then start a commmand prompt (cmd.exe) and execute the following commands:

C:\>cargo install cargo-wix
C:\>cd Path\To\Project
C:\Path\To\Project\>cargo wix --init
C:\Path\To\Project\>cargo wix

The Windows installer (msi) will be in the C:\Path\To\Project\target\wix folder.


The cargo-wix project is primarily implemented as a cargo subcommand, but the core functionality is provided in a library (crate). Documentation for the binary and Command Line Interface (CLI) are provided with the cargo wix --help command, but documentation is provided here for the concepts and core functionality that govern the subcommand.

The cargo-wix binary, and related cargo wix subcommand, use the WiX Toolset and SignTool application available in the Windows 10 SDK. These are obviously Windows-only applications, so while the crate and binary can be built on any platform supported by the Rust programming language, the cargo wix subcommand is only really useful on a Windows machine.

The WiX Toolset provides a compiler (candle.exe) and linker (light.exe). These can be found in the bin directory of the installation location for the WiX Toolset. This subcommand uses these two applications with the std::process::Command module to create an installer. The WiX Toolset requires a WiX Source (wxs) file, which is an XML file. A template is provided with this subcommand that attempts to meet the majority of use cases for developers, so extensive knowledge of the WiX Toolset and Windows installer technologies is not required (but always recommended). Modification of the template is encouraged, but please consult the WiX Toolset's extensive documentation and tutorials for information about writing, customizing, and using wxs files. The documentation here is only for this subcommand.

The WXS template is embedded in the binary installation of the subcommand and it can be printed to stdout using the cargo wix --print-template wxs command from the command prompt (cmd.exe). Note, each time the cargo wix --print-template wxs command is invoked, new GUIDs are generated for fields that require them. Thus, a developer does not need to worry about generating GUIDs and can begin using the template immediately with this subcommand or the WiX Toolset's candle.exe and light.exe applications.



A builder for running the subcommand.



The error type for cargo-wix-related operations and associated traits.


The different values for the Platform attribute of the Package element.


The different templates that can be printed using the --print-template option.


The aliases for the URLs to different Microsoft Authenticode timestamp servers.



Removes the target\wix folder.


Removes the target\wix folder and the wix folder.

Type Definitions


A specialized Result type for cargo-wix operations.