cargo-tree 0.2.0

A Cargo subcommand that visualizes a crate's dependency graph in a tree-like format
cargo-tree-0.2.0 is not a library.


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cargo tree is a Cargo subcommand that visualizes a crate's dependency graph in a tree-like format.

Install it with Cargo:

$ cargo install cargo-tree

In its default mode, cargo tree will print the "normal" dependencies of the local crate:

$ cargo tree
postgres v0.10.2 (file:///Volumes/git/rust/rust-postgres)
├── bufstream v0.1.1
├── byteorder v0.4.2
├── hex v0.1.0
├── log v0.3.4
│  └── libc v0.2.2
├── net2 v0.2.19
│  ├── cfg-if v0.1.0
│  ├── kernel32-sys v0.2.1
│  │  └── winapi v0.2.5
│  ├── libc v0.2.2 (*)
│  ├── winapi v0.2.5 (*)
│  └── ws2_32-sys v0.2.1
│     └── winapi v0.2.5 (*)
└── phf v0.7.9
   └── phf_shared v0.7.9

Crates will only have their dependencies displayed the first time they are shown - further copies will have a (*) appended to indicate that their output has been truncated.

Like other cargo subcommands, features can be enabled via the --features flag:

$ cargo tree --features serde_json
postgres v0.10.2 (file:///Volumes/git/rust/rust-postgres)
├── bufstream v0.1.1
├── byteorder v0.4.2
├── hex v0.1.0
├── log v0.3.4
│  └── libc v0.2.2
├── net2 v0.2.19
│  ├── cfg-if v0.1.0
│  ├── kernel32-sys v0.2.1
│  │  └── winapi v0.2.5
│  ├── libc v0.2.2 (*)
│  ├── winapi v0.2.5 (*)
│  └── ws2_32-sys v0.2.1
│     └── winapi v0.2.5 (*)
├── phf v0.7.9
│  └── phf_shared v0.7.9
└── serde_json v0.6.0
   ├── num v0.1.28
   │  ├── rand v0.3.12
   │  │  ├── advapi32-sys v0.1.2
   │  │  │  └── winapi v0.2.5 (*)
   │  │  ├── libc v0.2.2 (*)
   │  │  └── winapi v0.2.5 (*)
   │  └── rustc-serialize v0.3.16
   └── serde v0.6.1
      └── num v0.1.28 (*)

Output can be switched to development or build dependencies with the --kind or -k flag:

cargo tree -k build
postgres v0.10.2 (file:///Volumes/git/rust/rust-postgres)
└── phf_codegen v0.7.9
   ├── phf_generator v0.7.9
   │  ├── phf_shared v0.7.9
   │  └── rand v0.3.12
   │     ├── advapi32-sys v0.1.2
   │     │  └── winapi v0.2.5
   │     ├── libc v0.2.2
   │     └── winapi v0.2.5 (*)
   └── phf_shared v0.7.9 (*)

cargo tree can also operate in an "inverse" mode where the dependency tree is walked backwards. This is most often useful when trying to determine where a certain crate is coming from. The --package or -p flag selects the crate to use as the root of the tree and the --invert or -i flag inverts the dependency graph traversal:

cargo tree --features serde_json -p libc -i
libc v0.2.2
├── log v0.3.4
│  └── postgres v0.10.2 (file:///Volumes/git/rust/rust-postgres)
├── net2 v0.2.19
│  └── postgres v0.10.2 (file:///Volumes/git/rust/rust-postgres) (*)
└── rand v0.3.12
   └── num v0.1.28
      ├── serde v0.6.1
      │  └── serde_json v0.6.0
      │     └── postgres v0.10.2 (file:///Volumes/git/rust/rust-postgres) (*)
      └── serde_json v0.6.0 (*)

More options are available - see the output of cargo tree --help for details.