[][src]Crate cargo_task

Ultra-Lightweight Zero-Dependency Rust Cargo Task Runner.

  • Platform Agnostic - runs on any platform that cargo runs on.
  • Zero-Dependency - the task manager itself installs almost instantly.
  • Rust Task Logic - you can choose to inlude dependencies in your tasks.
  • Take a look at the .cargo-task in this repo for examples.

Quick Start - Installation

  • Install / Initialize cargo-task:
# Install the cargo-task cargo submodule:
cargo install cargo-task

# Initialize your rust repository with a .cargo-task directory:
cargo task ct-init

# Change to that directory:
cd .cargo-task

# Create a new task project:
cargo new --bin my-task
  • Edit .cargo-task/my-task/src/main.rs to look like:
This example is not tested
@ct-default@ true @@

// The content of this module is added by the cargo task builder.
// It contains helpers like the ct_* logging macros.
mod cargo_task_util;

fn main() {
    ct_info!("Hello World!");
  • Test it out:
# Return to your root directory:
cd ..

# Run 'cargo task':
cargo task

Quick Start - Command Line API

  • cargo help task - print out some cli help info.
  • cargo task ct-init - initialize a repository with a .cargo-task dir.
  • cargo task ct-meta - print out meta-information about configured tasks.
  • cargo task - execute any "default" tasks if configured.
  • cargo task [task-name] - execute a specific task (or list of tasks).

AtAt (@@) cargo-task metadata

  • The first @ must be the first character on a line!

  • Use double @@ to finish the setting.

  • @ct-default@ - set to true to make the task a default task.

@ct-default@ true @@
  • @ct-help@ - specify help text to be displayed next to your task on cargo help task
This is a description for a task.
One line or two lines is fine.
  • @ct-task-deps@ - whitespace delimited list of tasks that should be run before this one.
@ct-task-deps@ task1 task2 @@
  • @ct-dependencies@ - reserved for when we implement light-weight single-file tasks.



AtAt Encoded KV Parsing


Common cargo_task_util mod will be available to all tasks.



takes a result, if the result is error, runs ct_fatal!


format! style helper for printing out fatal messages.


format! style helper for printing out info messages.


format! style helper for printing out warn messages.



Main entrypoint for cargo-task binary.