cargo-sysroot 0.3.2

cargo-sysroot-0.3.2 is not a library.
Visit the last successful build: cargo-sysroot-0.8.1


A (dumb) tool to compile libcore and friends for no_std crates.

This is not a wrapper like cargo xbuild or xargo, this is a standalone tool you call once.


  • A nightly compiler.
  • The rust-src component must be installed for the active toolchain.
  • Your Cargo.toml file must contain, where target is a target specifiction json file.
    • A rust supported target may also work, but this is untested.

Example Cargo.toml

name = "My Project"
version = "0.1.0"
authors = ["Me <>"]

target = "my_custom_target.json" # This is relative to Cargo.toml

Getting Started

  • Run cargo install cargo-sysroot.
  • Run cargo sysroot in the working directory of your project.

This tool will generate a .cargo/config for you that looks something like this

target = "path/to/your/target/specification/json"
rustflags = [

The sysroot will be located at target/sysroot and the libcore target directory at target/sysroot/target. Multiple target specifictions are supported and will not conflict, and due to the way rust uses the sysroot your generated .cargo/config should not need to be changed, as the base path it uses is not target specific.

Note that this tool is currently quite stupid, so it won't attempt to do anything if that file already exists.

This will allow Cargo to properly build your project with the normal commands such as cargo build. You may wish to modify this file to make use of the target.$triple.runner key. See the Cargo Documentation for details. Note that the author experienced problems with the $triple variant not working, and you may experience better success with the cfg variant.

If you update your Rust nightly version you will need to run cargo-sysroot again. Note that doing this will cause cargo to detect that libcore has changed and rebuild your entire project.


  • Liballoc is currently unsupported.


Licensed under either of

at your option.


Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.