cargo-llvm-cov 0.1.0-alpha.3

A wrapper for source based code coverage (-Zinstrument-coverage).
cargo-llvm-cov-0.1.0-alpha.3 is not a library.
Visit the last successful build: cargo-llvm-cov-0.6.9

cargo-llvm-cov license rustc build status

[EXPERIMENTAL] A wrapper for source based code coverage (-Zinstrument-coverage, rust-lang/rust#79121).


cargo-llvm-cov currently requires llvm-tools-preview and rustfilt.

cargo install cargo-llvm-cov --version 0.1.0-alpha.3

cargo install rustfilt

rustup component add llvm-tools-preview

Alternatively, download compiled binaries from GitHub Releases.

cargo-llvm-cov relies on unstable compiler flags so it requires a nightly toolchain to be installed, though does not require nightly to be the default toolchain or the one with which cargo-llvm-cov itself is executed. If the default toolchain is one other than nightly, running cargo llvm-cov will find and use nightly anyway.


$ cargo llvm-cov --help
A wrapper for source based code coverage (-Zinstrument-coverage)

    cargo llvm-cov [OPTIONS] [-- <args>...]

            Export coverage data in "json" format (the report will be printed to stdout).

            This internally calls `llvm-cov export -format=text`. See <
            cov.html#llvm-cov-export> for more.
            Export coverage data in "lcov" format (the report will be printed to stdout).

            This internally calls `llvm-cov export -format=lcov`. See <
            cov.html#llvm-cov-export> for more.
            Export only summary information for each file in the coverage data.

            This flag can only be used together with either --json or --lcov.
            Generate coverage reports in “text” format (the report will be printed to stdout).

            This internally calls `llvm-cov show -format=text`. See <
            cov.html#llvm-cov-show> for more.
            Generate coverage reports in "html" format (the report will be generated in `target/llvm-cov` directory).

            This internally calls `llvm-cov show -format=html`. See <
            cov.html#llvm-cov-show> for more.
            Generate coverage reports in "html" format and open them in a browser after the operation

        --output-dir <output-dir>
            Specify a directory to write coverage reports into (default to `target/llvm-cov`).

            This flag can only be used together with --text, --html, or --open.
            Including doc tests (unstable)

            Test all packages in the workspace [aliases: all]

        --exclude <SPEC>...
            Exclude packages from the test

            Build artifacts in release mode, with optimizations

        --features <FEATURES>...
            Space or comma separated list of features to activate

            Activate all available features

            Do not activate the `default` feature

        --target <TRIPLE>
            Build for the target triple

        --manifest-path <PATH>
            Path to Cargo.toml

    -h, --help
            Prints help information

    -V, --version
            Prints version information

            Arguments for the test binary

By default, only the summary is displayed in the terminal.

cargo llvm-cov

With html report (the report will be generated to target/llvm-cov directory):

cargo llvm-cov --html
open target/llvm-cov/index.html


cargo llvm-cov --open

With plain text report (the report will be printed to stdout):

cargo llvm-cov --text | less -R

With json report (the report will be printed to stdout):

cargo llvm-cov --json

With lcov report (the report will be printed to stdout):

cargo llvm-cov --lcov

Known limitations

  • Branch coverage is not supported yet. See #8 and rust-lang/rust#79649 for more.
  • Support for doc tests is unstable and has known issues. See #2 and rust-lang/rust#79417 for more.
  • Binary crates (cargo run) are not supported yet. See #1 for more.
  • Procedural macros are not supported yet.

See also the coverage-related issues reported in rust-lang/rust.


Licensed under either of Apache License, Version 2.0 or MIT license at your option.

Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.