Crate cargo_lambda_interactive

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  • Trait and structs used by prompts to provide autocompletion features.
  • Definitions of inquire’s error handling
  • Type aliases and default implementations for functions called as formatters of a given input.
  • Utilities used to wrap user selections in Select and MultiSelect prompts.
  • Type aliases and default implementations for parsers called in prompts that need to parse user input, such as Confirm or CustomType.
  • General type aliases.
  • UI-related definitions for rendered content.
  • Traits and structs used by prompts to validate user input before returning the values to their callers.



  • Prompt to ask the user for simple yes/no questions, commonly known by asking the user displaying the (y/n) text.
  • Generic prompt suitable for when you need to parse the user input into a specific type, for example an f64 or a rust_decimal, maybe even an uuid.
  • Prompt suitable for when you need the user to select many options (including none if applicable) among a list of them.
  • Prompt meant for secretive text inputs.
  • Prompt suitable for when you need the user to select one option among many.
  • Standard text prompt that returns the user string input.



  • Mechanism to implement autocompletion features for text inputs. The Autocomplete trait has two provided methods: get_suggestions and get_completion.


Type Aliases§

  • Type alias to define errors that might be thrown by the library user on callbacks such as validators.