cargo-bullet 0.2.0

This is a configurable project generator

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# bullet

bullet is a project boilerplate generator

# install

## linux/unix/mac

1. install rust: curl -sSf | sh
2. install bullet: cargo install cargo-bullet
3. check version: cargo bullet --version

## windows

1. install rust: following [rust-lang]
2. install bullet: cargo install cargo-bullet
3. check version: cargo bullet --version

## install from source

1. install rust
2. git clone
3. cd bullet
4. cargo build --release
4. ./target/release/bullet.exe --version

# usage

cargo bullet --config=\<config_file\> --template=\<template_dir\> --out=\<out_dir\>

## config file example: build.toml

group = "example"
project = "test"
my_content = "This is my content"

## project structure example: templates/structure/structure.toml

project_structure = [
    {item_path="{{ }}.{{context.project }}",  item_file = "hello.txt", item_tmpl="hello.txt.tmpl", item_type="static"}

## project template example: templates/template/hello.txt.tmpl

hello {{ context.project }} {{ context.ext.my_content }}

## generate the project

cargo bullet -c build.toml -t templates -o output

# idea

when we develop a project, we always write many boilerplate code, config and etc.
so to save your life time.
1. create a project template.
2. config the project with yaml or json or toml.
3. generate the project

# For Template Developer

## Template Structure

root |-- structure/
     |-- |-- structure.toml 
     |-- template/
     |-- |-- hello.tmpl
     |-- |-- world.tmpl
     |-- bullet.toml

## Structrue File

1. project_structure is the root element
2. children element must have 4 fields: item_path, item_file, item_tmpl, item_type
3. item_path is the file path that you want to generate
4. item_file is the file name that you want to generate
5. item_tmpl is the template file located in template dir
6. item_type now support "static" and "dynamic"
### Static Structure
you can use context as the reference to bullet.toml properties  
for example:
``` text
item_path = "{{context.project}}.hello"
### Dynamic Structure
you can use context as the reference to bullet.toml properties,   
and you can use resource as the reference to bullet.toml's resource item
for example:
``` text
item_path = "{{context.project}}.hello" item_file = "{{resource.name_info.default_name}}"

## For All User

### bullet.toml example

group = "example"
project = "test"

content = "ext content"

name_info = {default_name = "hello"}
type_info = {}
ext = {}
fields = [
    {name_info = {default_name = "id", camel_name="id"},  type_info= {java="Long"}},
### bullet.toml root element

|ext|no|map\<string, string\>|
|resources|no|resource element|

### resource element

|name_info|yes|name element|
|type_info|yes|map\<string, string\>|
|ext|no|map\<string, string\>|
|fields|yes|field element|

### field element

|name_info|yes|name element|
|type_info|yes|map\<string, string\>|
|ext|no|map\<string, string\>|

### name element


# Supported Templates

## Java Spring

cargo bullet install --name=bullet-spring-java
cargo bullet create  --name=bullet-spring-java
cargo bullet build   --name=bullet-spring-java --output=out 