caper 0.2.1

Small game framework


Small game framework using rust and glium.


Example of a basis for a game:

extern crate caper;

use caper::types::{ RenderItem, Transform, PhysicsType, MaterialBuilder };
use caper::game::Game;
use caper::mesh::gen_cube;
use caper::imgui::Ui;
use caper::input::Key;

fn main() {
    // crate an instance of the game struct
    let mut game = Game::new();

    // define some items to be rendered
        RenderItem {
            vertices: gen_cube(),
            material: MaterialBuilder::default().build().unwrap(),
            instance_transforms: vec![
                Transform {
                    active: true,
                    pos: (-0.5, 0.0, -5.0),
                    rot: (0f32, 0f32, 0f32, 1f32),
                    scale: (1f32, 1f32, 1f32),
            active: true,
            physics_type: PhysicsType::None,

    loop {
        // run the engine update
        game.update(|ui:&Ui|{ });

        // update the first person inputs
        game.input.handle_fp_inputs(&mut game.cam_state);

        // quit
        if game.input.keys_down.contains(&Key::Escape) { break; }

Check out the examples and run with:

cargo run --example transforms
