[][src]Macro bytemuck::offset_of

macro_rules! offset_of {
    ($instance:expr, $Type:path, $field:tt) => { ... };

Find the offset in bytes of the given $field of $Type, using $instance as an already-initialized reference value.

This is similar to the macro from memoffset, however it's fully well defined even in current versions of Rust (and uses no unsafe code).

It does by using the $instance argument to get an already-initialized instance of $Type rather than trying to find a way access the fields of an uninitialized one without hitting soundness problems.

This means the API is more limited, but it's also sound even in rather extreme cases, like some of the examples.


  1. The offset is in bytes, and so you will likely have to cast your base pointers to *const u8/*mut u8 before getting field addresses.

  2. The offset values of repr(Rust) types are not stable, and may change wildly between releases of the compiler. Use repr(C) if you can.

  3. The value of the $instance parameter has no bearing on the output of this macro. It is just used to avoid soundness problems. The only requirement is that it be initialized. In particular, the value returned is not a field pointer, or anything like that.


Use with zeroable types

A common requirement in GPU apis is to specify the layout of vertices. These will generally be Zeroable (if not Pod), and are a good fit for offset_of!.

struct Vertex {
  pos: [f32; 2],
  uv: [u16; 2],
  color: [u8; 4],
unsafe impl Zeroable for Vertex {}

let pos = offset_of!(Zeroable::zeroed(), Vertex, pos);
let uv = offset_of!(Zeroable::zeroed(), Vertex, uv);
let color = offset_of!(Zeroable::zeroed(), Vertex, color);

assert_eq!(pos, 0);
assert_eq!(uv, 8);
assert_eq!(color, 12);

Use with other types

More esoteric uses are possible too, including with types generally not safe to bytemuck. Strings, Vecs, etc.

struct Foo {
  a: u8,
  b: &'static str,
  c: i32,

let a_offset = bytemuck::offset_of!(Default::default(), Foo, a);
let b_offset = bytemuck::offset_of!(Default::default(), Foo, b);
let c_offset = bytemuck::offset_of!(Default::default(), Foo, c);

assert_ne!(a_offset, b_offset);
assert_ne!(b_offset, c_offset);
// We can't check against hardcoded values for a repr(Rust) type,
// but prove to ourself this way.

let foo = Foo::default();
// Note: offsets are in bytes.
let as_bytes = &foo as *const _ as *const u8;

// we're using wrapping_offset here becasue it's not worth
// the unsafe block, but it would be valid to use `add` instead,
// as it cannot overflow.
assert_eq!(&foo.a as *const _ as usize, as_bytes.wrapping_add(a_offset) as usize);
assert_eq!(&foo.b as *const _ as usize, as_bytes.wrapping_add(b_offset) as usize);
assert_eq!(&foo.c as *const _ as usize, as_bytes.wrapping_add(c_offset) as usize);