Module bytemuck::allocation

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Stuff to boost things in the alloc crate.

  • You must enable the extern_crate_alloc feature of bytemuck or you will not be able to use this module! This is generally done by adding the feature to the dependency in Cargo.toml like so:

    bytemuck = { version = "VERSION_YOU_ARE_USING", features = ["extern_crate_alloc"]}


An extension trait for TransparentWrapper and alloc types.


As try_cast_arc, but unwraps for you.
As try_cast_box, but unwraps for you.
As try_cast_rc, but unwraps for you.
As try_cast_slice_arc, but unwraps for you.
As try_cast_slice_box, but unwraps for you.
As try_cast_slice_rc, but unwraps for you.
As try_cast_vec, but unwraps for you.
This “collects” a slice of pod data into a vec of a different pod type.
Attempts to cast the content type of a Arc.
Attempts to cast the content type of a Box.
Attempts to cast the content type of a Rc.
Attempts to cast the content type of a Arc<[T]>.
Attempts to cast the content type of a Box<[T]>.
Attempts to cast the content type of a Rc<[T]>.
Attempts to cast the content type of a Vec.
Allocates a Box<T> with all of the contents being zeroed out.
Allocates a Box<[T]> with all contents being zeroed out.
Allocates a Vec<T> of length and capacity exactly equal to length and all elements zeroed.
As try_zeroed_box, but unwraps for you.
As try_zeroed_slice_box, but unwraps for you.
As try_zeroed_vec but unwraps for you