[][src]Crate building_blocks_mesh

Algorithms for generating triangle meshes from:

  • height maps
  • signed distance fields
  • voxel occupancy grids

All of the algorithms are designed to be used with a ChunkMap, such that each chunk will have its own mesh. In order to update the mesh for a chunk, you must copy not only the chunk, but also some adjacent points, into an array before running the meshing algorithm.

An example of updating chunk meshes for a height map is shown below.

use building_blocks_core::prelude::*;
use building_blocks_storage::prelude::*;
use building_blocks_mesh::height_map::*;

use std::collections::HashSet;

let chunk_shape = PointN([16; 2]);
let mut map = ChunkMap2::new(chunk_shape, 0.0, (), FastLz4 { level: 10 });

// Mutate one or more of the chunks...
let mutated_chunk_keys = [PointN([0; 2]), PointN([16; 2])];

// For each mutated chunk, and any adjacent chunk, the mesh will need to be updated.
let mut chunk_keys_to_update: HashSet<Point2i> = HashSet::new();
let offsets = Point2i::moore_offsets();
for chunk_key in mutated_chunk_keys.into_iter() {
    for offset in offsets.iter() {
        chunk_keys_to_update.insert(*chunk_key + *offset * chunk_shape);

// Now we generate mesh vertices for each chunk.
let local_cache = LocalChunkCache::new();
let reader = ChunkMapReader2::new(&map, &local_cache);
for chunk_key in chunk_keys_to_update.into_iter() {
    // It's crucial that we pad the chunk so we have access to adjacent points during meshing.
    let padded_chunk_extent = padded_height_map_chunk_extent(
    let mut padded_chunk = Array2::fill(padded_chunk_extent, 0.0);
    copy_extent(&padded_chunk_extent, &reader, &mut padded_chunk);

    let mut hm_buffer = HeightMapMeshBuffer::default();
    triangulate_height_map(&padded_chunk, &padded_chunk_extent, &mut hm_buffer);
    // Do something with the mesh output...


pub use greedy_quads::greedy_quads;
pub use greedy_quads::padded_greedy_quads_chunk_extent;
pub use greedy_quads::pos_norm_tex_meshes_from_material_quads;
pub use greedy_quads::GreedyQuadsBuffer;
pub use greedy_quads::MaterialVoxel;
pub use greedy_quads::Quad;
pub use height_map::padded_height_map_chunk_extent;
pub use height_map::triangulate_height_map;
pub use height_map::Height;
pub use height_map::HeightMapMeshBuffer;
pub use surface_nets::padded_surface_nets_chunk_extent;
pub use surface_nets::surface_nets;
pub use surface_nets::SignedDistance;
pub use surface_nets::SurfaceNetsBuffer;



