Trait build_html::HtmlContainer[][src]

pub trait HtmlContainer: Html + Sized {
Show methods fn add_html(self, html: Box<dyn Html>) -> Self; fn add_container(self, container: Container) -> Self { ... }
fn add_table(self, table: Table) -> Self { ... }
fn add_header(self, level: u8, text: impl ToString) -> Self { ... }
fn add_header_attr<A, S>(
        level: u8,
        text: impl ToString,
        attr: A
    ) -> Self
        A: IntoIterator<Item = (S, S)>,
        S: ToString
, { ... }
fn add_image(self, src: impl ToString, alt: impl ToString) -> Self { ... }
fn add_image_attr<A, S>(
        src: impl ToString,
        alt: impl ToString,
        attr: A
    ) -> Self
        A: IntoIterator<Item = (S, S)>,
        S: ToString
, { ... }
fn add_link(self, href: impl ToString, text: impl ToString) -> Self { ... }
fn add_link_attr<A, S>(
        href: impl ToString,
        text: impl ToString,
        attr: A
    ) -> Self
        A: IntoIterator<Item = (S, S)>,
        S: ToString
, { ... }
fn add_paragraph(self, text: impl ToString) -> Self { ... }
fn add_paragraph_attr<A, S>(self, text: impl ToString, attr: A) -> Self
        A: IntoIterator<Item = (S, S)>,
        S: ToString
, { ... }
fn add_preformatted(self, text: impl ToString) -> Self { ... }
fn add_preformatted_attr<A, S>(self, text: impl ToString, attr: A) -> Self
        A: IntoIterator<Item = (S, S)>,
        S: ToString
, { ... }
fn add_raw(self, content: impl ToString) -> Self { ... }
Expand description

An HTML element that can contain other HTML elements

The vast majority of methods on this trait are defined generically, allowing any type (or combination of types) implementing ToString to be passed in. Thanks to monomorphization, this can happen without incurring any runtime cost. For example:

let addr = Ipv4Addr::new(127, 0, 0, 1);
let content = Container::default().add_paragraph(addr).to_html_string();
assert_eq!(content, "<div><p></p></div>")

Attributes can be passed in using any type that implements IntoIterator for 2-tuples of objects implementing ToString. That includes (as of Rust 1.53) arrays of &strs, which are very handy when content is known. For more dynamic attribute action, HashMaps can also be used.

let content = Container::default()
    .add_paragraph_attr("123", [("id", "paragraph"), ("class", "action")])
assert_eq!(content, r#"<div><p id="paragraph" class="action">123</p></div>"#)


This trait implements the majority of the specific “add x” methods, requiring implementors to add only one method: add_html()

Required methods

Adds the specified HTML element to this container

This method can be used as an escape hatch to insert arbitrary types into the HTML document, helping to make up for those types which are not supported natively by this library. This can be done by defining your own types that implement the Html trait.

If you need a simple one-off, it may be more convenient to insert the element as a raw string using add_raw method instead


struct Span {
    content: String

impl Span {
    pub fn new(content: impl ToString) -> Self {
        Span { content: content.to_string() }

impl Html for Span {
    fn to_html_string(&self) -> String {
        format!("<span>{}</span>", self.content)

let content = Container::default()
assert_eq!(content, "<div><span>inner</span></div>");

Provided methods

Nest the specified container within this container


let content = Container::default()
    .add_header(1, "Content Outside")
            .add_paragraph("Content Inside")

    "<div><h1>Content Outside</h1><main><p>Content Inside</p></main></div>"

Nest the specified Table within this container


let content = Container::default()
            [1, 2, 3],
            [4, 5, 6]
        .add_header_row(&['A', 'B', 'C'])


Adds a header tag with the designated level to this container


let content = Container::default()
    .add_header(1, "Header Text")

assert_eq!(content, r#"<div><h1>Header Text</h1></div>"#)

Adds a header tag with the designated level and attributes to this container.


let content = Container::default()
    .add_header_attr(1, "Header Text", std::iter::once(("id", "main-header")))

assert_eq!(content, r#"<div><h1 id="main-header">Header Text</h1></div>"#)

Adds an <img> tag to this container


let content = Container::default()
    .add_image("myimage.png", "a test image")

assert_eq!(content, r#"<div><img src="myimage.png" alt="a test image"></div>"#)

Adds an <img> tag with the specified attributes to this container


let mut attrs = BTreeMap::new();
attrs.insert("id", "sample-image");
let content = Container::default()
    .add_image_attr("myimage.png", "a test image", attrs)

    r#"<div><img src="myimage.png" alt="a test image" id="sample-image"></div>"#

Adds an <a> tag to this container


let content = Container::default()
    .add_link("", "Rust Homepage")

assert_eq!(content, r#"<div><a href="">Rust Homepage</a></div>"#)

Adds an <a> tag with the specified attributes to this container


let content = Container::default()
    .add_link_attr("", "Rust Homepage", [("class", "links")])

    r#"<div><a href="" class="links">Rust Homepage</a></div>"#

Adds a <p> tag element to this Container


let content = Container::default()
    .add_paragraph("This is sample paragraph text")

assert_eq!(content, r#"<div><p>This is sample paragraph text</p></div>"#)

Adds a <p> tag element with the specified attributes to this Container


let content = Container::default()
    .add_paragraph_attr("This is sample paragraph text", [("class", "text")])

assert_eq!(content, r#"<div><p class="text">This is sample paragraph text</p></div>"#)

Adds a <pre> tag element to this container


let content = Container::default()
    .add_preformatted("This | is   preformatted => text")

assert_eq!(content, r#"<div><pre>This | is   preformatted => text</pre></div>"#)

Adds a <pre> tag element with the specified attributes to this container


let content = Container::default()
    .add_preformatted_attr("This | is   preformatted => text", [("id", "code")])

assert_eq!(content, r#"<div><pre id="code">This | is   preformatted => text</pre></div>"#)

Add raw content to this container. The content is pasted directly into the HTML

This is intended to be used as an escape hatch for one-off insertions. If you want a more reusable escape hatch, consider writing your own type implementing the Html trait. You can then use add_html to insert boxed instances into the container. See the documentation for that method for examples.


let content = Container::default()
    .add_raw(r#"<video width="250"><source src="video.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>"#)

    r#"<div><video width="250"><source src="video.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video></div>"#
