[][src]Crate browser_window

Browser Window is a Rust crate that allows you to have and manipulate windows with browsers in them. You can use this to create GUI's based on HTML/CSS/JS, but you can also just open sites in them.

To start using Browser Window, you need to start it before anything else, and preferably on the main thread. To do this we use Application::start(), which gives you an application handle that can be used to create browser windows.

Your program might look like this:

use browser_window::*;

fn main() {
	let app = Application::start();

	BrowserWindowBuilder::new( Source::Url("https://www.duckduckgo.com/".to_owned()) )
	.spawn( &app, |browser| {
		browser.exec_js(" ... ");

For an example that uses Browser Window in an asynchronous context, see this example code.



A thread-unsafe handle to an application instance. Use this to start the application with.


A thread-safe application handle. This handle also allows you to dispatch code to be executed on the GUI thread.


An handle for this application. Can be seen as an interface for the Application and ApplicationAsync 'handles'.


A thread-unsafe handle to a browser window.


A thread-safe handle to a browser window. It allows you to dispatch code to the GUI thread.


Used to create a BrowserWindow instance.


A handle to a browser window. This can not be instantiated, but can be seen as an interface that is provided for by the BrowserWindow and BrowserWindowAsync 'handles'.



The type of content to display in a browser window

Type Definitions


The future that dispatches a closure onto the GUI thread


The future that dispatches a closure on the GUI thread used by BrowserWindowAsync.