Module broot::verb[][src]


utility functions to help handle the :focus internal


a temporary structure gathering selection and invocation parameters and able to generate an executable string from a verb’s execution pattern

Definition of how the user input should be interpreted to be executed in an external command.

A verb execution definition based on an internal

Definition of how the user input should be checked and maybe parsed to provide the arguments used for execution or description.

A value which is initialized on the first access.

A verb execution definition based on a sequence of commands

what makes a verb.

how a verb is described in the help screen

the verb and its arguments, making the invocation. When coming from parsing, the args is Some as soon as there’s a separator (i.e. it’s “” in “cp “)

Provide access to the verbs:


A pattern which can be expanded into an executable

how a verb must be executed


the group you find in invocation patterns and execution patterns
