bp7 0.3.4

Rust implementation of dtn bundle protocol 7 draft https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-dtn-bpbis-13


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Rust implementation of dtn bundle protocol 7 draft https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-dtn-bpbis-13

This library only handles encoding and decoding of bundles, not transmission or other processing of the data. A full daemon using this library can be found here: https://github.com/gh0st42/dtn7-rs

This code is not production ready!


A simple benchmark is shipped with the library. It (de)serializes Bundles with a primary block, bundle age block and a payload block with the contents (b"ABC"). This benchmark can be used to compare the rust implementation to the golang, python or java implementations.

cargo run --release --example benchmark
    Finished release [optimized] target(s) in 0.29s
     Running `target/release/examples/benchmark`
Creating 100000 bundles with CRC_NO: 	510059 bundles/second
Creating 100000 bundles with CRC_16: 	293399 bundles/second
Creating 100000 bundles with CRC_32: 	291399 bundles/second
Encoding 100000 bundles with CRC_NO: 	1090996 bundles/second
Encoding 100000 bundles with CRC_16: 	436836 bundles/second
Encoding 100000 bundles with CRC_32: 	432774 bundles/second
Loading 100000 bundles with CRC_NO: 	564817 bundles/second
Loading 100000 bundles with CRC_16: 	473768 bundles/second
Loading 100000 bundles with CRC_32: 	462013 bundles/second

These numbers were generated on a MBP 13" 2018 with i5 CPU and 16GB of ram.

bp7 helper tool

For debugging a small helper tool is shipped:

$ cargo install bp7
$ usage "bp7" <cmd> [args]
	 decode <hexstring>
	 dtntime [dtntimestamp] - prints current time as dtntimestamp or prints dtntime human readable
	 d2u [dtntimestamp] - converts dtntime to unixstimestamp
	 rnd - return a hexencoded random bundle
$ bp7 rnd

$ bp7 decode 9f8907000182016b6e6f6465332f696e626f7882016b6e6f6465332f696e626f7882016b6e6f6465332f696e626f78821a247966ba001ad693a4004225b686010000014341424342237186080100010042dbccff

[src/main.rs:17] &bndl = Bundle {
    primary: PrimaryBlock {
        version: 7,
        bundle_control_flags: 0,
        crc_type: 1,
        destination: Dtn(
        source: Dtn(
        report_to: Dtn(
        creation_timestamp: CreationTimestamp(
        lifetime: 3600000000,
        fragmentation_offset: 0,
        total_data_length: 0,
        crc: [
    canonicals: [
        CanonicalBlock {
            block_type: 1,
            block_number: 0,
            block_control_flags: 0,
            crc_type: 1,
            data: Data(
            crc: [
        CanonicalBlock {
            block_type: 8,
            block_number: 1,
            block_control_flags: 0,
            crc_type: 1,
            data: BundleAge(
            crc: [

The generated hex string can also be directly discplayed as raw cbor on the awesome cbor.me website, e.g. http://cbor.me/?bytes=9f8907000182016b6e6f6465332f696e626f7882016b6e6f6465332f696e626f7882016b6e6f6465332f696e626f78821a247966ba001ad693a4004225b686010000014341424342237186080100010042dbccff

wasm support

The library should build for wasm even though nothing useful is exported. The example benchmark can also be used in the browser through the cargo-web crate:

cargo web start --target wasm32-unknown-unknown --example benchmark --release

Results should be shown in the javascript console on

The performance is quite similar to the native performance:

Creating 100000 bundles with CRC_NO: 	214845 bundles/second
Creating 100000 bundles with CRC_16:    154404 bundles/second
Creating 100000 bundles with CRC_32: 	194764 bundles/second
Encoding 100000 bundles with CRC_NO: 	506611 bundles/second
Encoding 100000 bundles with CRC_16: 	708415 bundles/second
Encoding 100000 bundles with CRC_32: 	690297 bundles/second
Loading 100000 bundles with CRC_NO: 	411870 bundles/second
Loading 100000 bundles with CRC_16: 	390693 bundles/second
Loading 100000 bundles with CRC_32: 	394166 bundles/second
