[][src]Crate bookmarkt

A Netscape Bookmark File format parser.

The name is a subtile mélange between bookmark and book mart. It also works as a mashup with the english book and the german markt.

Quick start

In order to parse a bookmark file, you should use the Netscape struct.

use bookmarkt::Netscape;
use serde_json;
use std::path::Path;

let path = Path::new("./res/netscape.html");
let parsed = Netscape::from_file(path).unwrap();

assert_eq!(parsed.title, "Bookmarks");
assert_eq!(parsed.children.len(), 2);

The bookmarkt structures also support the import and export features.

use bookmarkt::Netscape;
use serde_json;
use std::path::Path;

let path = Path::new("./res/firefox.html");
let imported = Netscape::from_file(path).unwrap();
let exported = imported.to_html().unwrap();
let reimported = Netscape::from_html(&exported).unwrap();

assert_eq!(imported, reimported);


bookmarkt uses the following dependencies :

I really appreciate these works and I hope you appreciate them too ;).

I also took some ideas from these libraries :


Open a ticket on the bookmarkt tracker.



Implements the specification of the shortcut item.


Parses the item formated as a subfolder. By nature, the Folder are nested structures.


Implements the Netscape Bookmark File format.