[][src]Macro bolero::check

macro_rules! check {
    ($($tt:tt)*) => { ... };

Execute property checks for a given target


By default, input is a &[u8].

This mode is generally used when testing an implementation that handles raw bytes, e.g. a parser.

fn bytes_test() {
    bolero::check!().for_each(|input| {
        // implement checks here

Calling with_type::<Type>() will generate random values of Type to be tested. Type is required to implement generator::TypeGenerator in order to use this method.

This mode is used for testing an implementation that requires structured input.

fn type_generator_test() {
        .with_type::<(u8, u16)>()
        .for_each(|(a, b)| {
            // implement checks here

The function with_generator::<Generator>(generator) will use the provided Generator, which implements generator::ValueGenerator, to generate input values of type Generator::Output.

This mode is used for testing an implementation that requires structured input with specific constraints applied to the type. In the following example, we are only interested in generating two values, one being between 0 and 100, the other: 10 and 50.

fn value_generator_test() {
        .with_generator((0..100, 10..50))
        .for_each(|(a, b)| {
            // implement checks here

For compatibility purposes, bolero also supports the same interface as rust-fuzz/afl.rs. This usage has a few downsides:

  • The test cannot be configured
  • The test code will be contained inside a macro which can trip up some editors and IDEs.
fn compatibility_test() {
    bolero::check!(|input| {
        // implement checks here