Crate bnf [] [src]

bnf, a library for parsing Backus–Naur form context-free grammars

Inspired by the JavaScript library prettybnf

The code is available on Github

What does a parsable BNF grammar look like?

The following grammar from the Wikipedia page on Backus-Naur form exemplifies a compatible grammar. (*Note: parser allows for an optional ';' to indicate the end of a producion)

<postal-address> ::= <name-part> <street-address> <zip-part>

        <name-part> ::= <personal-part> <last-name> <opt-suffix-part> <EOL>
                    | <personal-part> <name-part>

    <personal-part> ::= <initial> "." | <first-name>

    <street-address> ::= <house-num> <street-name> <opt-apt-num> <EOL>

        <zip-part> ::= <town-name> "," <state-code> <ZIP-code> <EOL>

<opt-suffix-part> ::= "Sr." | "Jr." | <roman-numeral> | ""
    <opt-apt-num> ::= <apt-num> | ""


Take the following grammar for DNA sequences to be input to this library's parse function. text <dna> ::= <base> | <base> <dna>; <base> ::= "A" | "C" | "G" | "T"

The output is a Grammar object representing a tree that looks like this: text Grammar { productions: [ Production { lhs: Nonterminal( "dna" ), rhs: [ Expression { terms: [ Nonterminal( "base" ) ] }, Expression { terms: [ Nonterminal( "base" ), Nonterminal( "dna" ) ] } ] }, Production { lhs: Nonterminal( "base" ), rhs: [ Expression { terms: [ Terminal( "A" ) ] }, Expression { terms: [ Terminal( "C" ) ] }, Expression { terms: [ Terminal( "G" ) ] }, Expression { terms: [ Terminal( "T" ) ] } ] } ] }

Once the Grammar object is populated you can generate a random sentence from it by calling the object's generate function. grammar.generate(). For the above grammar you could expect something like "T" "TGGC" or "AG".

If the generate function can't find a production for a nonterminal it tries to evaluate it will produce the identifer as is, i.e. <identifier>.

The generate function will return an error if it detects an infinite loop caused by a production such as <PATTERN> ::= <PATTERN>.

Parse Example

extern crate bnf;
use bnf::Grammar;

fn main() {
    let input =
        "<postal-address> ::= <name-part> <street-address> <zip-part>

              <name-part> ::= <personal-part> <last-name> <opt-suffix-part> <EOL>
                            | <personal-part> <name-part>

          <personal-part> ::= <initial> \".\" | <first-name>

         <street-address> ::= <house-num> <street-name> <opt-apt-num> <EOL>

               <zip-part> ::= <town-name> \",\" <state-code> <ZIP-code> <EOL>

        <opt-suffix-part> ::= \"Sr.\" | \"Jr.\" | <roman-numeral> | \"\"
            <opt-apt-num> ::= <apt-num> | \"\"";

    let grammar = Grammar::from_str(input);
    match grammar {
        Ok(g) => println!("{:#?}", g),
        Err(e) => println!("Failed to make grammar from String: {}", e),

Generate Example

extern crate bnf;
use bnf::Grammar;
fn main() {
    let input =
        "<dna> ::= <base> | <base> <dna>
        <base> ::= \"A\" | \"C\" | \"G\" | \"T\"";
    let grammar = Grammar::from_str(input).unwrap();
    let sentence = grammar.generate();
    match sentence {
        Ok(s) => println!("random sentence: {}", s),
        Err(e) => println!("something went wrong: {}!", e)



An Expression is comprised of any number of Terms


A Grammar is comprised of any number of Productions


A Production is comprised of any number of Expressions



A Term can represent a Terminal or Nonterminal node