Crate blocking_pool[][src]

A thread pool for running synchronous I/O in asynchronous applications.

In asynchronous code, blocking the thread - that is calling some function which takes a long time to return - is a very bad idea. It will prevent all the other asynchronous tasks from running, and can cause all sorts of undesirable behaviour. However, sometimes blocking calls are needed; for example many libraries are not built with async, but you might want to use them in an async context. The solution is to have a thread pool where blocking code can be offloaded to, so that it doesn't block the main asynchronous threads.

In comparison with blocking, another crate that provides similar functionality, this crate uses a local thread pool instead of a global one. This allows for multiple thread pools to be created, and each one can be configured, allowing you to fine-tune your application for maximum speed. Also, this crate has support for spawning blocking functions that borrow from the outer scope, which is not possible in blocking.


Call std::fs::read_to_string from asynchronous code:

use blocking_pool::ThreadPool;

let pool = ThreadPool::new();
let filename = "file.txt";
let contents = pool.spawn_child(|| std::fs::read_to_string(&filename)).await?;
println!("The contents of {} is: {}", filename, contents);

Tasks and Children

Thread pools support two methods of running functions: tasks and children, spawned via spawn_task and spawn_child respectively. The most important difference is that tasks are required to live for 'static, whereas children can have any lifetime, allowing them to borrow from the outer scope. The trade-off is that children cannot be detached to run independently of the outer scope; once you start one, you must see it to completion straight after.

There are also a few smaller differences between the two:

  • Tasks are spawned immediately, whereas children require the returned Child to be polled before it is started.
  • JoinHandle will catch panics and return an Err if your function panicked. Child simply propagates them.
  • JoinHandle implements both Future and CompletionFuture, whereas Child only implements CompletionFuture.
  • JoinHandle is Unpin, whereas Child is !Unpin. This can make Child slightly harder to use.
  • Child has the type of the function being run as a generic parameter, whereas JoinHandle only has the output type of the function. This makes it difficult to store Child in structs, whereas JoinHandle can be stored easily.
  • JoinHandle has a mandatory heap allocation, whereas Child can be theoretically implemented without any heap allocations at all. Currently it still requires one due to temporary limitations in Rust.
  • Children are slightly faster than tasks due to less synchronization overhead needed.

If you need to detach the function so that it runs in the background, use a task - otherwise, use a child.



A builder for a thread pool.


A spawned child.


A handle to a spawned task.


A thread pool.